Notes from the
  Provincial Council


March 14, 2013




Feast of St. Joseph
March 19
Provinclal Council Meeting
March 19 - 21
Spiritual Renewal Workshop
March 22 - 23

From Fr. Marty Solma 




Dear Brothers





I want to share highlights of the recently concluded Provincial Chapter. The days we spent at MRCC were full and the exchanges were helpful. Because of the results of the last Chapter election, the Chapter was smaller and younger than it's been since the beginning of the Province. The dynamics were good and everyone had an opportunity to share ideas.


The reports from the pre-Chapter meetings were helpful as the Chapter delegates addressed various issues. The area coordinators did a fine job coordinating this pre-Chapter work. It's a useful structure to engage more members of the Province in the work of the Chapter.


The reports from the Provincial administration formed a context for our days. These reports and reports from the dependent units are available on the Province PORTAL. Due to an internal delay, the three-year budget was not included in the pre-Chapter materials; this will be remedied in the future. Highlights from the reports include this year's area visitations, the progress of the Province Spiritual Renewal efforts, and the need to move towards a more patient-centered approach in our healthcare facilities.








From the Office of Communications


Dear Brothers:


Two things: Occasionally we have difficulties with computer programs we use for our newsletters. In the recent "Advancing Justice" newsletter, some brothers did not receive the photos (let me know if you want this issue with photos).


That glitch has been fixed. However, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] any time you have a problem. Often we don't have problems with our Province email, so we depend on you for updates.


Also, a reminder that we ask for your information, quotes and anecdotes about brothers who have died. This really helps make our obituaries more human and complete. Please email them to me as soon as possible after a brother's death.


Thank you,



Diane Guerra






Note: This publication is designed for brothers only, so I would ask you not to forward it. If you can't see the photos, click on the link at the top of this newsletter. Also, please print this out and share with brothers who do not use e-mail.