Ministry with Millennials:
What's Bad About Church

By A. Allan Martin 

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

-Benjamin Franklin


Being excluded, underestimated, stifled, and feeling as if the church is superficial and simplistic in what it has to offer can have a detrimental impact on one's life. For any age group, including young adults, experiences in church and perceptions about the church can influence behavior. Young adults [those post high-school through pre-parenthood] have many attitudes, and when asked to characterize the Adventist church, there was no lack of responsiveness. In a recent study of Adventist Millennials, we took a look at our young adults and compared them to over 27,000 of their peers as studied by the Barna Group. 
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The Pastor and Fundraising:

A Pastor's Perspective

By Volodymer Grinchenko

Fundraising in the church setting could be either one of the most exciting and unifying activities, or one of the most stressful and divisive events in the life of the church. The truth is that it could be a blessing or a curse for a pastor as well, especially if you are a pastor like me who has had no experience in fundraising and capital campaigns in a church building project. Of course, we want it to be a blessing for the church as well as the pastor. What can one do to make it a positive experience and at the same time to reach the goal of fundraising? There are few things that I have learned and want to share with you.  
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What is Seventh-day Adventist Preaching?

by Jud Lake

Powerful, Christ-centered, expository preaching is indispensable to Seventh-day Adventism. This movement cannot survive or thrive without it. The task of preaching the "everlasting gospel" (Rev. 14:6), therefore, deserves our most concentrated thought and energetic effort. This article will propose and unpack a working definition of Seventh-day Adventist preaching that I have used in my homiletics classes over the last decade. My desire is to stimulate thought on what Seventh-day Adventist preaching is and should be, and to influence its practice.  Read More 

Pastors Believe They are Competent

By Dave Gemmell

In a May 2014 NAD Ministerial survey of pastors, 89% taking the survey rated their pastoral competencies as either proficient, highly proficient, or expert. Only 11% rated their competencies as either beginner or inadequate. This survey is part of a much larger survey conducted by NAD Ministerial and the NAD Office of Assessment as part of the Pathways to Effective Ministry Initiative. Read More 

Let's Talk About Veteran's Day
What does your church do to celebrate Veteran's Day? How do you make this an outreach event? What are the elements in your celebration service? What do you do with the sermon? What do you do with the dinner that follows? Write us a 1 paragraph description of your Veteran's Day Celebrations and send it to Best Practices, along with your photo and title. Deadline: June 29
Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

Hundreds of evangelistic slides and sermons produced by GC Ministerial Department are available for download for a limited time. Download now.  


In a recent edition of Ministry in Motion, Mark Finley shares how Learning a New Language can help us better welcome guests on Sabbath morning.


30 more pastors needed to beta test the NAD Pastors Family Convention registration process. Contact Dave Gemmell if you are willing to be a beta tester.  

Chip Dizard and Rich DuBose are hosting a 7 Trends and Tech Tools That Churches Need to Master webinar on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm (Pacific Time). Churches that are serious about doing ministry in the twenty-first century should not ignore current trends and the technologies that drive them. Trends are significant because they play a large role in how people communicate, gathering knowledge, and make critical decisions. When we ignore them we limit our reach and miss opportunities to engage with people. Register Here


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Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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