Who are you Mentoring?

Research suggests 70 percent of small businesses receiving mentoring survive for five years or more, which is double the rate compared with non-mentored entrepreneurs, and they are 20 percent more likely to grow. We are engaged in the most crucial and eternal business of all, "Pouring into the life and ministry of those serving on the front lines of life and death," It is vital that each of us as leaders take time to develop those serving alongside of us. I encourage you to consider the "who" you can mentor.

         Mentoring doesn't have to be formalized, structured, or systematized. I am convinced, though, that the most valuable forms of mentoring are done intentionally. Being intentional may mean waiting for the right time (i.e. when the person is open) to share a truth or learning principle. Being intentional also involves the appropriate approach (i.e. understanding how the other person integrates new information, knowledge, and experience and matching the ap-proach to that style). God waited forty years before speaking directly to Moses (talk about hard headed) and he used an approach that connected with Moses' learning style - dramatic and kinesthetic.

         There are a plethora of references to the forms and definitions of mentoring. One writer said mentoring is like giving a special gift away that God has given you to share. One last observation about mentoring and it may be the most essential. A mentor has the mentee's best interests in mind. Applying that notion, a helpful mentor understands that any mentee could actually surpass him/her and the mentor is comfortable with that possibility. That's when leaders really develop leaders. Become more intentional in dropping nuggets and developing others, and as one blogger put it, "when it is done well, mentoring is a beautiful symbiotic relationship, mutually beneficial and shockingly effective."
Ps. Next month I will give a report and focus on internship and professional development.
Ivan L. Williams, Sr. 
Executive Summary:
NAD Ministerial Retreat Survey Results
Adventist Frontier Missions - April 2016
From the Adventist Learning Community as reported by John Grys
This report is a summary of the Pastoral Professional Development & Event survey given at the NAD Ministerial Leadership Retreat held at Adventist Frontier Missions in April 2016. Twenty-nine ministerial directors were surveyed representing a significant portion of this professional designation across the North American Division.  Read the Summary  
CalledLab - Why you can't afford to miss.
Tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. e.s.t.
We are delighted the Mid-America Union ministerial directors will be sharing best practices from their territory. We will also give updates on the committees we formed at our meeting in Berrien Springs, MI. and our meeting with the Religion and Theology Chair's/Dean's at the Union College. You don't want to miss it!
Register Now button for Best Practices Webinar

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Recommended Reads
"Resilence-Hard Won Wisdom for Living a Better Life" by Eric Greitens
In 2012, Eric Greitens unexpectedly heard from a former SEAL comrade, a brother-in-arms he hadn't seen in a decade. Zach Walker had been one of the toughest of the tough. But ever since he returned home from war to his young family in a small logging town, he'd been struggling. Without a sense of purpose, plagued by PTSD, and masking his pain with heavy drinking, he needed help. Zach and Eric started writing and talking nearly every day, as Eric set down his thoughts on what it takes to build resilience in our lives.

"Discovering Your Heart with the Flag Page - A simple and powerful way to truly understand yourself and others." by Mark Gungor
The Flag Page is an amazing tool to help you discover what is in your heart - who you are at your very best. Mark Gungor explains how to interpret and understand the colorful printout that is the Flag Pole. He shows you how to understand why you act and react the way you do, and what important needs you have in your life that are the keys to your success and happiness. The Flag Pole has helped thousands of people discover and understand not only who they are but also the people closest to them.