Giving Our Best for God's Children

By Arthur F. Blinci

Question - Why is our Church now requiring its children and youth ministries volunteers to undergo criminal background screening and training in child abuse awareness and prevention? I've volunteered and worked with children for over twenty years and now my character is being questioned?


Adventist Risk Management is often asked this question and it deserves an answer to help alleviate fears amongst our dedicated volunteers who give faithfully of their time and talents. As members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church we must always guard three sacred trusts: 
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The Most Important Investment
a Pastor Can Make

By Jesse Wilson

It has been weeks and I still haven't come down from my Hampton Minister's Conference high. Every June thousands of us make our yearly pilgrimage to that amazing ministers' conference. The resources are good. The fellowship is better. And the preaching is the best! This year was the 100th anniversary and as usual I left determined to tear up all of my sermon manuscripts and start all over again!    Read More   
Stories We Tell: God Wins 
By Lyle Arakaki
In his book, Reaching for the Invisible God, Philip Yancey shares his experience with the game of chess to illustrate how God is able to make His will a reality while still respecting our freedom of choice.   As a high school student, Yancey took great pride in his ability to play chess. He was a member of the chess club, devoured books about chess strategy, studied techniques, and was able to win most of his matches. However, after graduating, he put the game aside.     Read More 
Effective Preaching:
Choosing Illustrations

Illustrations are pictures in books that show what the book tells. They add force to its message. In a sermon, they serve the same goal but the medium has changed. Instead of ink and paper, you have words and the listener's mind. You paint mental scenes with words.  Read More 

Registration is Now Open

By Dave Gemmell 

Pastors may now register for the June 28-July 1 convention through the Pastors Family Convention website. The two step process involves registering for the event and reserving lodging. Pastors should have a charge card ready to purchase their entry passes. For lodging, a credit card number will be taken to hold the room but won't be charged until the event. Most conferences are offering financial assistance for pastors to attend the event. Check with your ministerial secretary or conference treasurer for details.   

Let's Talk About Your Best Practices for Ministry

Best Practices is looking for articles about what is working for you in ministry. Articles that are one-subject focused and tightly written - 300 to 700 words. We are also looking for top-flight sermon illustrations. Pitch us an idea. Send us an article. Be sure to include your picture and ministry title. Together we can make Best Practices for Adventist Ministry a go-to tool box for NAD pastors and church leaders.

Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

Millennial Matrix - Across denominational lines, churches are hemorrhaging young adults. It's no secret that in many religious circles young adults are disenchanted with their religious experience. They're looking for something that is authentic and engaging--something that will not only change their own hearts, but transform the way they engage with their communities and the people outside of their churches. Millennial Matrix is a comprehensive year-long pilot, which began in January of 2014, to develop seven Arizona Seventh-day Adventist church environments to more effectively reach, love, reclaim, and retain young adults for Jesus.


Help! I'm an Overwhelmed Leader - There are days and seasons in ministry when the demands are high, we have no answers, we are going nowhere fast, and we are utterly exhausted. Ron Edmondson offers five strategies for overwhelmed pastors and leaders to get moving again. 



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Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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