Vetting the Ministries

By Raj Attiken

If you are a pastor who works your heart out teaching, nurturing, and equipping your congregants to experience the grace-filled, gospel-oriented, Christ-centered life, you probably have felt the frustration and angst when someone contacts your church office wanting to insert a flyer or announcement in your Sabbath bulletin inviting your members to an event, seminar, on-line symposium and the like. Worse yet, you show up in church one Sabbath morning and find flyers, posters and invitation cards in the hands of your members. Sometimes you recognize the group sponsoring the event; at other times you don't.   Read More 

Books on Emotional Healing

By Pablo E. Gaitan

Lately, I have stumbled upon some good reads on emotional healing. Today's churches are filled with people who became Christians, but never let Jesus completely heal their heart and mind from the past. Yes, Jesus promises to make us new. However, if we don't give Him complete access to our most inner place - our spirit -as cleanser of our souls, we will never experience real peace. So I want to introduce you to four books on emotional healing for those whose past experiences have left them emotionally scarred, whose present is blurred, and whose future is intimidating.   Read More 

Funerals: A Significant Threshold

The Honorable Gift

By John Grys

As a pastor, perhaps one of the most sacred moments I find for ministry is the opportunity to be a part of a funeral for a bereaved family. I describe this as a "threshold" for a number of reasons. For the family and friends of the deceased, it is the moment where there is a shift from what was to what will be. There is this momentous reality that for the family, presence is now replaced by absence. This residual void now finds fulfillment through the sharing of significant memories. And finally, there is the closing of the door of possibility and the experience of finality. Indeed, regardless of culture, this serves as one of the most profound transitional moments in the life of any community.  Read More
Talbot to Speak at Pastors Experience
Elizabeth Talbot, speaker director for the Jesus 101 Biblical Institute, has been selected to speak at the general session of the Pastors Experience, a gathering of pastors and their families, in Austin Texas, June 28-July 1, 2015. Talbot is known for her brilliant exegetical preaching and for illustrating the metaphors of scripture with 3D visual object lessons (as well as her occasional 'woo hoo!'). Talbot is one of dozens of confirmed speakers for the convention who will bring their best to the pastors of the NAD.  Read More 
New NAD Ministerial Associate joins
to help focus on Evangelism
Pastor Jose Herminio Cortes, Jr. joins the North American Division team as an associate director for the North American Division Ministerial Department. Pastor Cortes, Jr. joins the NAD ministerial team to focus on transformational evangelism, discipleship, and outreach in the North American Division.

Cortes, Jr. replaces Shawn Boonstra who transitioned as the new director for the Voice of Prophecy media ministry.

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Read a brief interview with Jose Cortes, Jr.
Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements
General Conference Evangelism - General Conference Ministerial has just launched a brand new website with evangelistic sermons that are fully editable in PowerPoint and Keynote. Each presentation is complemented with professional graphics created by Carlos and Maria Marta. If you wish to submit your evangelistic sermons, mail them to Robert Costa. - Roy Ice and the Loma Linda University Church have just launched a great new young adult ministry resource - It's perfect for churches that are looking for young adult resources in the form of free videos and downloadable Bible study guides. This website positions the Adventist church as one of the largest producers of young adult ministry resources on the entire web. Roy Ice has been working closely with marketing experts from Google who estimate from their historical data and algorithms that will draw an average of 4000 visits and video views per day in North America alone. Enjoy a Quick Video Tour.


The inSpire Songwriting Contest is in full swing, and if you are a songwriter, we'd love to hear from you! Submissions are being accepted through November 19, 2014. The best news is that you can submit your song for FREE! An iPad and cash awards will be given! 


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Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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