Sept. 26, 2013  







Holy Guardian Angels


Oct. 2 


Directors' Meeting


Oct. 3




From Fr. Marty Solma
Dear Brothers:

I received word from Fr. Gabriel Kirangah, regional superior in Eastern Africa, that none of the Kenyan Marianists were involved in the terrorist attack by the Al-Qaeda-linked military group in Somalia. There is a horrible loss of life, and the final tally of dead and wounded is unknown. Let's pray for our Kenyan brothers and all those affected.



During the latter part of December and the beginning of January, brothers from developing units will take part in a program organized by Allison Hewitt, executive director of development, and Fr. Dave Paul, director of development for ministries in developing countries. 


This program will focus on issues of ministry leadership and development within their units, including grant writing and the development of local resources. The first week of the program will take place in St. Louis; the second week in Dayton; the final week (for those not in classes) in St. Louis. Many thanks to Allison and Dave for this excellent initiative.


Those attending include:


India - Bros. Jyoti Prakash Minj, Alex Toppo, Arokia Doss, and Saju Chittadiyil 

Eastern Africa - Bros. Chola Mulenga, Paul Kageche, Charles Kimeu and Fr. Callistus Jeje

Mexico - Bros. R�gulo Garc�a Hern�ndez, Gobi Torres Nazar�o and Esteban Reyes Dur�n
Congo - Bro. Blaise Mosengo




While in Dayton over the weekend for the 30th anniversary celebration for NACMS and the "In the Logos of Love" conference sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Catholic Studies, I visited Bro. Bob Wiethorn at Good Samaritan Hospital. He is on the mend and in good spirits. Let's continue to pray for Bob and all brothers in the Province who are ill.

From Bro. Ed Brink

Dear Brothers:

Earlier this year, the General Administration, responding to a request from the General Chapter, named a commission to explore the relationship between apostolic works and our religious communities. Bro. Max Magnan, general assistant for education, has asked that each community reflect and offer responses from that commission.


Many of the commission's questions already have been under consideration in our Province. They were central to the process of our strategic planning (Vision 2020) and the Sponsorship Task Force. Province members have discussed these issues and given feedback.



Each community is asked to discuss the questions at a community meeting between now and Oct. 27. Please email your responses to  Donna Tucker no later than Nov. 1 so the deadline can be met.
To prepare for your community conversation, please review Vision 2020 and the Sponsorship document endorsed by the Provincial Chapter in March 2013 on the Portal.

From Bro. Ed Brink

Dear Brothers:


Jim Adams, president of Chaminade College Preparatory in California, has announced his retirement effective at the end of this school year. I expressed to Jim my gratitude for his leadership and his commitment to our Marianist tradition of education. 


I've had the privilege of working with Jim in different capacities over the years. He is grateful for the support of the Marianists and the focus that our charism gives to the work of educating young people. Not only is he grateful, he is willing to voice his appreciation publicly and privately. Please join me in praying for Jim as he completes his work and in thanking him for his dedication and service. 


The school is assembling a search committee and the Marianists will have a representative on that committee. Dan Donnelly, director of the Office of Sponsorship, will be the point person with the school as the search committee is assembled. Look for additional information in the coming months.  


From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers:

On behalf of the University of Dayton's College of Arts & Sciences, we invite you to attend a "Human Rights Conference" Oct. 3 -5 at UD's River Campus.


The theme is "The Social Practice of Human Rights: Charting the Frontiers of Research and Advocacy," and it promises to be a unique opportunity to foster scholar-practitioner collaboration, interdisciplinary dialogue, and cultivate critical introspection of human rights advocacy. We think it will be a valuable experience for our brothers, sisters and members of the Marianist Family.


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