Transformational Evangelism

Project Stimulus Grants Launched  

In the fall of 2012 the members of the NAD Year End Meeting voted overwhelming to pursue the Six Building Blocks which are the areas of focus for ministry in the North American Division. They are:

  • Adventist Learning Community
  • Retention of Young Adults
  • Ministry to Immigrant Populations
  • Women in Ministry
  • Media
  • Transformational Evangelism

Looking at the last of those six, Transformational Evangelism, here is our definition for TE:


"Transformational evangelism is when the grace of God springs to life in the congregation and compels members to intentionally share the grace with their communities resulting in hope and wholeness for both."
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 Why You Should Attend the

NAD Pastors' Family Convention

The call to serve God in full-time ministry is the thread that binds pastors and workers together into a common tapestry of service.  The call is God initiated and God directed and renewing and focusing on this fire shut up in bones experience is the theme of the 2015 Pastors Family Convention. Here are other reasons you should attend.
Church Leaders Will Tackle Women's Ordination Issue Tuesday, October 14 - Your prayers are solicited.

World church leaders will recommend whether the church should move to ordain women at the Annual Council, a major yearly business meeting that sets the agenda for the General Conference session next year.

The church's position on ordination will likely be the key discussion at the six-day Annual Council, which starts Oct. 9 and will gather 338 leaders from all of the world church's 13 divisions. Read more

Are you receiving the Andrews Theological Seminary Dean's Weekly Bulletin?   

If you would like to receive the weekly bulletin Ruach veDabar from the Seminary Dean, email Dorothy Show to add you to the list of subscribers. Her email is

Money Wise - A Seventh-day Adventist Resource
for Treasurers

View the web resource   

What Americans Pray for and Against    

When God answers prayer, he tends to do it in the South.

At least, so say Americans who participated in a new poll from LifeWay Research sponsored by popular pastor and author Max Lucado.  


Southerners (31 percent) are twice as likely as Northeasterners (15 percent) to say all of their prayers have been answered. African Americans (38 percent) also have a greater propensity to say this than whites (22 percent) and Asian Americans (19 percent).


Overall, one in four Americans report that God answers all their prayers, while eight in 10 say at least some of their prayers are answered. Protestants are just a tad more likely to sense a response: 30 percent said God answers all of their prayers, and 87 percent said God answers at least some. Only 3 percent of Protestants said their prayers are never answered. Read more 

Its All in Your Head-Scripture Places Enormous Emphasis on the Renewal of our Minds     

It's all in your head.

That phrase is typically used derisively -- a dismissive diagnosis of someone's ailments. A man totters into his doctor's office, complaining of deep angst, sharp pains, lingering aches. Spasms twitch down his leg, his belly is on fire, his dreams are troubled. He's tormented by a host of symptoms. The doctor runs a battery of tests, asks a barrage of questions. Then he says this: "There's nothing wrong with you medically. It's all in your head." Read more
Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418