Jan. 23, 2014  






Presentation of the Lord


Feb. 2 




From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:



There are several transitions taking place in the Province:


Bro. Ray Kane (San Antonio) will spend the next few months at the Chaminade Community in Mineola, N.Y. He will join Fr. Paul Landolfi and assist with projects in the community and school.


Three brothers are returning permanently from the Region of Eastern Africa. Welcome back to all three men. We thank you for your many years of generous service in Africa. 


Fr. Mike, Bros. Tom and Bill 

Bro. Bill Schlosser has returned after 33 years of life and service there. Bill will begin a sabbatical period at the "Ministry to Ministers" program at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, followed by a reentry program in Denver with "From Mission to Mission." Later this year, he will attend the Third Age Marist-Marianist program in Manziana, Italy. Bill's community and ministry will be discerned at a later time.  


Bro. Tom Oster also will return to the Province in early April after many years in Lusaka and Kenya. After family visits, he will attend reentry programs and prepare for life and service with the Marianist community at Governor's Island in Ohio.   


Finally, Fr. Mike Nartker will return to the Province in May. His sabbatical time and new assignment are being determined.





Bro. Michael Ki MinYoung professed first vows Jan. 22 in Seoul, Korea. MinYoung was a novice in our Philippine novitiate until it closed last September. Congratulations to this young religious and best wishes for a fruitful and holy Marianist life.


The two Korean aspirants have been approved by the United States government to make application for a visa to enter this country to begin their formation. They must complete the online application and undergo the interview process in Seoul. Please pray that this goes smoothly. They will study the English language in Honolulu before joining the novitiate in Dayton.





Please remember the International Assembly of Lay Marianist Communities that will begin in Lima, Peru, on Jan. 26 and conclude on Feb. 2, feast of the Presentation of the Lord and special anniversary day for lay communities. We join them in prayer and support. When we remember our founders, let us pray for God's generous blessings on our entire religious family.





From Fr. Bill Meyer
My Dear Brothers:



The XXXVI General Chapter instituted the policy (Enliven the Fire #38c) that all Unit formation plans are to be submitted to the General Council for approval. We received word that our Province formation policies received unanimous approval and the commendation of the General Council during its Jan. 13 meeting in Rome. 


Special thanks and appreciation to our Province formation team: Bro. Tom Wendorf (director of vocations), Bro. Dennis Bautista (director of aspirants), Fr. Chris Wittmann (director of novices), Bro. Charles Johnson (assistant director of novices) and Fr. Oscar Vasquez (director of temporary professed). Thanks for their work in reviewing our formation policies and their skilled and generous ministry to our brothers in initial formation.





The following brothers have generously agreed to assist the Province in preparing for the 2015 Year of Consecrated Life announced by Pope Francis: Bro. Frank O'Donnell (chair), Bro. Michael Chuiri, Fr. Pat McDaid, Fr. Dave McGuigan, Fr. Bill Meyer, Bro. Tom Pieper, Fr. Jim Schimelpfening, Bro. Mike Sullivan, Fr. Jim Tobin, Bro. Jack Ventura and Bro. Tom Wendorf. 


This will be an extraordinary opportunity to celebrate the great gift of our Marianist religious life with the Marianist Family, our lay associates and colleagues in ministry, and to evangelize the good news of being a Marianist religious.





The following brothers will be members of a committee planning for a continuing formation Province Workshop on Celibate Sexuality scheduled for 2016: Bro. Charles Johnson (chair), Bro. David Betz, Fr. George Cerniglia, Fr. Tim Dwyer, Bro. Brandon Paluch and Bro. Dan Klco.





I was praying over an excerpt from a wonderful book, Through Him, With Him, In Him by Sr. Ruth Burrows, a Carmelite nun from Quidenham Monastery in Norfolk, England. Sr. Ruth has authored helpful books and articles on prayer and the spiritual life. In this excerpt she says:


"Faith in his coming does not grow of itself. We have to nourish our faith, exercise it ... We must run out to make Him welcome. We must ponder the sacred texts, try to discover their meaning, receive their message. There has to be effort in our daily living. We must climb the mountain heights where the God of Jacob makes His home, for we want Him to teach us how to love Him; we want to follow where He leads."


As we continue in this second "Renew" Year of our Province Renewal preparing for our workshops with Bro. Paul Michalenko, let us "make an effort in our daily living ... meeting him halfway ..." as we share our faith with each other and support one another in the unfolding of our daily life stories in community and ministry.



With fraternal affection,



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