Oct. 10, 2013  







Our Lady of the Pillar


Oct. 12 


Provincial Council  Meetings


Oct. 12 -14


Marianist World Day of Prayer


Oct. 13



From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:

Many thanks to all of the community directors who traveled to San Jose for the Directors' Meeting this past weekend. Our time together was enriching. The presentations by Dr. Richard Johnson and Bro. Paul Bednarczyk prompted much thought and discussion. Of particular value was the keynote talk on "The Spirituality of Leadership" given by Fr. Steve TutasRead Fr. Steve's talk. His thoughts generated much reflection and became a point of reference throughout the weekend. A special thanks to Bro. Joe Kamis and Bro. Tom Redmond who took care of the logistical details. A big "thank you" to the Cupertino community for hosting the directors for prayer and dinner on Saturday evening.


The Provincial Council will meet in Dayton Oct. 12-14. Our agenda is full, including a meeting with Fr. Francis Chang and Fr. Dominic Park about the possibility of Korean novices coming to the Province for initial formation. I'd be grateful for your prayers for this meeting.


As we celebrate the Marianist World Day of Prayer this year, let's remember the members of the Marianist Family throughout the world. Let's pray, especially, for vocations to the Society of Mary and the Daughters of Mary. Let's also remember our brothers who are ill and the many people who are good to us.





From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers:

This Sunday, Oct. 13, is the annual Marianist World Day of Prayer, sponsored by the World Council of the Marianist Family. Let us be mindful of this day in our prayer and celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, praying with Marianist religious and laity around the world for those who suffer due to poverty, violence and war.


This year's day of prayer honors the Marianist history and presence in Japan, and the Chapel of the Bombed Madonna in Nagasaki, Japan.  


View the international website for more information.




The Urakami Cathedral in Nagasaki, Japan, which was destroyed by an atom bomb in 1945. Among the few salvageable items in the cathedral was the head of a wooden statue of Mary, the "Bombed Madonna."


With fraternal affection,




From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers: 

Bro. Steve O'Neil, the primary representative of "Marianists International," the Marianists' non-governmental organization (NGO) at the United Nations in New York City, will complete 10 years of service in late December 2013. He will take a sabbatical early next year to discern with the Provincial Council his future ministry. This announcement is being made jointly by me and Bro. Ed Violett, assistant for temporalities at the General Administration.


Bro. Steve O'Neil, Brian Reavey


Brian Reavey, Province assistant for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, will begin his work as the main representative for Marianists International, effective Jan. 1, 2014. Brian will continue his current position from St. Louis, traveling to New York City one week per month to sustain the NGO and U.N. work. He will spend 25 percent of his time coordinating the NGO in concert with the JPIC office priority, "global outreach & partnerships."


This reorganization allows the Marianists to continue their NGO status while increasing engagement with brothers and sponsored institutions internationally. This transition honors Bro. Steve's hard work and depth of relationships and networks at the U.N. The strong foundation he laid will allow the NGO to flourish for years to come. It provides a unique opportunity for Marianists to continue advancing justice on a global level.

"The Society of Mary and the Marianist Family are indebted to Steve for his decade of dedication in founding and developing the NGO," said Bro. Ed. "We look forward to our participation in this amazing endeavor under Brian's leadership."







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