How to Work for the Church

and Still Be Saved

By Rich DuBose

I have been employed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church for most of my adult life.   I have served as a pastoral intern, associate pastor, lead pastor, academy chaplain, Bible teacher, and as a developer of ministry resources. During this time I have seen the nitty gritty operations of the church at many levels, and have been awed by the reality that despite our failures and mistakes, God is still able to use us to further his mission.    


I don't have any doubt that God is working in our midst, but sometimes, "it ain't pretty."  

Stories We Tell: Going Together

By Timothy Jo Judson

A few years ago my wife and I were invited to attend our niece's wedding in Vancouver, British Columbia.   A vacation in Canada was definitely on our life bucket list, so we packed our bags and made plans for the wedding and quiet time together the week after.   Into our suitcases went our passports, ID cards, cash, clothes, glasses, toiletries, cell phones, and all the rest.     

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A Spouse's Perspective on Pastoring

By Rej Dixit

Rajinie Dixit

Why is it so hard to be a pastor's spouse?   After thirteen years being married to a minister, I'd say it definitely has its challenges.   But all marriages and occupations have their own unique issues. So why do many (48%) of pastors say that they feel like their ministry is hazardous to their family?  Read More     

Let's Talk 

Best Practices is looking for articles about what is working for you in ministry. Articles that are one-subject focused and tightly written - 300 to 700 words. We are also looking for top-flight sermon illustrations.Together we can make Best Practices for Adventist Ministry a go-to tool box for NAD pastors and church leaders.

M.A. in Pastoral Ministry

If you've been thinking about deepening your walk with Jesus and better equipping yourself to fulfill the great commission and make disciples, this summer is just the right time for you to get started on earning your M.A. in Pastoral Ministry through the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University.


Click here to view the 16 classes that comprise the 48-credit degree. 


Click here to see which one-week intensive classes are being offered July 6-24.


Click here for the schedule at a glance.


If you are just joining the program you must take Biblical Spirituality (from Joe Kidder); and Worship, Word and Music (from David Williams) during your first years. This summer is a good time to get started.
Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

 Drama in the Church: For many Adventist churches the question of using drama in church is a non-issue, and they use it on a regular basis. But there are others who really struggle with whether or not it is appropriate. And they wonder if it isn't just a liberal/conservative thing. But what's really at stake here is how we can best communicate God's hopeful message with a cynical, media-driven culture. And drama can powerfully convey what God wants them to hear. But what about Ellen White? Didn't she say...? Watch this video and discover how Adventist writer and story-teller, Jim Pappas, responds to those who believe that Ellen White was against the use of drama in church.


Church Offers Free Neighborhood Wi-Fi: The Fourth Street Friendship Church in Washington, D.C., is in the center of a fast-growing neighborhood where all the typical community outreach ministries have already been covered. So this innovative church decided to give their community the gift of technology. They installed a tower that gives their gentrifying community access to free Wi-Fi in exchange for viewing messages about events at the church.


Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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