NAD Ministerial Convention - June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Austin, TX
Fresh Strength MSA
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January 22, 2015 
Donna Jackson
Donna Jackson
NAD Ministerial Spouses 
Association Leader

From the pen 

of Donna Jackson... 


Friends, have you registered for the June 28-July 1, 2015 NAD Pastors' Family Convention in Austin yet? If not, there's still nine more days to catch the early bird registration discount!  


We've planned a highly interactive program to connect and inspire spouses.  

For instance, general sessions will feature:

  • Short, inspiring presentations followed by group discussion
  • A ministries expo of about 35 activity centers 
  • fine arts program featuring music, painting, drama and testimonies  


As well, there will be wide array of interesting seminars for spouses to attend - twenty which are just targeting spouses and many more for pastors and spouses.

Male spouses
We're extending a special invitation to male spouses of ministers and are working through our male spouse committee to ensure an inclusive program. Some of the ways in which we plan to achieve that includes male spouse seminars, a male co-host at all spouse general sessions, and two fun, off-site activities such as indoor skydiving: , canoe/kayak boating: or go-cart racing. We welcome your feedback on this.




Children & Youth Programs
Our NAD Children's Ministries and Youth Directors are planning top-notch programs for children ages 3 - 12 and for teens ages 13-17. This may be the first time your child has a chance to interact with other PKs, exploring unique topics in interactive ways. To learn more about the Youth program read Elder James Black's article in this newsletter.

Children under 3
We will be providing a small area at the back of the spouses general session meeting room for parents with children under three years of age. No supervision or programing will be provided for this age group In order to ensure a positive experience for all spouse attendees, parents must ensure that their children play quietly or are taken out of the room.


To register and check out the spouse presenters go to and click on Programming; then scroll down to Spouses. The password 'pastor' is needed to access speaker's bios and seminar information.

Friends, if you haven't registered yet, why not do it today? I hope to see you there!


Convention Promotional Videos    

Patti Hoover shares why she is excited about the CALLED Convention. Watch here   


Ivan and Kathleen Williams extend an invitation for you to join them at the CALLED Convention. Watch here 


NAD Pastors Kids Congress


The NAD Youth Ministries office is honored to partner with the  NAD Ministerial office to host the Pastors Kids Congress June 28-July 1 in Austin, TX. We consider this first division-wide congress an opportunity to Inspire, Challenge and Encourage PKs for God's kingdom. This will not just be another event but an experience that could affect your teens life in a significant way. In order to meet this goal, the congress will include the following components: Read More
Early bird registration has been extended
to January 31, 2015

Click each image to enlarge.
by Elouise Hawkes

I love Savoonga and the cool crisp mornings of the spring and fall. I love the mild mornings (40 F) of summer.  I love walking along the shoreline and listening to the ocean, specially when the wind is strong and the waves rumble and crash, each wave with its own identity. I love the simple life and the unity within the village. I even love the snow. I enjoy going outside on a nice afternoon and trudging along in the snow watching the sun glistening like diamonds across the crusted areas where there are not yet footprints or snow machine tracks. Most of all, I love the people. Everyone helps each other; they take care of each other in the hardest times as well as the easier times. They help take care of us. Daily life in Savoonga can be difficult, so you must always plan ahead.  Read More   


Elouise and her husband, Bill, are a volunteer pastoral couple in Savoonga, Alaska an Eskimo village on an island in the Bering Sea that is closer to Siberia than to mainland USA.


Travel with the Alaskan Conference President, Pastor Ken Crawford (husband of Colleen Crawford), on a tour of Savoonga and Gambell villages in Alaska along with two other pastors. Watch here
Balancing Church & Family Expectations  
During a Ministry in Motion interview by Dr. Anthony Kent, Drs. Claudio & Pamela Consuegra provide practical ways to balance church expectations and the needs of your family.  

Southern Union Ministerial Spouses Advisory Council Minister in Guam  

This past July, the Southern Union Conference (SUC) Ministerial Spouses Advisory Council traveled to Guam-Micronesia Mis- sion (GMM) for a week of sharing, fellowship, ideas, service, and ministry. The advisory council is made up of the four SUC officers' spouses and the eight con- ference presidents' spouses. Nine of the 12 spouses were able to take part in the trip. GMM recently became part of the North American Division, so the purpose of the trip was to welcome and encourage the newest mission members, according to Yolanda Smith, advisory coordinator.
Download the pdf from the Southern Union News  

In This Issue
Are You Coming to the CALLED Convention?
Life in Savoonga
Balancing Church & Family Expectations
Southern Union Ministerial Spouses Advisory Council Minister in Guam

Prayer and Praise
Download the following
two free ebooks
(click on each book)

Praying for Rain - A Mini-Handbook for United Prayer (available in 16 languages)

Communion with God: A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer
Special Prayer Requests

Please pray for the health of Gerry Chudleigh, Pastor Ron Halvorsen, Sr., Warren Judd, young Edward DeVasher and James Wright. 

2 Health Tech Gadgets


There are lots of health tech gadgets to help you change how you move, sleep and eat - even some that have built in coaching instructions for your activiites. (There's also some free online pedometers.) Here are just two:

Fitbit - variety of activity trackers and pedometers ranging from $60 - $350. Some also track heart rate and monitor sleep cycle

Lumo Lift - Tracks posture, steps, distance, and calories burned; vibrates gently whenever you slouch reminding you to sit and stand taller. ($99.99 - though has some new for $80)


Share health tips that work for you, like how you lost weight; healthy, quick, delicious recipes; depression busters, etc. 

Double Trouble:
Elephant Bathing

Fresh Strength is published by the Ministerial Spouses Association of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan L. Williams; Editor: Donna Jackson; Editorial Assistant: Henry Juarez. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418