Dec. 5, 2013  






Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Dec. 8


 Provincial Council Meeting


Dec. 9 - 11


Our Lady of Guadalupe


Dec. 12


From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:
I just returned from the first profession of Bro. Juan Pablo Espinoza Ch�vez in Quer�taro, Mexico. The profession was celebrated in the community chapel with 45 guests. Eucharist was followed by a lunch outside the chapel. An article about the profession will appear in the next issue of Family Online. My thanks to Bro. Ed Longbottom and the Mexican brothers for their kind hospitality and to Bro. Ralph Neumann who traveled to Quer�taro for the profession.


On Dec. 29, Feast of the Holy Family, four brothers in the District of India will profess perpetual vows in Ranchi: Bros. Kumaraswamy, Renny Markose, Anup Ranjan Kullu and Sudhir Kumar SorengFr. Paul Marshall will represent the Province at this happy event. Please pray for these brothers and the District of India as they prepare for this important commitment.





There is much news from Mexico: Zonal restructuring, a new educational ministry, and two important events next summer in Quer�taro. I've linked it below because of its length.







Fr. Jack McGrath has returned from India for two months and is living at the Chambers Community in Dayton. He will attend the meeting of the International Center for Marianist Formation in Philadelphia in mid-January. Fr. Kip Stander also will return to the Province in February for two months, mostly in San Antonio. Thanks to both men for what they are doing to support the growth of Marianist life in India.   





There have been many reports about the new Apostolic Exhortation, "Evangelii Gaudium," in response to the Synod on Evangelization. It is readable and profound, urging us to greater mercy, a witness of joy, and more effective care for the poor and vulnerable.




The pope also has called for a Year of Consecrated Life for 2015. The Office of Religious Life will take the lead on this as an excellent follow-up to our Spiritual Renewal. This opportunity can help us galvanize many energies in the Province for the deepening and promotion of the gift of consecrated life in the Church.




Eleven brothers from India, Africa and Mexico will take part in a leadership training/development program, organized by Allison Hewitt and Fr. Dave Paul from our Office of Development. The developing units want to establish development offices to pursue local support and grant opportunities. The program will run from Dec. 16 - 20 in St. Louis; from Jan. 6 - 10 in Dayton; and from January 13-17 in St. Louis. Events are planned in both cities so brothers in local communities can interact with them. Please welcome these brothers to the Province. Thanks to Allison and Dave for what looks like an excellent program.


The Provincial Council will visit the communities in San Antonio from Dec. 14 - 19. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. 




As we begin the season of Advent, let us pray for one another and especially our brothers who are sick and suffering. May we be a witness of joy and hope for them and for others.







From Fr. Bill Meyer

My dear Brothers:

We have begun the holy season of Advent. As we settle into these blessed days of celebrating the three comings of Christ -- in history, at the end of time and in our present day life -- this is an opportune time to visit or re-visit one of our missionary labors of love, our "Marianist Life Plan." The plan is a helpful preparation for our communal renewal efforts as we prepare for our regional workshops in the spring. 


For your convenience, I have attached two helpful documents. One is a letter from Fr. Andr� F�tis, assistant general for religious life, explaining the background and orientation of this personal and communal project. 


The second document is a proposal authored by Bro. Tom Wendorf for the Salve Community, which other communities are using. Feel free to send me your suggestions and adaptations to share with the Province. The Provincial Council looks forward to hearing about your experience with the "Marianist Life Plan" as we make our rounds for visitation.


Brothers, the central miracle which we celebrate at this time is the great Mystery of the Incarnation, which brings to mind the wonderful reflection of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:


By virtue of the Creation and, still more,

of the Incarnation,

nothing here below is profane

for those who know how to see.



This Advent God asks us in our life together, in our daily ministry, in the beautiful and challenging Advent Scriptures:  


"Do you know how to see? How to gaze with awe at the stars on a clear winter night? How to wonder at the complexity, the  

strength and the fragility of our lives and the lives of others?" 


None of these experiences are profane, but each has a profound sense of the sacred, making our life and world a sacred place. As we struggle to be alert and pay attention to our lives, desiring to meet the Christ, what better way than to encounter him in the personal reflection of our lives as his missionary, a brother to all his holy people.


Advent blessings!




 With fraternal affection,



From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers: 
Join Pope Francis in a
"Global Wave of Prayer"


On Tuesday, Dec. 10 at noon (universal local time), Pope Francis 

will launch a worldwide movement to respond to the needs of the poor and vulnerable by praying and acting to end hunger. We encourage you and your communities to join in prayer with the wider church and global communities this coming Tuesday.


from Bread for the World.



Anti-Bullying Initiative


West Pine people sport the T-Shirt! 


The Provincial Council approved a request for the Province to officially co-sponsor an important national initiative, 
"The Million T-Shirt March Against Bullying." Catholic
Social Teaching calls us to promote and protect the dignity of every human person, and this initiative supports our commitment to Gospel values, particularly for our young people.  


The next annual T-Shirt March will be May 1, 2014. As an official co-sponsor, the Province will receive a small percentage of the proceeds from the T-shirt sales. We encourage all institutions, especially our schools, to promote environments of dignity and respect.


We thank Bro. Don Neff for his passion and grassroots organizational efforts regarding anti-bullying. Without him, we would not have been exposed to this movement, nor had the opportunity to serve as a national sponsor.






From Bro. Kamis

Bro. Joe Kamis Dear Brothers:  
New to the PORTAL: An updated list of Province committees and task forces.

Personnel News: Bro. Steven O'Neil will move from the Chaminade Mineola Community to the Baltimore Community (Bros. O'Donnell and Trager and Fr. Kuhn) at the end of December as he transitions from his ministry at the United Nations to a sabbatical that will begin in early February.  





From the General Administration 








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