May 23, 2013






Province Retreat

Bergamo - Dayton


May 19 - 25


Mary, Help of Christians


May 25


Province Retreat

Tecaboca - Texas


May 26 - June 1



From Fr. Marty Solma

Dear Brothers:
The funeral for Bro. Richard Joyal (Province of Canada) is this Saturday, May 25, in Quebec. Bro. Joe Kamis will attend. Richard completed his formation in the United States and served in India and the Philippines for many years. He was closing the Foundation of Haiti when he was killed on April 25 in Port-au-Prince. Please join me in praying for Bro. Richard's eternal rest. 



From Bro. Ed Brink
Dear Brothers:


The North American Center for Marianist Studies has embarked on a strategic planning process for its future educational and formational efforts. Director Carol Ramey would like to have input from as many constituents as possible. Your feedback is critical.

Please complete their short survey. The deadline is May 30, 2013.



A reminder that when you're finished and hit "done," you can be assured that your responses have been received.


If you've already completed the survey after receiving a separate email, please ignore this request.


Contact Carol Ramey with questions or call her at 937.429.2521.  





From Fr. Paul Marshall

 Dear Brothers:


Our Province was one of 200 investment organizations, representing more than 1.5 trillion dollars in shareholder assets, that signed a letter calling for systemic change in response to the recent factory tragedies in Bangladesh.


The Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility, of which we are active members, organized the campaign to raise awareness and a strong call to action for industry leaders to implement lasting reforms that will ensure worker safety and welfare, and to adopt zero tolerance policies on global supply chain abuses.


The letter and sign-ons have received a lot of positive press, including this article in The New York Times.


Read the letter from ICCR and supporting organizations. 








Note: This publication is designed for brothers only, so I would ask you not to forward it. If you can't see the photos, click on the link at the top of this newsletter. Also, please print this out and share with brothers who do not use e-mail.