Christmas Evangelism Ideas

By Dan Martella

Dan Martella

Sometimes Christmas feels like a 900 mph sleigh ride through a crowded mall. There's the Christmas shopping, Christmas decorating, Christmas lights, Christmas music, Christmas programs, Christmas dinners, Christmas parties, Christmas gift exchanges, Christmas cookies, Christmas pictures, and Christmas television shows.


I love Christmas - it's my favorite time of the year. The flurry of Christmas activities, however, can leave a lot of people feeling snowed under and eager to dig out. In their hearts they are looking for a lot more from the season than a peppermint latte, sore feet, and panic attacks. Deep in their hearts they are looking for the Reason for the Season. That is why Christmas is the best time of the year to share Jesus with our friends and communities. Here are a few best practices from churches across the North American Division to help with your Christmas evangelism this year - 
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Blue Christmas

By Marla Hartman

At some point in our lives we all suffer loss - loss of a job, loss of a significant relationship, loss of a loved one, or loss of a life-long dream. As the holidays approach, scenes of laughing children and families happily gathered around the dinner table abound, amplifying our pain and loneliness. Suffering seems out of place at this joyful time of year, yet many in our congregations and communities deal with this reality every year.    Read More 

Stories We Tell: You're Invited

By Jonathan Martin

Sometimes things really are too good to be true. This is probably what Robert Kirkpatrick thought when he received an invitation to a fundraising dinner with President George W. Bush. Imagine his surprise when he opened the invitation and noticed the letter signed by then Vice President Dick Cheney inviting him to the $2,500-a-plate banquet in Washington. Robert knew it was a mistake because he was sentenced the year before to three years in an Ohio prison for drug possession and escape. When asked what he planned to do with the invitation, Robert responded rather sarcastically: "I am going to tell [the Vice President] that I'd be happy to attend, but he's going to have to pull some strings to get me there."    Read More 

Early Bird Convention Rate Closes January 31 

The early bird rate of $199 for CALLED, a convention for pastors and their families, will close on January 31, 2015. This extends the rate for a few more weeks to accommodate conferences that prefer to post convention expenses to their 2015 budget. Regular rates apply after January 31:  

$199 Early-bird Pastor, $219 Regular Pastoral Rate;

$169 Early-bird Spouse,  $189 Regular Spouse Rate;  

$99 Early-bird Youth and Children, $119 Regular Youth/Children Rate 

Attendees are invited to register online now.

Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination - Pacific Press has recently published a book to specifically help church members get to the heart of what has become a contentious subject. Martin Hanna and Cindy Tutsch's book is a clear and concise presentation on the subject of women's ordination that provides solid, biblically-based answers to 151 key questions. Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination is available through the Adventist Book Center. It is also available as an eBook.


Should Your Church Stop Having a Stand and Greet Time? Many first-time church guests and introverted church members really don't like the stand and greet time on Sabbath morning, so much so that they may wait in the foyer until it is over before coming in, and very well may not come back again.

When Technology Comes to Church:  In this November 18, 7:00 - 8:00 pm PST seminar, Chip Dizard and Rich DuBose will address two of the biggest challenges every church faces when using technology in ministry - 1. How to successfully surf the avalanche of new technologies that keep coming at us, and  2.  How to find the people who are capable of using those tools once we have found them  


Previous resource links:

Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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