Season's Greeting from NAD Ministerial Department

Gathering Pastor Appreciation Stories for Austin  

The Dream: We would like to acquire dozens of videos of church members who appreciate their pastor(s). These will be used at the convention as well as other projects long after. Envision a video wall at the convention with hundreds of faces of people who state why they appreciate their pastors.


The Process: As each ministerial director travels around to different churches they should identify people who are appreciative of their pastors. Take out your iPhone or Android cell and record a vertical video of the appreciative member. The video should be a mid chest high video. The interviews should be short - one sentence is ideal.

Questions could be:

What do you appreciate about your pastor?

Why are you thankful for your pastor?

How are you blessed by your pastor?  

Be sure to have the interviewed member give the correct spelling of their name on the video for you.  

When you return to your office, please send your videos to Henry Juarez, the NAD Ministerial Association's Technical Assistant. His email is 


Another option is to upload to his Hightail account. If you will be doing this on a regular basis, it might be good to download the Hightail App. Download screenshot instructions on this pdf.  

Webinar this Month for Ministerial Directors

Best Practices Webinar - Header  
Reminder Notice:
Webinar for Ministerial Directors will be Next Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. e.s.t.  Reserve your Webinar seat now.

Ministerial Continuing Education Committee Meeting to Address p-certification  

We are excited to share that on January 22, 2015 the CE Committee for the NAD Ministerial Department will meet at the General Conference headquarters to complete the focus and proposed roll out of the continuing education plan for pastors in North American Division.  


This plan called "p-certification" will be introduced and launched at the 2015 Pastors Family Convention in Austin, Texas next summer. Plans are in place to provide ministerial directors with training and orientation. Pastors will also receive orientation and tutorial updates for essential understanding and use of this new systematic approach for professional development. Stay tuned!

Competition Among Pastors

Confession: I am sinfully competitive! 

By Rebecca Davis


Let's talk a little bit about competition among pastors. First, I would actually like to start with how this plays itself out as opposed to defining it. Competition among pastors plays itself out through individualism.

For example, you get a call to speak at a conference focused on building marriages and family. You know in your heart of hearts that although you are an excellent speaker you are not an expert on this particular subject. You also know of someone, your contemporary, who is an expert on the subject. Do you recommend your contemporary or do you take the speaking engagement and Google as much on the topic as you can to come off as an expert?

The reality is that most of us would and will take the speaking engagement. Now, before I go on let me just say, the kingdom does not benefit one bit...the body is not edified an inkling when we engage in behaviors that foster individualism. Read More 

Interesting perspectives on Race and the Issues Today

A Decision in Ferguson: How Should Evangelicals Respond

A United Evangelical Response: The System Failed Eric Garner

Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418