3 Common Sense Keys to Church Growth

By Jesse Wilson

The problem with common sense is that it's not quite as common as it used to be. This is particularly true in the area of church growth and evangelism. Most pastors understandably and appropriately want their churches to grow. Despite the pushback that evangelism gets these days for being a " numbers game," there is no dispute that Christ calls us to be both faithful and fruitful. But the pursuit of the next best thing in the church growth area can be amusing.   Read More

Creating a Logical Sequence of

Topics in a Short Series Part 2

By Russell Burrill

In the previous article we examined what a sequence of topics would look like where the assumption was that the people coming to the series have previously been exposed to the Adventist message and therefore did not need extensive exposure to the message. Therefore the focus was on helping them make a lasting decision to become a part of the Adventist movement.     

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Revelation Round Table

By Kevin Miller

The Anchorage Northside Seventh-day Adventist Church decided to do a unique series of prophecy seminars aimed at not only biblical truth but spiritual friendship as well. The seminars were held in the fellowship hall with the round tables that seated approximately eight people. Each table had a lesson facilitator and assistant. At the beginning of the session the attendees were led through the beginning of a lesson by a table facilitator. Then after about fifteen minutes of study and discussion I would interject with 30 minute presentation on the evening's subject. The last few minutes the facilitators again led their tables in the study of the lesson. The evening wrapped up in an hour to an hour and a half.   Read More 

A First for Pastoral Spouses    

By Donna Jackson 

Pastor, why not treat your greatest support and strength to a First?
 At the June 28-July 1, 2015 NAD Pastors & Family Convention in Austin Texas, your spouse will be a part of the first convention planned for ministerial spouses from 57 conferences and two missions! A spiritually-enriching and fun program is being planned that will focus on the call, support, and empowerment of ministerial spouses.
In addition to various  seminars for spouses, the general sessions will stimulate connection through small table discussions, learning at  ministry expo activity stations,  and relaxed enjoyment at a fine arts celebration.

To register your spouse soon, go to
It will be a gift that keeps giving!  

Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

Adventist WestPoint - Early-bird registration begins now of the April 5 - 8, 2015 Adventist WestPoint that will be held at the Marriot Mission Valley in San Diego, CA. Presenters this year include Elder Dan Jackson and Dr. Jon Paulien. Seminar topics include discipleship, reaching new people-groups, biblical studies, evangelistic methods, training and motivating volunteers, and using the latest technology effectively in your church. And as always, there will be great preaching and music!


5 Reasons a Pastor's Sabbatical Blesses Everyone - Pastors live in a world of very unique challenges that can drain their batteries over time. Thom Rainer shares reasons why a sabbatical blesses both the pastor and the congregation.


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Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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