The Devil Wants to "Help" Your Church
It's a scenario we all wish was rarer. You're having a hard time filling your leadership positions in one of your churches. Everyone wants to help, but not lead. Few are willing to take you up on your offer to train them. Everyone is praying for leadership. Then, it seems that God just may be answering your prayer. You start hearing from your members about a person who's been attending your church who is definitely leadership material. You discover that this person is charismatic and certainly appears to be a committed Adventist. People are drawn to this person, who appears to be a natural leader. Your members ask for this person to be put into a leadership position, which happens. Read More 
Adventist Philanthropy . . .
in the Black
By Tim Allston
The Year of Championships
To many, 2008 was Oakwood's "year of championships"-
  • At midnight, January 1st, "Oakwood University" became its official designation;
  • In March, its men's basketball team won its first national title; and weeks later,
  • Its Honda Academic All-Stars bested 63 other Black colleges and universities, to win its first national academic championship.
More importantly, however, on May 9th, with several children, grandchildren and friends present, the Burks and Elline Holland Hall was dedicated - arguably Oakwood's first building naming opportunity from Black Adventist philanthropy.
Read More 
An Interview With Chad Stuart:
Internal and External Communication
Chad Stuart (CS)has been senior pastor at Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church for about a year. In this interview he sits down with David Kim (DK), associate pastor of the Spencerville Korean Church to get an idea of how this large institutional church communicates internally and externally. This is a transcript of that interview. Read More 
Write for Best Practices 
Every pastor brings their own set of unique, God-given gifts, perspectives, and success secrets to ministry. When we share what God is doing in our ministry, the ministry tide goes up for all us.
Best Practices is looking for articles on practical, effective ministry - The things you have learned on the job. The things that are working for you. The things that are a creating a high-impact in your churches. Writer guidelines: Keep it practical. Keep it short - One to two pages single spaced. Provide your picture and ministry title. Mail your submission to managing editor Dan Martella. 

Events, Resources, Announcements

inSpire 2016 Songwriting Awards - A few weeks ago, artists, musicians, songwriters, and other came together for a time of praise and sharing in Sacramento, California. Here are the winning songs.
Top 10 Church Faux Pas That Turn Off Millennials - The reality in the church world is that many pastors are in a different generation than the millennials they are trying to reach. That can sometimes create tension between generations. Here is a quick list of faux pas to help you steer clear of the big ones.