Notes from the
  Provincial Council


Feb. 21, 2013





Spiritual Renewal Workshop



Feb. 22 - 23 


LA Religious Education Congress


Feb. 22 - 24


Provincial Council


Feb. 25 - 26


Provincial Chapter

St. Louis


Feb. 28 -

March 4



From Fr. Marty Solma 




Dear Brothers





Ed Brink, Paul Marshall and I just completed a visitation to the communities in Honolulu. At the conclusion of our visit, we shared information about the Province and important themes from the General Chapter. Bill Meyer visited the community on Maui. The previous week we conducted a visitation of the San Antonio communities. On Feb. 9, the Council met with Province members under 60. These visits and meetings have given us a good sense of many communities and have prepared us for sharings at the Provincial Chapter.


The Chapter will meet Feb. 28 - March 4 in St. Louis. Because the sponsorship program will be central to the meeting, Bro. Max Magnan, general assistant for education, will join us. The dynamics and concerns that led to our sponsorship model are taking place in other units of the Society of Mary. Hearing our sponsorship discussions will help him and his recently created committee address the relationship with traditional institutional ministries. Welcome, Max!


Council members will begin a visit of the Dayton communities in mid-March, culminating in a general meeting of Dayton brothers on March 18.






Fr. Pablo Rambaud, coordinator for the Foundation of the Philippines and novice director, has informed us that Renato Alias (Renz) has withdrawn from the novitiate program. Two novices remain, both from the Region of Korea: Michael Ki and Joseph Lu. Please pray for these brothers and our efforts in this Foundation.






It is with sadness that I share this next bit of information. After two years of discernment and visits from the General Administration and the Provincial Administration, the District Council of India has asked to close the two Marianist communities in Nepal and to withdraw from the three educational institutions in Eastern Nepal. This request was supported by the Provincial Council.


 Fr. Manuel Cortes issued a formal decree of closure effective March 31, 2013. There are many reasons for this request: personnel issues, financial problems, difficulties with staff and parents, and a political environment which has sometimes been threatening. More deeply, the District is attempting to consolidate its ministries and to strengthen its communities in view of a clearer mission focus and mutual support.


This will be a cause of sadness for some brothers, especially those who began, supported, shepherded and contributed so much time and talent and energy for many years. We pray now for a responsible transition to the Bishop of Kathmandu and another entity that will run the schools. We pray for the safety of our brothers as they close down the Marianist presence in Nepal.




In my letter last month, I asked that each community find some means of "prayer and penance" during Lent in reparation for the pain inflicted on children by some members of the Church and our Province. I am gratified that so many communities have responded positively and in creative ways. My hope is that a similar day can be incorporated in each Province retreat. We remain mindful of the victims, vigilant in our own professional behavior, and watchful of any signs that call for fraternal intervention.




I have found two interesting and stimulating commentaries on the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. One is by Massimo Faggioli, assistant professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. The other is by Fr. Robert Barron, rector of Mundelein Seminary in Chicago and author of the new "Catholicism" series. We join the entire Church in praying for our Holy Father and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the choice of his successor.










Finally, I have just learned of the serious health decline of Bro. Joe Mariscalco at the Mercy Siena Center in Dayton. Let us keep him in our prayer this week as well as all brothers who are ill.


With daily prayers for all of you during this season of Lent.






World Council of the Marianist Family  



The World Council of the Marianist Family has released its "Report of the World Council of the Marianist Family for 2012" and "The Common Mission in the Marianist Family."


Read the annual report. 


Read the Common Mission report





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