Great Sermon, Pastor
A few weeks ago I fell into a conversation with a friend who attends our church. "That was a great sermon you preached last Sabbath," he said. "You are a very gifted communicator. I have sat under the teaching of Robert Schuller at the Crystal Cathedral and Jack Hayford at the Church on the Way, and I've got to tell you - you're every bit as good as they are!"
Honestly, what am I supposed to do with a compliment like that? 
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How to Draw a Crowd
21 Ways to Increase Attendance at Your Next Event
By Celeste Ryan Blyden
Drawing a crowd doesn't begin the day you decide to have an event. It starts with building a foundation for effective communication with your members, publics and target audiences. Doing that work first is key and sets you up for long-term success. Consider these options, delegate responsibility and build from there. 
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Missional Prayer
By Pablo Gaiton
Prayer is a big part of our ministry - at least that's what our people think. They come to us and say, "Pastor, would you pray for me? Could you please pray about my finals, my work, my friend, my kids, etc.?"
If we are not careful, our prayers can take on a professional polish that lacks substance. If we let it happen, our prayers can become little more than a professional duty. What's more, our prayers can become so intertwined with our performance as pastors that our prayers have nothing more going for them than the desire to make us look good, appear better, and simulate success.
So what kind of stuff needs to go into our prayer ministry for others?
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Bermuda for Two Days?  
By John Grys 
This question was posed to Ivan Williams (Ministerial Director, NAD) by a passenger as he traveled to join John Grys (Associate Ministerial Director, NAD) in Bermuda, where they spent two days meeting with conference leadership and their pastors. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the relationship between NAD Ministerial and the local field, in this case, the Bermuda Conference. This conference is comprised of 11 churches and one company. The trip included intentional time to meet with conference leadership before and after the joint gathering of conference leadership and pastors.

Events, Resources, Announcements

The One Sentence Pastors Hate to Hear - What do you say when people indirectly criticize you?
Is There a Thief in Your Church? Has your church or school ever dealt with a case of fraud? Perhaps the financial statements just didn't add up. Unfortunately, fraud and embezzlement are two very real risks in church organizations.