April 18, 2013






Provincial Council


April 18 - 20 


St. Louis Jubilee


April 27 



From Fr. Marty Solma




Dear Brothers




Ed Brink and I spent much of last week visiting the brothers in Ireland. Their hospitality was excellent. Ed visited the school and together we talked with each of the brothers. 


During the past year, the community has been talking about the future, vocation efforts, and the Marianist character of St. Laurence College. By June 2015, the community will downsize to smaller accommodations with an eye to a future base. We will monitor developments at the College, particularly enrollment, finances and expected leadership after next year.


Ed and I are grateful for the care and frankness of our brothers during this visit to Dublin.


George Kemmett


We have received from the Vatican George Kemmett's dispensation from his perpetual vows. George will return to Davao next week and will seek a teaching position at one of the area Catholic schools. Read a letter George asked that I share. We wish George God's blessings during the weeks ahead and express our gratitude for the life and mission he shared with us during the past 14 years.


Fr. Joe Lackner


As some members of the Province are aware, Fr. Joe Lackner had a medical emergency during his return trip from Bangalore, India, to Honolulu. He stopped in Seoul to visit the Marianists there en route to Hawai'i. While at the airport, he fainted, received immediate medical attention at the airport clinic, and was then taken to St. Mary's Hospital. 


While in the doctor's office, he suffered cardiac arrest and has been in intensive care since. Because of impaired kidney function, the hospital began dialysis. I have been in contact with Joe's sister, Helen, and we ask everyone for prayers that Joe recovers sufficiently to return to Honolulu. I will keep you informed as this unfolds.


Joseph Lynch


I am sad to inform members of the Province that Joseph Lynch has petitioned the Vatican for a dispensation from perpetual vows and laicization. The petition is with the General Council in Rome and will be submitted to the Vatican in the near future. I'm sure Joe would appreciate your prayerful remembrance of him as he takes this difficult and challenging step.


Fr. Tom Schroer


Fr. Tom has been assigned to the newly-formed Chambers Street community in Dayton, effective in early summer.


Fr. Gabriel Ng'ang'a Kirangah


I am very pleased about Fr. Gabriel's appointment as regional superior of the Region of Eastern Africa. His five-year term will begin May 23, 2013. Read the letter from Fr. Cort�s.


Fr. Fitz, Fr. Cort�s and Fr. Kirangah
East Africa


I will leave on May 1 for East Africa. I've been asked to direct two regional retreats, one in Kenya and one in Malawi, for the brothers of the Region of Eastern Africa. On May 28, I will travel to Bangalore, India, to direct a similar retreat for our brothers there. The second retreat for the District of India will be directed by Fr. George Cerniglia and Bro. Michael McAward. And, Bro. Tom Giardino and Mr. Savio Franco will conduct the second phase of the Kairos leadership program for regional directors of ministries and communities. Your prayerful remembrance of these events is greatly appreciated. During my absence, Bro. Joe Kamis will oversee the concerns of the Province.


Sponsorship Commission, Office of Sponsorship


During the next two weeks, the Provincial Council will make final decisions for membership on the Sponsorship Commission and for the director of the Office of Sponsorship. More information about these important choices will be available in early May.


We continue to savor the Easter spirit, a spirit of hope and joy and gratitude. May those sentiments suffuse our lives and ministries during these 50 days of Easter.


From Fr. Paul Marshall



Dear Brothers


It is my pleasure to announce the official launch of "Marianist Call to Advance Justice," a joint initiative of our Province Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office and the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative.


This exciting new program, available to the entire Marianist Family in the United States over the next 18 months, aims to help each faith community respond more fully to our call to justice. 



The program will take place within a two hour workshop, and it allows time for communities to affirm and reflect upon their responses to social injustice. The workshop also provides a discernment process for communities to get involved with opportunities of engagement that will build a more peaceful and just world.


Brian Reavey will contact SM community directors over the next few weeks, so please keep an eye out for materials via email and postal mail that will include details and sign-up instructions.


Thank you in advance for your community's participation with this worthwhile initiative.


Read an invitation letter to all brothers. 



From Bro. Ed Brink 




Dear Brothers


Joseph M. Conti has been named the third president of Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco, effective immediately. Mr. Conti has held this role on an interim basis since December 2012.


Joe has a long history of service to the school. He was appointed to the board of trustees in 2004, playing a

key leadership role in establishing the school's 

2005 capital campaign and overseeing the construction of new buildings made possible by the campaign. He was elected chairman of the board in 2010 and has focused on facilities planning, including the transformation of the Marianist residence into the Bro. John McCluskey, SM Residence Hall that houses students in the boarding program. Congratulations, Joe!


Kevin Asbra


Sadly, Kevin Asbra, principal of Riordan for the past six years, is not returning for the next academic year. "I could not be more proud to have served as principal of this fine school," Asbra said. "It did not take long to realize what a blessing it was to work with this community. Perhaps the most lasting impression of the past six years was having the opportunity to work with our young men. They are a dynamic bunch." 


We offer Kevin every good wish in his future work as an educator.






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