Urban Ed is reaching out for funding support to help us continue to counter summer learning loss through the use of technology for disadvantaged children and teens in the District of Columbia.
We are providing our Lil Bitties TechnoCamp for children ages 5-7 a
nd/or in grades Kindergarten through 2nd Grade to help them learn computers and technology while also advancing them toward grade-level performance and increased motivation and excitement to learn.
Why does it matter?
Lonte was 5 years old when he started attending public school in southeast DC. According to Lonte's foster mother he was struggling with school, not eating regularly and could not read well at all.
When Urban Ed's summer staff had Lonte complete our Kindergarten readiness assessment, he could only complete 50% of the required grade level task and his attitude to learn came with much resistance and push back. However, because of our one-on-one approach and having a consistent caring teen to greet him with enthusiasm each day,
read with him, have lunch with him and sit with him at the computer to patiently learn new things, Lonte left our program scoring 78% on the assessment, could log onto the computer by himself, could read grade-level through first grade books on his own, and was eating all of his food each day. He displayed a positive attitude towards his teen mentor and Urban Ed staff being very respectful and following the rules. He was extremely excited to go to school for the upcoming year and was hopeful he could come back to Urban Ed next summer.
Unique to our program is that we empower teens to fully implement the program and be responsible for ensuring their Lil Bittie mentee like Lonte is successful during the summer. The teens are accountable for achieving a 25% improvement benchmark for each child. The twenty-five percent is equivalent to one letter grade and since providing our teens with this powerful leadership opportunity three years ago, 90% of them have reached the 25% goal.
We need your help to keep the program running and make that difference for children most in need like Lonte.
"One of my daughter's former classmates was in the program last year, and her mother said she loved it. She said great things about her experience, so I have been excited about signing her up all year long! I hope she will learn to use technology resources in meaningful ways. I also hope she is prepared for kindergarten. " - Parent seeking to enroll her child
The summer program will serve 35 youth. The total cost is $220 per youth per week for a total of $1,320 for the entire 6 weeks of camp. The cost of the camp for all 35 youth is $46,200 and we have secured $20,000 thanks to the DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation (CYITC) and need help raising the additional $26,200! You can sponsor one week, sponsor one child for all 6 weeks or make any donation to just help out.
Either way, please make a contribution to help us reach our goal and forever change the education level of a child. 2012 No Child Left Behind data shows that of the 15 elementary schools that serve our children in our part of the city in Anacostia, D.C., not a single one have proficient children in reading or math by fourth grade. Join us to stop the pattern.

Our Lil Bitties program was featured on WUSA-TV Channel 9's "Friday's Heroes!" Check it out on our website by clicking here - Lil Bitties in the News!