Dec. 19, 2013  






Blessed Christmas


Dec. 25


St. John, Apostle & Evangelist


Dec. 27


Mary, Holy Mother of God


Jan. 1



From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:

On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish you and your communities a grace-filled and blessed Christmas.  


May the New Year bring us a deeper sense of peace and joy in our Marianist vocation and a greater zeal to share the gift we have been given. Blessings in abundance!


We are proud to have four Indian brothers professing their perpetual vows in Ranchi later this month. Please keep these men in your prayers.  


I thought you might enjoy this photo of our West Pine staff at our Christmas party last week in St. Louis. We were joined by several brothers from India and Africa, and a good time was had by all.







From Bro. Kamis
Bro. Joe Kamis Dear Brothers:

Personnel News: Bro. Jim Vorndran, currently a member of the Maui Marianist Community, will move to the Cupertino Marianist Community in late February. We thank Jim for his years of service to the people of Maui and the Maui Marianist Community and welcome him to Cupertino.  




From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers:
 Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a coalition of faith-based and socially responsible investors, will begin a month-long campaign in January to urge 15 companies in the food-agricultural and hospitality sectors to implement policies that will prevent human rights abuses in their global supply chains.


The food-ag companies are ADM, ConAgra, Costco, Darden Restaurants, Kroger, Mondelez International, Target and Walmart; the hospitality companies are Choice, Delta, Hyatt, Starwood, US Airways, Wyndham and Southwest.  




Our Province was one of 500 organizational and individual signatories supporting the "Statement of Principles and Recommended Practices for Confronting Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery," which forms the basis of all our dialogues with companies on human rights issues. January is "Respect Life" month as well as "Human Trafficking Awareness" month.


Human trafficking refers to the use of force, fraud and/or coercion to enslave one human being for another's profit. This modern day slavery holds an estimated 20 million people captive and trapped by the bonds of violence and exploitation. Human trafficking pervades every country in the world and every state in the United States. Read ICCR's press release here.









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