Notes from the
  Provincial Council


Jan. 3, 2013






Jan. 10


Death of Venerable Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon 1828 





From Fr. Marty Solma 




Dear Brothers


I am in Rome taking part in the Extended General Council meeting. Usually, the chair of the zonal conference, Bro. Tom Cleary, would attend this meeting. However, since it involves a directive from the recent General Chapter concerning the re-structuring of zones, Tom felt that a member of the U.S. Province could speak more effectively to these issues. I also will accompany Fr. Andr� F�tis for the visitation to the Chaminade seminary community. 


On Jan. 12, two of our Indian brothers will be ordained deacons: Bro. Chittibabu Gunja and Bro. Chinnaiah Polishetti. Happily, both Bro. Augustus Surin, district superior, and I will be there to celebrate the ordinations. I return to St. Louis on Jan. 13.





There are many comings and goings at the beginning of the new year.





Bro. Savio Choi from the Region of Korea will enter the English language program at the University of Dayton and reside at the Trinity Avenue Community.

Savio will be in the Province for about a year. Welcome, Bro. Savio!








Bro. Larry McBride will arrive in the Province from Patna, India, at the beginning of February. Larry must be out of the country for at least two months due to visa requirements. This is also Larry's 50th jubilee, so he will be here to celebrate this important milestone in his Marianist life.






Fr. Jim Tobin has returned from the Third Age Marist-Marianist renewal program in Manziana, Italy, and will join his new community, Casa Maria, in San Antonio on Jan. 8. Jim will minister as chaplain for the Business School at St. Mary's University.





Savio and Hazel Franco, Lay Marianists from India, have arrived in Dayton where Savio will begin a doctoral program in Marianist Educational Leadership at the University of Dayton. Savio has worked closely with Bro. Tom Giardino on the leadership training sessions for the brothers in the District of India. Savio and Hazel will live in graduate student housing at UD and have been well supported by the Micah Community. We extend a very warm and happy welcome to Savio and Hazel.



Bro. Tom Spring has accepted an invitation to teach in the Chaminade University extension program on the Island of Chuuk in the South Pacific.

Tom will leave Honolulu on Jan. 9 and return on May 10. This is a wonderful expression of availability and apostolic commitment on Tom's part. His address will be: Vicariate Residence, P.O. Box 250, Weno, Chuuk, FM 96942. His

Chaminade University email remains the same. Good luck, Tom! 




Bro. Prakash Kujur from the District of India has been accepted into the Ministry to Ministers program at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. Prakash is in the midst of applying for a visa to enter the U.S. Prakash served the District of India for six years and is set for a period of renewal. We welcome this brother to the Province and wish him well during the time of his sabbatical.


Fr. Richard Loehrlein, a long-time African missionary, returned to the United States several weeks ago for medical attention in San Antonio. Richard, who became a canonical member of the Region of Eastern Africa in 2010, petitioned the superior general to transfer his formal membership back to the Province of the United States, and this has been approved. Richard says he will spend his days praying for the Region of Eastern Africa and our Province. 


I am sad to announce that Fr. Terry Weik has requested an indult from the Holy See to leave the Society of Mary and to begin a process of incardination into the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The formal process will take some time to complete, during which Terry retains formal membership in the Society of Mary. Terry has served the Province in various capacities during his 20+ years of profession. We wish Terry God's blessings for this new chapter in his life and express our gratitude to him for his presence and shared brotherhood with us.


Finally, please pray for the mother of Fr. Pragasam, former district superior of the District of India, who is very ill. We can assist Fr. Pragasam and his family by our prayers and fraternal support. Fr. Pragasam has completed a sabbatical year at the East Asian Pastoral Institute in Manila.


At the beginning of this New Year, I pray for God's blessings upon all of us, that we might know the peace of the Christmas Mystery and zeal for building a more just, peaceful and respectful world.




From the General Administration





Read the January 2013 issue. 







From Bro. Michael McAward, secretary general: "As noted in the most recent issue of Via Latina 22, because of a programming error, members of the SM who do not have an email address listed with the General Administration were inadvertently left off the listing in the back of the 2013 International Personnel. We have fixed the problem.


"We ask you to share this with anyone to whom you have distributed a copy of the book. Again, we offer sincere apologies for this omission, especially to those whose names are missing."



Print out the addendum. 




From Bro. Michael McAward, secretary general: "It has been brought to our attention that in the Three Offices #136 from the Office of Religious Life (Marianist Life Plan), section 2.3 was left out of the English translation. We sincerely apologize for this omission.

"Below is a link to the corrected copy. I ask your assistance in sharing this correction with members of your Unit and with whomever you may have already distributed the previous version. Thank you and, again, our apologies for the inconvenience."


Print out the corrected Three Offices. 








Note: This publication is designed for brothers only, so I would ask you not to forward it. If you can't see the photos, click on the link at the top of this newsletter. Also, please print this out and share with brothers who do not use e-mail.