Sept. 12, 2013  







The Most Holy Name of Mary


Sept. 12 



Provincial Council Meeting


Sept. 15 - 17

St. Louis



Our Lady of Sorrows


Sept. 15



Blesseds Carlos Era�a, Fidel Fuidio,  

Jes�s Hita, martyrs


Sept. 18 


From Fr. Marty Solma
 The Most Holy Name of Mary
Dear Brothers:

The Sponsorship Commission met for the first time Aug. 23 - 25 in St. Louis.

There was great energy and enthusiasm as the commissioners planned their work for the year. Steve Neiheisel is chair of the commission. Bro. Ed Brink is the liaison with the Provincial Council, and Dan Donnelly is director of the Office of Sponsorship. The Commission is scheduled to meet with the Provincial Council in November.




Members of the Sponsorship Commission: above, Steve Neiheisel (chair), Bro. Bill Campbell and Marge Cavanaugh; below, Tim Fallon, Bro. Ed Brink (liaison to Provincial Council) and Dan Donnelly (director of the Office of Sponsorship)








The Provincial Council meets in St. Louis from Sunday through next Tuesday. We're grateful for your prayers.

There are many brothers in the Province who are very ill. I ask your special prayers for Bro. Mel Meyer, Fr. Jerry Pleva, Fr. Joe Stefanelli and Bro. Bob Wiethorn. These brother are shining examples of living by faith and hope, the fruit of a faithful consecrated life.






From Fr. Bill Meyer

Dear Brothers:

Name of St. Joseph in Eucharistic Prayers 

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments promulgated the decree instructs that the name of Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, should be i

St. Joseph and Jesus, sculpture by Joe Aspell

nserted into Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV. In 1962, Pope John XXIII had inserted the name of St. Joseph into the first Eucharistic Prayer (the Roman Canon), and now that work has been carried forward, initially by Pope Benedict XVI and now confirmed by Pope Francis.


Use the link below for more information from the USCCB and to get free self-adhering inserts for your altar missal:



Let us remember in prayer our brothers who are on sabbatical/renewal during this fall semester.


Ministry to Ministers Sabbatical Program, San Antonio

Bro. Bob Flaherty                         

Bro. Al Kuntemeier  

Bro. Charles Kimeu (Region of East Africa)


Marist Third Age Renewal Program, Manziana, Italy

Bro. Bob Juenemann

Fr. Pat Tonry (program chaplain)

Bro. Tom Trager


Short-term renewal/retreat programs 

Bro. Paul Bredestege 


From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers:

Calling for Peace in Syria 

The "Friends Committee on National Legislation," with the support of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (we're active members), led a coalition of 41 faith leaders of national Christian, Jewish, and Muslim organizations calling on Congress to oppose the proposed authorization for the use of military force in Syria. The signers also include leaders from Catholic, Evangelical, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Adventist, and Baptist traditions, in addition to leaders from the historic peace church traditions of the Quakers, Mennonites, and Church of the Brethren. Fr. Marty signed the letter, which has made national news, including on CNN.




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