5 Web Tools Your Church Needs

By Chip Dizzard

Churches are FINALLY beginning to recognize the power of the Internet for their ministry. What was once just a matter of trying to engage well with your community and invite people to a church event has now been completely revolutionized. Churches are now doing online marketing, digital evangelism and discipleship, and connecting regularly with people through emails, social media, and your blog.  Read More   

Giving to Religion - A Changing Landscape

By Lilya Wagner

Lilya Wagner Every year the subsector in the United States that receives the largest share of charitable dollars is religion. In 2012, the total charitable dollars were $316.23 billion. Of this amount, the largest share went to religious causes - 32%.

"Collectively, religious organizations are perhaps the most significant and important social institution in America. While this might seem like a bold statement, statistics abound on the important of religion to the American way of life".  Read More

Schaller and the Small Church

(But please read this, too, if you have a large church)

By Mic Thurber

Lyle E. Schaller's work first caught my attention more than 20 years ago. His descriptions of the nature of church life in various sized congregations was more often than not, spot on. The old saying "can't see the forest for the trees" means we'd be wise to check in from time-to-time with those who spend their time looking at the forest so that we tree-lookers don't miss some important stuff.    Read More 

Let's Talk 

Every pastor has a collection of great stories they share in their sermons. Best Practices is giving NAD pastors the opportunity to share the wealth, to share their best third person stories in 200 - 500 words. Your story will provide windows of understanding in congregations across Bermuda, Canada, Guam-Micronesia, and the United States.

Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

 Pastors frequently find themselves speaking to kids - the children's story during the worship service, school worship talks, Pathfinder devotionals,

 etc. In the Public Speaker Quick and Dirty Tips podcast and blog, Lisa B. Marshall lays out 10 success secrets on How to Get a Wow (Not a Scowl) from Kids (Part 1) and another 10 with How to Get a Wow (Not a Scowl) from Kids (Part 2) .


Adventist photographers (amateur and professional) are invited to participate in inSpire's 2014 Facebook Photo Contest . The idea is to spotlight God's creative power and to provide opportunities for His people share their gifts. The contest is now open, so grab your camera and start shooting!


Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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