Bridging the Racial Divide
By EuGene Lewis
Maya Angelou writes, "We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color."
Recently, I attended a caucus meeting for African American leaders in the North American Division. I sat and listened to division, union, conference presidents and other African American leaders discuss the plight of the African-American work in the NAD.
There were questions that arose like, "What formula should the NAD adopt in distributing regional capitol reversion funds in light of the impact gentrification has had on Regional and Non Regional Conferences? What are the potential opportunities and risks associated with the overall strategic plan? And, how do we best develop and utilize our human capital within the Regional work?  Read More 
Three Questions for Elizabeth Talbot
By Lyle Arakaki
For a pastor, when he or she is studying Scripture and does not feel that burning heart or "Woo-hoo!" what advice would you have?
My advice is to make sure that you go deep enough in your study until you find the "Water of Life." If the "woo-hoo!" is not there, it is because we have not gone deep enough to understand how that particular doctrine or principle relates to the cross. Jesus said, "If I am lifted up, I will draw all men to Myself," So if there is no drawing happening, we have not lifted up Jesus. 
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Hope Heals
2016 NAD Prayer Initiative
By Don Jacobsen
This editorial was written by Don Jacobsen, NAD Prayer Ministries, for church members. We thought we would include it since pastors are the subject matter. Feel free to share this with your church family if you like.

If it sometimes seems as though your church is the devil's target, you can be sure that your pastor is the bull's eye. The enemy understands that the larger the tree that topples in the forest, the larger the circle of other trees that are taken down with it.

We've been talking here about establishing our churches as Houses of Prayer Everywhere, and it's up to the leader to make sure that happens. But not alone. Let me suggest a viable scenario. From your Board of Elders, three are chosen. One of them contacts the pastor and tells him/her that they would like to extend an invitation for a get-together. (Preferably not a breakfast meeting - too many distractions.)  Read More 
Stress and Emotional Health
By Neil Nedley
Dr. Neil Nedley is the president of Weimar Institute and a full-time practicing physician in Internal Medicine, with emphasis in gastroenterology, mental health, lifestyle medicine, and the difficult-to- diagnose patient.

Dr. Nedley is the author of Proof Positive, Depression: The Way Out, and The Lost Art of Thinking. He is also the founder and author of the widely acclaimed Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program. He has lectured and taught extensively around the globe on nutrition and lifestyle.

Dr. Nedley and his wife, Erica, have four sons: Joel, Allen, Nathan, and Justin.
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Events, Resources, Announcements

The Multi-Cultural Conundrum - Even multiracial congregations tend to have white cultural values. Can we continue to cultivate truer diversity in the body of Christ?
5 Signs It Is Time to Give Up With a Critic - Critics are worth listening to, and worth learning from. However, there will come times when you will need to move on.
32-Question Survey - Take a survey from Don James on small group ministries and enter your name for a fit-bit drawing.