Jan. 9, 2014  






Provincial Council Meeting


Jan. 9 - 11


Death of Venerable Ad�le  



Jan. 10


Baptism of the Lord


Jan. 12



From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:

The season of Epiphany gives us an opportunity to savor the mystery of the Incarnation and appreciate more deeply our Marianist vocation which draws much of its spirituality from the gift of God with us. I hope this holiday season has been a blessing for you and your communities.





On Jan. 22, three of our Indian brothers will be ordained to the priesthood: Chitti Babu Gunja, Chinnaiah Polishetty and Nittamaria Varaprasad. The ordination will take place in Bangalore and Bro. Francisco Gonz�lez will represent the Province. Please pray for these young Marianists as they embrace this priestly service for the District of India and the Church.




Fr. Pablo Rambaud, who served as director of novices and foundation superior in the Philippines for almost eight years, will travel to Dayton in a few weeks to take courses at the International Marian Research Institute (IMRI). This is a gift from the Province in recognition of his many years of generous service. He will live at the Chambers Street community. 




The brothers from India, Africa and Mexico are in their second week of leadership/development training in Dayton. They will return to St. Louis next week for a final week. They are getting a good dose of Midwestern winter!




From Jan. 18 - 23, the Provincial Council will visit Dayton area communities. Please keep this intention in your prayers. Unfortunately, I will not be present for the gathering on Jan. 23. I will meet with Archbishop Jos� Gomez in Los Angeles on Jan. 21 to discuss Marianist presence and service in the archdiocese. Thanks to the good work of Fr. Paul Marshall and the Marianists at the Lalanne House at University Park in LA, the new addition is completed. I am grateful to these brothers for their time, energy and determination.




Congratulations to Diane Guerra, Amy George Rush and the Office of Communications for the fine improvements to FamilyOnline, which will debut tomorrow. The new approach supports our efforts at more in-depth and focused reporting of events of interests within the Province and the living out of the Marianist charism.  




Let us pray for each other at the beginning of this new year, especially those who are ill. I ask for special prayers for Fr. Joseph Mary Marshall, who was diagnosed with a return of bone marrow cancer.


May we know the peace and joy of his holy season 




From Fr. Bill Meyer
My dear Brothers:

A happy and healthy New Year to one and all!




Although the novitiate is now in a temporary location, please continue to send all mail to the Mount Saint John address (4435 E. Patterson Road, Dayton OH 45430-1095). It's #26 in the Marianist Personnel. The community phone number remains the same.  




Many have asked where to obtain a copy of Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation. The easiest place to order is directly from the U.S. Bishops Conference for $13.95 (click on "Bookstore" and then "Apostolic Exhortation"). You also can download the document for free at the Vatican website (click "Apostolic Exhortations," then "English," then "Download PDF.") 


Consider using Pope Francis' vision and reflections of living a faith-filled life and ministerial involvement as a blueprint for setting community and ministerial goals -- especially the joy of witnessing Christ's presence in our midst.


Of particular note is Chapter Three: The Proclamation of the Gospel, especially the section on evangelization and the preaching of the homily. Very helpful for ordained and non-ordained alike.





Just before Christmas, Pope Francis accepted an invitation to attend a meeting of the Union of Superiors General in Rome. You can read an interesting summary of the meeting by Googling "WAKE UP THE WORLD!" Conversation with Pope Francis about the Religious Life. It was at the end of this meeting that the pope announced that 2015 would be dedicated to Consecrated Life. 


This is wonderful news for us as religious because it will be a practical opportunity to evangelize and celebrate who we are as Marianist religious. Shortly, we will announce a Province ad hoc committee to coordinate this year of evangelization, renewal and celebration.


With fraternal affection,



From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers:




Please send in your sixth month financial report for the community as soon as possible. If you have not forwarded community support, please do so. Thanks for the service you give the local community and the Province.


Another reminder: It is not too early to begin planning the community's budget for fiscal 2015.


If you have any question, please feel free to contact me.





The Department of Justice, Peace & Human Development of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has sent an "Action Alert" about the more than one million jobless Americans who have lost a vital source of support at the end of 2013 when Congress failed to extend the Emergency Unemployment program.


Here's how you can help:


Read more.







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