Turning Sermons into Articles
By Maylan Schurch

You've just finished preaching, and as you're shaking hands at the door, one of your members says, "Pastor, this morning's message spoke to my heart. You should get it published." Maybe I should, you think. But how would I go about it? Here are some suggestions:
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Dealing with the Downers,
Dissenters & Dissatisfied
By Roger Hernandez
Leaders want to take everyone with them to the next level. They want to inspire people to go beyond what is now. Since most of us want to be liked, we have a hard time processing resistance. We believe that reasonable people will see the light in the plan we are proposing and enthusiastically support it.

That is hardly ever the case. People are...human. Flawed, imperfect. Just like you! In every organization you will find the supporters, go-getters and on-boarders as well as the downers, dissenters and dissatisfied.

If you spend your time trying to get the last three on board, your train will never leave the station.

Here are three principles to remember when you deal with those three D's: 
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Three Questions for
Randy and Anita Roberts
By Tim Cross
What specifically have you done in your marriage to keep it alive and growing?

1. We are both deeply involved in the ministry of the church. The church has been our lives, we are both very engaged there. Prayer has been a huge part. When you pray for each other -your spouse, God works in your heart - this has been life changing.
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Called: Pranitha Fielder    
My call to ministry was intricately tied to my journey to know Christ. I was born in India, and lived there for a little over seven years. My mom, brother and I moved to America when I was seven and a half to join my dad who had been in the States for about two years. I was devastated to have to leave my grandfather who had played a big part in my young life. I was pretty angry about the move. It was all very different and I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere.
Anger became a part of my life. The first time I remember praying on my own free will, was when I was eight or nine years old. I had gotten into some argument with my parents, and I went into my room, slammed the door, and cursed God out the best an eight- or nine-year-old could.
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YOU Make it Possible to Restore
a (Hungry) Child for Halloween
By Norma Nashed
Americans will spend $7.4 Billion US Dollars this month on candy and costume for themselves and their dogs and cats. YOU can feed one child for .50 cents a day.
 The annual do fast event according to Isaiah 58 will start the second week in October during World Hunger Month.  You can feed and Restore a Child during Halloween by participating in the  do fast. The highlight of the event will be the actual fast on Sabbath, November 14, 2015 during World Orphans' weekend. We must be in the lead and not lag behind most evangelical churches who commemorate World Orphans Day in a big way every year. Watch the NEW 60-sec video produced by NAD Education.
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Events, Resources, Announcements

In 13 Weeks to Love, author and speaker Jennifer Jill Schwirzer shows how to live God's love and how doing so fulfills the purpose for which He created us. God is love and we, as His image bearers, possess the capacity for love.

Is Your Bulletin Guest-Friendly? The church bulletin is an incredible opportunity to put something in the hands of guests that, at least anecdotally, increases the chances they will return. While church members can benefit from it, the most effective use comes from those who are new to your church. Thom Rainer shares nine essentials for the church bulletin with the guest in mind.

The Visitor:  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come to your church - as a visitor? Hopefully it doesn't turn out like this. Use this as a discussion starter, or show it to your members to make everyone more aware of others.

It's All About People: Whether you are a pastor, local church leader, or member, it is critical that you be a warm, positive influence that beckons people into your circle of friendship and worship.