RECHARGE at Southern Adventist University

RECHARGE at Southern Adventist University 


You will have great appreciation for the RECHARGE retreat and what goes on there for pastoral families.  Here's a brief summary of RECHARGE by Charles Cammack.


Seven years ago, Southern Adventist University President Gordon Bietz and Greg King, dean for the School of Religion, discovered a shared vision that pastors could greatly benefit from a mini-Sabbatical. From that seed grew the Recharge program, and this year's retreat takes place on campus July 8-20.  Read More

Click the image above to listen to the
RECHARGE Director's Comments.

Child Dedication - A Legacy of Hope 

By Ivan Williams
I still remember it like it was yesterday.  I was serving as a pastor right out of college in my first church as a single twenty-one year old.  I had never conducted a child dedication before.  I was nervous and anxious about the service, but particularly about holding the baby girl up before the family and praying over her.  I had never experienced a parent extending their arms to give me their child to hold in front of a congregation, and my knowledge from book reading couldn't fully prepare me for this real life, real ministry experience.  Read More

Webinars to Begin for
Up-to-date Convention Information

We will begin monthly webinars focused on the convention each month for one hour beginning the third Tuesday each month.  


Our next convention webinar will begin on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. ET.  


Register Now button for Best Practices Webinar 


Click here to register:   

Organizational Silence: A Barrier to Change and Development in a Pluralistic World  

By Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison
& Frances J. Milliken

Imagine an organization where the CEO has no clothes. The CEO's lack of clothes is apparent to all who set eyes upon him or her. Yet employees never mention this. Some employees even compliment and praise the CEO's attire. The CEO takes pride and comfort in the fact that subordinates recognize his or her fine taste in clothing and easily dismisses those few troublemakers who look at him or her strangely or who dare to suggest that the CEO's taste in clothing is anything less than impeccable. Yet, behold, these employees are not blind. Behind the safety of closed doors and in veiled whispers, they talk of their leader's lack of clothing. They all clearly know that the CEO is naked, but only the foolish or naive dare to speak of it in public.


Is this a mere fairy tale? We believe that it is not and that far too many organizations are caught in an apparent paradox in which most employees know the truth about certain issues and problems within the organization yet dare not speak that truth to their supervisors. Download the pdf here

Registration for Ministerial Directors

We are asking you to connect with your conference administration about the financial commitment they are making to support pastors' attendance. Please get clarity regarding your conference's commitment to encourage your pastors and their families to attend. Don't forget this is a convention planned for the entire family.  


Please see the correspondence/information sheet regarding why you should attend. Also, see the letter sent to your treasurer regarding their financial commitment.


In addition to pastors in attendance at the convention there will be chaplains, seminary and college religion/theology students, and we are inviting clergy from the community to be our special guests with a special invitation as we focus on pastors health and wellness. This day is still yet to be determined at the convention.


There will be one day assigned for your Conferences to meet together. The pdf here shows which day your Conference will meet, which room you will meet in, and what the capacity is for that room.  

Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418