NAD Ministerial Convention - June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Austin, TX
Fresh Strength MSA
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March 27, 2015 
Donna Jackson
Donna Jackson
NAD Ministerial Spouses 
Association Leader

From the pen 

of Donna Jackson... 


Mukti grabbed my heart as she thrust her tiny hand up into mine. Within seconds her twin sister clutched my other hand and both clung tightly to me with a riveting, silent gaze as a nun toured me through the Sisters of Charity home in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

The nun explained, "We were notified by police that the twins - both deaf-mute - had been abandoned at the train station. They were very much trouble for the police but NO trouble for us." The clean, orderly home had another 94 people - from infants in cradles to elderly dying on cots. All were cared for by just two nuns who exhibited a calmness that defied my understanding. I was also moved that deafness and total rejection by their parents had not closed the little ones to searching for love.

This week I was moved by the amazing spirit of some other children - Iraqi Christian children who, though driven from their homes by ISIL, exhibited a calmness and largeness of spirit toward those that threatened their existence. Could it be that their parents have actualized what Mother Teresa said, "We must make our homes centers of compassion and forgive endlessly." I want that to be what I default to. Check out this you tube video and share what you think...

Children of Iraq


Convention Invitation Video 

The Ramirez sisters extend an invitation for you to join them at the CALLED Convention. Watch here
Imagine walking into a huge room - approximately 200 feet long and 150 feet wide - filled with over 1200 ministerial spouses from the tropical islands of Guam and Micronesia to Bermuda and from every province in Canada and every state in U.S.A. plus various other countries. Imagine the collective spiritual dynamo of praying in unity together to our magnificent God Who invites us to seek Him!
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Childrens' Program

Regular Rate registration ends on March 31st

Click each image to enlarge.
Janet Page discusses devotional time with God and prayer journaling.
Click image to watch.


PK Heidi Dart's Letter to Her Father    


 PK Heidi Dart with her Pastor Mom, Lee Lee Dart


Dear Dad (Jed Dart),


Tomorrow, the 29th, is your wife's birthday. Why am I writing this birthday message to you? Not only to remind you that your wife's birthday is tomorrow, but also because mom kinda loves you and I want the best for her. I'm kind of jealous that she claims that you are her best friend, I mean what am I, chopped liver? Since you are her husband you have to write a better birthday letter to her then I, her daughter. Make sure to let her know these things in wishing your wife a happy birthday, but instead of saying them in daughter terms, translate them in husband terms:


1. Mom, you are my parent (duh!), but you are more than that. You are a parent who truly cares, and that is very rare these days. When I am in a jam, something is on my mind or I have exciting news, I don't hesitate to call, because I know I can tell you anything, good or bad. You will help me with the bad and celebrate with me in the good. You're my best old, but still pretty young, best friend.

Translation: Tell her "I'm glad I can tell you about tools, and you'll listen." Read More 

A Sermon in Shoes
by Audrey Weir-Graham,  Pacific Union Conference Leader of Ministerial Spouses Association


One of the songs that was indelibly impressed upon my memory as a child growing up as a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist who regularly attended Sabbath School, is "A Sermon in Shoes". Some of you may recall it, too. Went something like this....


   "Do you know, oh, Christian you're a sermon in shoes?

 Do you know, oh, Christian, you're a sermon in shoes.
   Jesus is counting upon you, to spread the gospel news,
   So walk it , and talk it, a sermon in shoes."     


For the last 23 years, I have been employed in public school as a high school history teacher. Yes, I once taught in our church school system, too. My last stint was 30 years ago, when Ricardo and I pastored in Battle Creek, Michigan, and I had the privilege of being the first female Bible teacher at Battle Creek Academy. However, when we moved to California, I chose to be a stay-at-home mom for seven years to care for our children, Jessica and Jonathan. A precious time, for which I am ever so grateful. When they got of age to attend church school, there was no opening at our local academy. I prayed and then applied to teach in the public school district in the city that we lived. Read More 


Upper Columbia Pastoral Spouse Retreat
by Patti Hoover 


Thirty ministerial spouses traveled from three states to the Upper Columbia Conference Pastoral Spouse Retreat on the first weekend of March. This annual retreat is a time for the pastoral spouses to be reminded how much they are valued and to provide a few days of relaxation, inspiration and fellowship. The weekend expenses were completely covered by the conference including meals and a nearby hotel.


On Friday evening ministerial spouses, tired from the drive and their week's work, arrived at the conference office meeting rooms. Treat bags including water, nuts/trail mix, fresh fruit, granola bars and breakfast muffins were left in each of the hotel rooms with a note welcoming each attendee by name. Intentional planning to help with rest and rejuvenation included time for visiting, walking, and just relaxing in addition to no early meetings. A sunny Sabbath afternoon gave the opportunity for those who wanted to take a walk in a nearby garden. Read More 


In This Issue

Prayer and Praise
Download the following
two free ebooks
(click on each book)

Praying for Rain - A Mini-Handbook for United Prayer (available in 16 languages)

Communion with God: A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer
Special Prayer Requests

Please pray for the health of Gerry Chudleigh, Pastor Ron Halvorsen, Sr., Warren Judd, young Edward DeVasher and James Wright. 

  Exercise Tips 
Christine Wallace - Certified Personal Trainer from Ontario, Canada, gives office workout tips:  


Share health tips that work for you, like how you lost weight; healthy, quick, delicious recipes; depression busters, etc. 

Compassion Hymn
Keith & Kristlyn Getty

The Broken Ones
  Lauren Talley
Fresh Strength is published by the Ministerial Spouses Association of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan L. Williams; Editor: Donna Jackson; Editorial Assistant: Henry Juarez. Copyright 2015 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418