Aug. 1, 2013  







Memorial of the Dedication of St. Mary Major


Aug. 5 



Dayton Jubilee


Aug. 10





From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:

Bro. Dennis Schmitz and I have concluded our visit to the community in Davao City, Philippines. Although brief, the visit was good and brought closure to our involvement in the Philippines.


Because this project began with such promise, this was a sad visit, but the positive expressions of gratitude from the current archbishop and the archbishop emeritus, the Marist Fathers and the people at Balay Pasilungan are ample testimony to the efforts of brothers over the past 10 years.  


The Marist Fathers will take possession of the novitiate building and have assumed responsibility for the street boys program. As we celebrated Fr. Pablo Rambaud's silver jubilee of profession, we reflected on the gift of Marianist life and the gift these past 10 years have been for the brothers. In God's own way, the good we have done here will bear fruit.

Fr. Pablo (center) with a plaque of gratitude from the people at Balay Pasilungan. Shown with Fr. Marty and Bros. Dennis Schmitz, Tim Phillips, Raymond Toppo and Oscar Kerketta are the Marist fathers and seminarians. Acknowledgement also was made of the contributions of Bro. Hugh Bihl, Bro. Peter Kiama and the late Bro. Richard Joyal.

From Bro. Ed Brink

Dear Brothers:


In May, I asked you to participate in a survey for the planning process of the North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS). We had a good response rate and your ideas were very helpful. We ask for your help again. 


Below is a link for a survey asking for feedback on components of the plan. Please take a few moments to complete the survey. The survey deadline is Friday, Aug. 16. Thank you!








Contact Carol Ramey with questions or call her at 937.429.2521.  


From Fr. Paul Marshall

Dear Brothers:

On behalf of the JPIC Office and our ongoing call to advance justice, we invite you to participate in two timely advocacy opportunities on behalf of our immigrant sisters and brothers.






The first comes to us from the Conference of Major Superiors of Men and the Interfaith Immigration Coalition: the "August Recess Toolkit." Now is a critical time to enact immigration reform because all U.S. representatives will be out of Washington from Aug. 3 - Sept. 6. 



Please let the representatives know what we expect from them after their recess to reunite separated families and create paths to citizenship. Assistance is needed to make calls, write letters, attend town hall meetings, preach and hold worship services focused on immigration, and pray for the reform hoped for by our Church. Access the Interfaith Immigration Coalition's August Recess Toolkit. 





The second is a sign-on that will take about three minutes. A recent group of immigrant "Dreamers" left the United States, crossed back over the border to turn themselves in, and now they're in a detention center. They need public support to move authorities to release them. Consider signing the petition to support the plight of the "Dream 9" and call for immediate action.



From the Facebook page of Bro. Tom Wendorf

Photos by Bro. Tom Wendorf in India. Above, Frs. Kip Stander and Jack McGrath in Bangalore; below, an oil lantern in a memorial to the late Fr. Joe Lackner, located in front of the school; and the newly redecorated chapel at Deepahalli 


Gratitude for the SMs!

Carol Dexter in the Office of Communications is the creative force behind our "Marianist Family" Facebook page. She recently asked viewers to express gratitude for the SMs in their life. You'll enjoy reading the responses!
P.S. To see The Marianist Family Facebook page, click on the " f " icon below. You do NOT have to have a Facebook page to view it, and you don't have to sign up for anything!


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Note: This publication is designed for brothers only, so I would ask you not to forward it. If you can't see the photos, click on the link at the top of this newsletter. Also, please print this out and share with brothers who do not use e-mail.