NAD Ministerial Convention - June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Austin, TX
Fresh Strength MSA
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December 31, 2014 
Donna Jackson
Donna Jackson
NAD Ministerial Spouses 
Association Leader

From the pen 

of Donna Jackson... 



Thank you for all that you gave of yourself during this past year to spread God's love within our division.  As we bid adieu to 2014, my prayer is that you will grasp God's plan throughout 2015 to prosper you (Jer. 29:11) in body, mind and spirit.  Thus, in this issue, we offer a menu of topics from which you will hopefully find something of interest and of practical benefit.  May God breathe His blessing into your whole being as you journey through this issue and throughout 2015.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers.  ~ 3 John 1:2 (NKJV)

Pray One Million   


What would happen if every Seventh-day Adventist in North America would spend just a few minutes each day - or maybe just one minute each day - praying for one specific person...a neighbor, a colleague, someone special that God lays on your heart? What if even half of our members would catch that vision?

Well, if just half of us made that commitment between now and the next three or four months, and if we spent only a minute each a day - one minute each day - over the next ten weeks or so we would storm the gates of heaven with more than a million hours of focused intercession! Read More
Love & Respect and its Fruits 
In two different Mad About Marriage interviews, hosted by Pastors Gayle and Mike Tucker, the importance of respect and wholesome communication is discussed and its far-reaching effects. 

Love and Respect are key to fulfilling relationships and well-bred, considerate children. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, author of Love and Respect and founder of the Institute by the same name, is featured in this episode of Mad About Marriage.

 Dr. Willie and Elaine Oliver, Family Ministries directors of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, in this interview talk with the Tuckers about the mystery of oneness

Detox for the new year, Dr. Wes Youngberg
Detox for the New Year
Dr. Wes Youngberg
Most Important Exercise to Help Pinched Nerve and Neck Pain /  Dr. Mandell

Quick Exercise for Avoiding & Correcting Neck Pain

Dr. Alan Mandell

Ministerial Spouses' PELC Gathering at Oakwood University   

by Linda Penick


Under the direction of Linda Penick, Coordinator for the Pastoral Evangelism Leadership Council (PELC) Ministerial Spouses' track, 50-60 ministers' wives enjoyed fellowship and inspiration on December 7-9, 2014 at Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama.   


The women, hailing from the United States, Bermuda and Canada, met for 2 days allowing the Holy Spirit to fall and minister to the needs of each individual spouse attending the meeting. Read More 

Pastors' Wives Speak Out

Mid-South View Point's host, Byron Tyler

Pastors' Wives Speak Out
Interview of three community pastors' wives - Christy Poindexter, Pamela Helton, and Elizabeth Nichols

Early bird registration has been extended to 
January 31, 2015. 

Click each image to enlarge.
In This Issue
Pray One Million
Love & Respect
The Mystery of Oneness
Detox for the New Year
Quick Neck Exercise
PELC Ministerial Spouses Meet
Pastors' Wives Speak Out
2015 NAD Ministerial Convention

Prayer and Praise
Download the following
two free ebooks
(click on each book)

Praying for Rain - A Mini-Handbook for United Prayer (available in 16 languages)

Communion with God: A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer
Special Prayer Requests

Please pray for the health of Gerry Chudleigh, Pastor Ron Halvorsen, Sr., Warren Judd, young Edward DeVasher and James Wright. 

Artistic Musings
Prestonwood Choir

This powerful piece - music: Finlandia by Jean Sebelius; lyrics by Gloria Gaither - greatly impacted those attending the 2014 NAD Year End Meetings and since has been requested by some conferences and world division.


Cole Haan
Dr. Maya Angelou

In this charming director's cut, Dr. Angelou (deceased May 28, 2014) speaks about the beauty of language, poetry and humanity. 



In this section, we want to feature what you have created: a poem you've written, a painting you've completed or original music you've performed, etc. Submit here
New Recipe


Roasted Vegetable 

Phyllo Rolls

 Debi Pederson


(click here for the recipe) 

Debi Pedersen says that she created Roasted Vegetable Phyllo Rolls for holiday entertaining because she feels that the vegetarian entrees should be very special! She also says, "This looks like a lot of ingredients, but it makes 3 rolls and if you don't need all 3, they freeze well for future use.

To make it vegan, leave out the cheese (though it doesn't hold quite as well when you cut it). Also, change the 1 T. of butter for sauteing the onions to vegan margarine. And only use the olive oil between the layers of the phyllo.

Submitted by:


Debi Pedersen, Trust Officer, Northern California Conference and co author of two vegetarian cookbooks


Share health tips that work for you, like how you lost weight; healthy, quick, delicious recipes; depression busters, etc. 

Fresh Strength is published by the Ministerial Spouses Association of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan L. Williams; Editor: Donna Jackson; Editorial Assistant: Henry Juarez. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418