3 Things Every Congregation

Wants to Know About Its Pastor

By Roger Walter

My first district as a pastor had two churches that were only 13 miles apart. Before I arrived, I wondered why these two churches just didn't combine forces and have one stronger congregation in the middle?    
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7 Areas to Focus On in

Your First Year of a New Pastorate

By Nelson Fernandez, Jr.

Unlike most other jobs, the work of a pastor comes with no clear instruction manual. I remember my nervousness when I found out that I would be going straight from seminary into my first church district! If I could go back in time and do it all over again, these are the areas that I would focus on.   Read More   

Preaching a Christ-Centered
Message for a World in Crisis

A Book Review by Karen Pearson 

Adventist evangelistic preaching may be in danger of becoming a lost art, according to Russell Burrill, veteran soul winner and evangelist. Best known for his passion for connecting people and nurturing their growth in Christ, Burrill's new book, Adventist Evangelistic Preaching is a powerful resource written for anyone who wants to learn how to effectively reach people with the message of Christ's soon return.     Read More 
Effective Preaching:
Drafting an Outline

Structures are everywhere, though you rarely notice them. It's like watching a movie. You see the story but forget the screen it shows on. Each sentence you speak is a structure. When you whisper gossip, there is a structure to the way you tell it. Read More 

Special Services is the Theme
for CALLED Digital Magazine

By Dave Gemmell 

As clergy our role is to leverage the uniqueness of special services so that they can powerfully accomplish something out of the ordinary, whether baptisms, funerals, weddings, anointing services or any other special services of the church. In this issue of CALLED several pastors share their insights on releasing the potential of these services.  Read More 

Let's Talk About Your Best Practices

Best Practices is looking for articles about what is working for you in ministry. Articles that are one-subject focused and tightly written - 300 to 700 words. We are also looking for top-flight sermon illustrations. Pitch us an idea. Send us an article. Be sure to include your picture and ministry title. Together we can make Best Practices for Adventist Ministry a go-to tool box for NAD pastors and church leaders.

Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

The Adventist WestPoint 2013 and 2014 presentations are now available for download. Simply select the Archives Tab to capture these audio messages.


Learn how you can make your Sabbath morning worship welcome time excellent, intentional, strategic, and short in  9 Tips to Improve Your Church's Welcome Segment.


enditnow Day (formerly "Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day") will be Sabbath, August 23. Join the NAD's campaign to break the cycle of abuse by launching an enditnow campaign in your church and community on enditnow Sabbath.  


A FREE enditnow campaign kit is available from AdventSource (402.486.8800). You can also download the entire enditnow Sabbath program in English, Spanish, and French from the NAD Women's Ministries website and www.EndItNowNorthAmerica.org.


The Sabbath program includes a suggested order of service, children's story, sermon with PowerPoint titled "Freedom in Relationships," and a PowerPoint seminar titled "Becoming Powerful by Empowering."



Previous resource links:

Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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