Notes from the
  Provincial Council


March 28, 2013






Good Friday

March 29



March 31 



From Fr. Marty Solma 





Dear Brothers


This week, we observe the events that shape the heart of our faith and our religious consecration. On behalf of the Provincial Council, I wish you a blessed Holy Week, a rich Triduum, and a graced Easter. You will be in our thoughts and prayers these days.




Just after Easter, Bro. Ed Brink and I will visit the community in Ireland to discuss the future with the brothers there. The month of April will hold the usual round of Council meetings and board meetings at St. Mary's University and Chaminade University. I will direct three retreats in May: two in Eastern Africa and one in Bangalore, India. Fr. George Cerniglia and Bro. Mike McAward will direct a retreat in India in June. 


Also in June, Bro. Tom Giardino and Savio Franco will lead the second part of the Kairos leadership program for community and ministry leaders in the District of India. Your prayerful remembrance of these events in the dependent units is appreciated.




There will be a number of personnel changes during the coming weeks:





Upon his return from India, Fr. Joe Lackner will join the Stonemill-Kiefaber community with ministry at the University of Dayton.






Bro. Peter Pontolillo has accepted the position of "assistant to the president for mission integration" at Chaminade-Madonna College Prep in Hollywood, Fla., and will soon move to his new community in South Florida.





Fr. Jim Schimelpfening will return from his three-year commitment in the District of Mexico and will serve as university chaplain at the University of Dayton. He will join the Alumni Hall community.




This past week, we have received an indult of separation for Fr. Terry Weik, allowing him to pursue incardination in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Again, we thank Terry for his shared life and ministry with us during the past 20 years and wish him God's blessings in his desire to serve the church in Philadelphia.







Happy news: At its recent meeting, the Provincial Council approved Mark Motz for first profession in the Society of Mary on May 18 in Dayton. We are happy for Mark and our Province.






At the same meeting, the Council approved five Indian novices for first profession in early May. Those approved for profession are:


Pratap Beck

Praveen Kumar Antony Cruz

Jerin Johny Pananthanam

Telesphore Soreng

Arockia Felix Raja Susainathan


Special thanks to Fr. Chris Wittmann, Bro. Charlie Johnson, Fr. Ignatius Arulappen and his formation team in Ranchi for their careful and diligent accompaniment of these young men in the initial stages of their religious vocations. Theirs is a most important ministry and the Province is deeply grateful for their care, generosity and religious spirit.




We received this week a letter from Fr. Manuel Cort�s ratifying our request to close the Marianist Foundation in the Philippines. This decision was long in the making and involved consultations with all parties involved. As requested by Fr. Cort�s, I want to express our sadness at this withdrawal and our appreciation for the brothers who were involved in the planning, founding and support for this initiative during the past 10 years.


Given personnel and formation challenges and a sense of our weak capacity to continue this initiative with the level of commitment and resources required, we reluctantly requested this closure by the General Administration. The novitiate will continue until November when the one Korean novice will return to the District of Korea for his first profession.


We are in negotiations with the Marist Fathers to assume responsibility for the Balay Pasilungan ministry and the possible purchase of the novitiate complex in Davao. Special gratitude to the brothers who will bring this mission to a close during the coming months: Fr. Pablo Rambaud (Spain), Bro. Tim Phillips (EA), Bro. Raimond Toppo (IN) and Bro. Oscar Kerketta (IN).




               In a flash, at a trumpet crash,

     I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and

     This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond,

         Is immortal diamond.                                          

                                                                            Gerard Manley Hopkins 



A blessed Easter!





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