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December 22, 2015 
Donna Jackson
Donna Jackson
NAD Ministerial Spouses 
Association Leader
From the pen 
of Donna Jackson... 
Friends, as 2015 is winding down, it's natural to reflect on all that we have experienced personally and in ministry during this year. Some of our families have endured shocking loss while others are celebrating new births and re-births. The convergence of over 5,000 NAD ministers and their families at the CALLED Convention this past summer, including over 1,300 spouses and over 600 children and youth at the CALLED Convention in Austin was cause for celebration for our NAD ministerial team.

But since many spouses were not able to attend these meetings, we are making all the spouse plenary talks available, for your (free) viewing at our website and below. Our speakers unpacked the CALLED theme for spouses within the framework of 1 Peter 5:10 ... the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you (ESV).  

In this Fresh Strength issue, two of these talks are being highlighted: Chaplain Adrienne Townsend-Benton,  who addressed being called to His eternal glory in Christ, and Dr. Jo Ann Davidson, who during a fine arts praise session, opened our eyes to God being the exquisite and consummate Creator and Lover of beauty and the One who confirms us in the various stages of our lives. To view the videos of the spouse's general session speakers, click on the titles below.

May God prosper you as you respond to His gracious call and may you have a blessed holiday season, 
CALLED Ministerial Convention 
General Session Spouses' Speakers
June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Austin, Texas

J. Nicolle Brise
Mark O'Ffill; Panel: Joanne Cortes, Michelle Pombo, Kylah Martin
Adrienne Townsend-Benton
Mike & Gayle Tucker/Bernie & Christina Anderson
Mark O'Ffill, Joanne Cortes, Michelle Pombo, Kylah Martin
Jerry & Janet Page
Jo Ann Davidson
Rebecca Pippert
Elizabeth Talbot
Randy & Anita Roberts
Elizabeth Talbot
Called to Eternal Glory!  
 Adrienne Townsend-Benton's message, 'Call to Glory' explains God's call from the backdrop of Isaiah 6 and 1 Peter 5:10. Chaplain Adrienne Townsend, MA, MDiv, was the first female full time chaplain with the Us Navy.
The Lover of Beauty

Jo Ann Davidson, PhD, explains God's profound love of beauty as illustrated by His Creation, poetry in Scripture, and His celebration of the beauty that He finds in His Creation including us! Dr. Jo Ann, PhD, a pastor's wife, was the first female teacher in the theology department of Andrews University Theological Seminary and has authored several books including Toward a Theology of Beauty: A Biblical Perspective, University Press of America. 
When Ministry Gets in the Way of Family    
Used by permission by Real Family Talk
You may be dedicated to your work, but could too much "good work" put a strain on your marriage and family life? 
Willie and Elaine and guests Roger and Kathy Hernandez discuss what happens when ministry gets in the way of marriage and family and how to find a healthy balance.  
Befriending Clergy Spouses of Other
Faith Communities

Debra C. Anderson, Capitol Hill Communications Director/Deputy Chief of Staff for U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah, talks with good friend, Paula Johnson, founder of Clergy Spouse Alliance, Regional Conferences, on how establishing friendships with clergy spouses of other faith communities has enriched her life's journey. Paula serves in the General Conference Ministerial Department in Silver Springs, Maryland. 
Holiday Outreach Ideas
The shepherdess Voice, Nov/Dec, 2014, Michigan Conference
Used by permission

A question was posed on our Shepherdess Facebook site: "What are your favorite ways of turning Christmas into an outreach?" Click here to see some of the responses we received. 
Understanding Male Ministerial Spouses
Mark O'Ffill, chaplain and teacher at Atholton Adventist Academy and husband to a woman clergy, is interviewed by Joanne Cortes on the topic of understanding and ministering to male ministerial spouses. Joanne Cortes, who is passionate about assisting her ministerial spouse, serves as the Defined Contribution Plan Specialist in the NAD Retirement Plan and a volunteer lay pastor at New Hope SDA Church in Fulton, Maryland.
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

José Cortes, Jr., Donna Jackson, Henry Juarez, Brenda Billingy, Dave Gemmell, Esther Knott, Ivan Williams, Mona Karst
In This Issue

Prayer and Praise
Download the following two pdfs
(click on each image)

Houses of Prayer Everywhere!

2016 NAD Prayer Calendar
Geli Family
Deborah and Tami Geli sing Whisper a Prayer in the Morning.

Last month Deborah was fatally struck by a falling tree and now awaits the call of her Lifegiver. Please pray for her mother, Tami, and father, John (Director of Life Talk Radio) and little brother, Caleb. We celebrate that God packed an unusual amount of joy, passion and spirituality into 'little Debbie.'

The recipes below are taken from
Meatless Easy-Oven Cookbook by Debi & Jim Pedersen, (c) 2003 Pacific Press Publishing Association.

Green-Bean Bundles

These basic vegetables are known by a number of names: green beans, snap beans, string beans, to name a few. They can be flat or round. But, during the holiday, if you can find them fresh, this recipe makes an impressive, delicious, and easy side dish.

  • 1 3/4 lb. fresh green beans
  • 2 yellow squash,
    1 1/2"  diameter
  • 1/4 c. olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 t. dried tarragon
Rinse green beans. Snap off stem end.

Cut squash into 8 slices 3/4" thick; hollow out to 1/4-inch of rind. Place 10 to 12 beans into each squash ring. Steam the bundles by bringing a little water to a boil in a large saucepan; place bundles in a steamer basket and place basket in pan; steam, covered, just until tender, about 12 to 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat oil. Cook and stir garlic and tarragon in hot oil until garlic is soft but not brown. Place bundles on serving plate and pour garlic oil on top. Serves 8

Note: If green beans are unavailable, substitute thin asparagus spears.

Fruit Soup
Variation on the Minute® Tapioca recipe

This delicious side will compliment your holiday menu, and the fact that it can be prepared ahead of time is a plus!

  • 3 T. Minute® Tapioca
  • 1/4 c. sugar
  • 2 1/2 c. water, divided
  • Dash of salt
  • 6 oz. (3/4 c.) frozen orange juice concentrate, undiluted
  • 5 c. assorted fruit pieces: cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple, berries, orange sections, grapes, banana, etc.
In a medium saucepan, combine tapioca, sugar, 1 cup water, and salt. Let stand 5 minutes. Bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. Take from heat; stir in orange juice concentrate and remaining water. Cool 15 minutes, then stir. Cover and chill (overnight is fine). When ready to serve, stir in cut-up fruits of your choice. Serves 8  

Note: The base makes 3 cups. The more fruit you add, the more people you can serve! Amount of fruit to serve 12:
  • 1 apple, unpeeled, diced
  • 2 c. grapes
  • 8 oz. chunk pineapple, each piece cut in half
  • 1 large banana, sliced
  • 1 lb. strawberries, quartered

Debi Pedersen, Trust Officer, Northern California Conference and co author of two vegetarian cookbooks.
Share health tips that work for you, like how you lost weight; healthy, quick, delicious recipes; depression busters, etc.
Flash Mob: The U.S. Air Force Band at the Smithsonian
This four-minute performance features an original arrangement of "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring/Joy to the World," led by the musician's commander and conductor, Col. Larry H. Lang.
Fresh Strength is published by the Ministerial Spouses Association of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan L. Williams; Editor: Donna Jackson; Editorial Assistant: Henry Juarez. Copyright 2015 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418