Oct. 3, 2013  






Directors' Meeting


Oct. 3 - 6



Our Lady of the Rosary


Oct. 7





From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:
This past week, the final members of the community in Davao City left the Philippines. Fr. Pablo Rambaud will visit our communities in Honolulu before returning to Spain. Pablo also will do a mini-sabbatical at the International Marian Research Institute in Dayton as an expression of gratitude by the Province for his 10 years of generosity and leadership. Bro. Tim Phillips will visit his family in Cleveland before returning to Nairobi.
Bro. Oscar Kerketta has returned to India and Bro. Raimond Toppo will remain in the Philippines to complete a degree. Fr. Manolo Cort�s indicated Sept. 30 as the official closing of our presence in the Philippines. Although a bittersweet moment, we are deeply grateful to all who gave so generously of themselves for the last 10 years.
On a personnel note, Bro. Hugh Bihl, presently at the Meyer Hall Community in Dayton, will move to the Alumni Hall Community in Dayton in mid-October.



Province directors begin their meeting today at the Vallambrosa Retreat Center near Cupertino. Dr. Richard Johnson will discuss the transition from active ministry and active communities and the best ways to prepare for these transitions. Bro. Paul Bednarczyk will discuss vocation ministry and the importance of local efforts. Please pray for us during the coming days.



Bro. Francisco Gonz�lez is visiting communities in Quer�taro and
Puebla, Mexico. Family members of some Mexican brothers have been affected by the recent flooding.

Bro. Tom Giardino is preparing to depart for India and the Kairos III leadership training program he organized with the District Council for community and ministry leaders in the District of India. He also will moderate the District Chapter. I am grateful for these brothers and their generosity in support of our dependent units.



Once again, I request your prayers for a number of our brothers who are very sick in Dayton, San Antonio and Cupertino, as well as Bro. Mel Meyer in St. Louis. 


Bro. Mel Meyer is anointed at St. John Vianney
High School by Fr. Tim Kenney


Finally, Bro. Dave Quigley reports that all is calm in Melbourne these days as he and Bro. Bernard Hartman await court proceedings which should begin sometime in November. Your prayers for this intention are appreciated.


Blessings on our communities and the many good ministries we serve.





From Bro. Ed Brink

Dear Brothers:
A REMINDER: Earlier this year, the General Administration, responding to a request from the General Chapter, named a commission to explore the relationship between apostolic works and our religious communities.
Bro. Max Magnan, general assistant for education, has asked that each community reflect and offer responses from that commission.


Many of the commission's questions already have been under consideration in our Province. They were central to the process of our strategic planning (Vision 2020) and the Sponsorship Task Force. Province members have discussed these issues and given feedback.



Each community is asked to discuss the questions at a community meeting between now and Oct. 27. Please email your responses to Donna Tucker no later than Nov. 1 so the deadline can be met.
To prepare for your community conversation, please review Vision 2020 and the Sponsorship document endorsed by the Provincial Chapter in March 2013 on the Portal. Please note:


The reference to find the "Criteria for Sponsorship" is not clear.  You can find the Criteria for Sponsorship on page 12 of the document "Marianist Sponsorship - Support Documents."



From the Offices of Communications & Development
Dear Brothers:






You will receive the new 2013-2014 Personnel in a week or two. A reminder that it's also on the PORTAL. Thanks to Ann Mueller for her efforts. Email her with any questions.











Also on its way is the Fall/Winter issue of ALIVE magazine, which includes the 2012 Annual Report. Thanks to ALIVE editor Jan Dixon and Allison Hewitt and her team for the Annual Report.

Read the issue.

From the General Administration


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