Did I Lose You?

By Hubert Cisneros

Pastors and elders are responsible for the people in their parish including the 70% of our youth and young adults who end up leaving. Did I lose you with that opening line? If not - keep reading. That is why Steve Case and I have written a book (training manual) to train youth leaders and leading youth. The name of the book is, A Place To Belong and it comes out of personal experience.

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Please Count!
Whether it is self-preservation or ego that makes us do it, most pastors/members I know fudge slightly on the high side when it comes to their church attendance numbers. I don't believe people do this maliciously or to intentionally deceive but innocent or not this self-deception regarding church attendance numbers is detrimental to the growth of the church.  Read More   

Anointing the Sick: Opening Doors of Healing

By Esther R. Knott

When I was a child, the anointing service appeared to be something mysterious that happened behind closed doors. After 28 years of pastoral ministry I have learned that the anointing service is something mysterious that happens to open doors-doors of surrender, reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing.  Read More 

Missional Church: A Biblical Response

to Mission in Western Culture

Missional Church defines the church as God's sent people. It is a way of  life that models the incarnational life of Jesus Christ who took the form of His creation in order to show humankind the Father. Just as Christ transcended culture to show us the Father, the missional church transcends culture in order to show lost people Jesus Christ through sharing life together.

The Doctor of Ministry Missional Church concentration is designed to move participants into the mission field of North America, leading transformation for mission and organic systems thinking, and transacting the vision of missional church through leadership development. A new cohort is forming now, with the first intensives scheduled for January 26-February 12, 2015. The application deadline is November 28. Contact dmin@andrews.edu or call 888-717-6244 for more information. You will find the application package on the DMin website.

Funding Voted to Attend Convention

Dave Gemmell

Pastors in the North American Division will have access to funding to help them attend the June 28-July 1 Pastors Family Convention. Although the funding varies by conference, the majority of conferences are offering full reimbursement for pastors attending the convention. A survey this week finds that 7 out of 9 unions have voted funds ranging from $300 to $1,125 per pastor to be distributed through their local conference. A majority of conferences will add to that amount enough to reimburse pastors the full amount to attend the convention. Pastors are encouraged to contact their local conferences to see what funds are available to assist them for convention expenses. The early bird registration rate of $199 is scheduled to expire December 31, 2014.

Pastor to Pastor  Webinar

Dave Gemmell

We have an opportunity for you to help support some of your pastoral colleagues by letting them know about the June 28-July 1 Pastors' Family Convention. We believe that a personal phone call from one pastor to another is the most powerful way to insure that a pastor feels included in this groundbreaking event. If you are open to the possibility of making some phone calls join us for the orientation webinar on October 22 at 1:30 pm east coast time. 

Let's Talk About Your Best Practices for Ministry

Best Practices is looking for articles about what is working for you in ministry. Articles that are one-subject focused and tightly written - 300 to 700 words. We are also looking for top-flight sermon illustrations.Pitch us an idea. Send us an article. Be sure to include your picture and ministry title. Together we can make Best Practices for Adventist Ministry a go-to tool box for NAD pastors and church leaders.

Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

Enter the Deep is a revolutionary baptismal study guide for young adults  that uses the latest multi-touch technology on your iPad and Mac. Developed by Loma Linda University Church's Roy Ice. More baptisms. More modern. More fun.


Scientists Are Beginning to Figure Out Why Conservatives Are... Conservative - When I get together with Adventist pastors and they just vent, there is one subject that invariably comes up - dealing with uber conservative members in the church. Just what makes these people tick? While this article is written within the American political framework, I think you will readily find this article helpful in understanding the needs of members who are particularly conservative.


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Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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