NAD Ministerial Convention - June 28 - July 1, 2015 - Austin, TX
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June 1, 2014 
Yolanda Smith

From the pen 

of Yolanda Smith... 

 (Guest Editorial) 

Grace in Living Color


"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them." Psalms 34:7


The day dawned as a sunny, summer New York morning. My two children, Dawn, age 6 and, Ronald, age 3 were excited because they knew that they would be going to visit their cousins in Virginia. As they scurried around, gathering all the items they wanted to carry, they made sure that they had all the favorite games that they knew they would play on the road, as well as when they arrived at their aunt's place.  
Dawn & Ronald

My husband and I told them to make one last check of what they had gathered to take to be sure they didn't forget anything. As it was time to leave, my husband said "Let's have prayer." He prayed for safe arrival and for the angels to protect our car and all those who would be traveling on the highways.  Read More

This edition of Fresh Strength is celebrating God's blessings. We challenge you to daily recall to mind the many, many ways that God is blessing you - including those in living color!
The Attitude of Gratitude  

by Laurie Snyman


The Bible tells the story of our distant cousins, the Israelites who were led out of bondage in Egypt by God's own hand on a journey to the promised land. In spite of all the amazing and miraculous events that saved their lives as they dragged their baggage out of Egypt, they yearned to return to bondage and oppression.


They grumbled, murmured and complained. Like a fighting couple, they blamed, they whined, and they put up walls that blinded their view of the wonderful things God was doing for them. Like an abused spouse, their fear of the future kept them in the mindset of slavery. Read More 

Blesssings Amidst Downs Syndrome

Terri Saelee, pastoral spouse and coordinator of NAD Adventist Refugee & Immigrant Ministries, shares with Kandus Thorp, hostess of Hope TV show 'Let's Pray,' about the blessing she's discovered in the life and beauty of her daughter with down's syndrome. Watch here

Grace Outlet 
by Jeanne Hartwell 
God loves to do the unexpected! Five years ago He surprised me in a new way. In my devotions I'd been asking God to show me if there was something He'd especially like for me to do as a personal project for Him. Of course He answered me, but I wasn't ready for what He had to say.

For nearly a year He began impressing me that we needed a young adult church in the Reading, Pennsylvania area. I respectfully pushed back on God's leading -  Read More

Impacting Your Community

by Don Jacobsen 

We just had an outstanding thing happen in Hiawassee, Georgia. Generally we spend May 1, the National Day of Prayer, in Washington, D.C. because my wife, Ruthie, is a member of the National Prayer committee. Rather than go to the observance of this special day in Washington, D.C., we decided to stay home this year and do something locally.  


We contacted the Mayor and asked if we could sponsor a Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. The response was friendly, if not enthusiastic. Knowing Ruthie, you know that's all she needed. She began contacting everybody in town carrying with her her famous chocolate-covered strawberries. Read More       

Hiawassee Prayer Breakfast


Your ministry exploits will inspire other ministerial spouses. Please  share them.

Click each image to enlarge.
In This Issue
The Attitude of Gratitude
Blessings Amidst Downs Syndrome
Grace Outlet
Impacting Your Community
2015 NAD Ministerial Convention
Prayer and Praise
Download the following
two free ebooks
(click on each book)

Praying for Rain - A Mini-Handbook
for United Prayer (available in 16 languages)

Communion with God: A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer
Special Prayer Requests
Edward DeVasher

Praise God for the healing of cancer in little Edward DeVasher, son of Emilie and Pastor Kameron and Emilie DeVasher (and grandson of Pastor Ted & Nancy Wilson)!

Emilie still requests prayer for the healing of Edward's OMS challenge which you can read about on 

Ministerial Spouses Evangelism

Please pray for the ministerial spouses evangelism initiatives throughout the North American Division.
Artistic Musings
Laura Story (songwriter, author) - "Blessings"


In this section, we want to feature what you have created: a poem you've written, a painting you've completed or original music you've performed, etc. Submit here


Fit for Life
"Meatless Fast & Simple Cookbook"
by Debi & Jim Pedersen
Choco-Berry Pie
*    1 9-oz. pkg. chocolate wafer cookies
*    1 16-oz. pkg frozen unsweetened strawberries, thawed
*    ¼ c. sugar
*    1 16-oz. container frozen lite whipped topping, thawed

Line the bottom of a 9-inch pie plate with 11 cookies. Line the edge of the plate with 12 cookies.

Puree the berries and sugar together in a blender.

Place whipped topping in a large bowl. Fold strawberry puree into whipped topping. Spoon half of the mixture evenly over cookies in a pie plate. Spread 12 cookies over the filling layer. Place remaining mixture on top. Break remaining cookies in half, arranging each half vertically in a spoke pattern on top. Cover lightly with plastic wrap. Freeze until firm.

Let stand at room temperature 15 minutes before cutting between cookies lining outer edge to serve. Serves 12

Note: Equal amounts of other frozen fruits may be substituted for strawberries if desired. Mixed berries are wonderful (they come in 12 oz. bags, which is fine to use).

This recipe works perfectly when you need to make a dessert in advance for an event. When you have the time, make it and freeze it. Then, just thaw for a few minutes, serve, and enjoy. Debi especially likes to use mixed berries in place of strawberries. Mmmmm!

Submitted by:
Debi Pedersen, Trust Officer, Northern California Conference and co author of two vegetarian cookbooks


Share health tips that work for you, like how you lost weight; healthy, quick, delicious recipes; depression busters, etc.
Fresh Strength is published by the Ministerial Spouses Association of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan L. Williams; Editor: Donna Jackson; Editorial Assistant: Henry Juarez. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418