Generation Change:

Why Our Youth Leave

By Samuel E. Reyes

The church needs to wake up to the realization that the emerging generation is not just the so-called church of the future, it is the church right now. This generation of young, courageous, and bold Seventh-day Adventist Christians are redefining the very fabric of how we "do church" in our cities, communities, and country.  
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Stories We Tell: Invisible Weights

By Wendy Witas

Early every morning I go to a college sponsored Boot Camp. As we go through the different exercises there is one young man who does three reps to every rep I struggle through.  


One morning he put on an 18 pound vest and struggled through all his reps. I was amazed. For the first time I was doing more than he was.  Read More 

Adventists in the City: Moving to the City to Raise Up Churches

By George R. Knight

The Adventist denomination has struggled with questions about how best to live out its mission in urban areas throughout the twentieth century. Much of that discussion centered on Ellen White's counsel on the topic. For her the issue was not Should the cities be worked? It was How.  Read More 
Let's Talk
Best Practices is looking for articles about what is working for you in ministry. Articles that are one-subject focused and tightly written - 300 to 700 words. We are also looking for top-flight sermon illustrations. Together we can make Best Practices for Adventist Ministry a go-to tool box for NAD pastors and church leaders.  
Ideas, Events, Resources, Announcements

Would you like to see and study the Sabbath school lessons from 1888? Sabbath school Lessons from 1888 to 2004 have been made available online by the GC Archives and Statistics Department. You may want to bookmark this resource.   


In 7 Phrases to Outlaw from Brainstorming, Ron Edmondson tells us that some of the most creative ideas for church ministry rise out of brainstorming sessions. To be effective, these meetings have to be intentional, have all the right people there, and ask open-ended questions. There are also seven classic lines that must be eliminated from the equation ...


Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor: Dan Martella. Copyright 2014 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. 
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