March 4, 2014

Recent Advisory Meetings Focus on a Architecture for Pastoral Ministry



NAD Ministerial Advisory

Over 70 ministerial directors gathered from around the North American Division in Monterey, California for its annual meeting held in conjunction with the bi-annual NAD ministries convention from January 12-15, 2014. 
Creating an architecture for pastoral ministry was thematic throughout the meetings which focused attention on:
A. A recommended pastor & church assessment tool called "The Feedback Loop" was shared as a template for conferences to use.
B. Core competencies and effective pastoral ministry through was introduced through a "Pathways Document," which shares challenges and recommendations moving forward with a systematic approach to pastoral development.
C. Developing a continuing education system for pastors across the NAD was discussed with a committee being formed to make recommendations for its formation.
D. The 2015 Ministerial Convention planning was discussed and information was shared regarding the ministerial teams participation. 


Items below were voted during these meetings.
VOTED: We affirm that the primary degree for the pastoral education is the M.Div. degree.
VOTED: our support for the MAPMIN program sponsored by North American Division through SDATS. We further agreed that age should not be a requirement for matriculating into the MAPMin program. We further support the current guidelines that expect an applicant to have some pastoral or church leadership experience.
VOTED: that applicants who are recommended by the conference administration and meet the MAPMIN academic guidelines be accepted into the program even when their experience does not quite meet the expectations of the degree program.
VOTED: that student sponsorship by the North American Division and its Unions and Conferences to SDATS will no longer require age as a measure of who can matriculate for their degree programs. 
VOTED: To set up a continuing education   committee of seven for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations for the new program for pastors across the NAD.

NAD Pastoral Advisory


On January 9 & 10, 2014 the pastor advisory met in Monterey, California for its annual meeting.  Sharing, focusing, and making recommendations on pastoral issues in the division is the advisory's primary focus.  This year's agenda focused on the 2015 NAD ministerial convention, webinars, transformational evangelism, continuing education, and spouses ministry.


The advisory recommended many things, but voted on two items.
VOTED:  To set up a sub-committee to come up with criteria for emphasizing and distributing evangelism funds at the NAD Ministerial Convention.  Eddie Polite, Chris Oberg, Gerald Haeger, Jimmy Munoz, and Roger Walter were asked to serve.
VOTED:  To recommend that the North American Division administrative team seriously study our current structure and distribution model of ministry and support, to see if it is maximizing or using the best approach organizationally in fulfilling the mission in our division.  


The M.A. in Pastoral Ministry is a field-based 48-credit degree program from the Seventh-day Adventist Theology Seminary at Andrews University. This program was created at the request of Union Presidents so that experienced pastors in the field unable to complete the Master of Divinity program (MDiv), could earn a *master's degree or meet their continuing education requirements (CEU) via field-based intensives delivered at designated locations within each Union.
Cost: Classes are currently fully subsidized by the Unions and the Seminary; however students are responsible for travel, accommodations, food, books and other related expenses. Many conferences reimburse pastors for these expenses.
For more information contact: InMinistry Center at 269-471-3514; email:  
The Director, Esther R. Knott, may be reached at  or 269-471-3353. 
You may also visit 
*To apply to the M.A. in pastoral ministry program use the following link to get started: Pastoral Ministry Andrews University
Classes are offered from every department in the the Seminary, and they are usually taught at the Union Conference offices around the division.  Click here to view the Spring classes scheduled.
Below are just a few of the many classes offered.
Christian Ministry
Biblical Preaching
Worship: Word and Music
Christian Leadership in a Changing World
Church Growth and the Equipping Pastor
Mobilizing Laity for the Ministry of Evangelism
Innovative Evangelism
Church History
Survey of Church History
Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology
Discipleship and Religious Education
Marriage, Family, and Interpersonal Relationships
Ministry to Youth and Young Adults
Foundations of Biblical Spirituality



     Roberta  Fish, LCSW has just completed a Support and Training Cd for fellow Christians in ministering hope and healing to survivors of physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual abuse. 


The training CD includes twelve 1-hour PowerPoint presentations with over 275 slides and Word files with a suggested script for each slide. 


The participants guide is a training book with twelve sessions:

     Session 1-Introduction

     Session 2-Christ, Our Example

     Session 3-What Causes Abuse Wounds?

     Session 4-What are the Effects of Abuse Wounds?

     Session 5-Healing Stage One: Crisis

     Session 6-Healing Stage Two: Debridement

     Session 7-Healing Stage Two: Draining and 


     Session 8-Healing Stage Three: Healing Salve of 

                 Self-Care and Boundaries

     Session 9-Healing Stage Three: Healing Salve of 

                 Forgiveness & Spiritual Self-Care

     Session 10-Specialty Areas of Ministry

     Session 11-General Principles of Ministry

     Session 12-Ministering in the Church and 



For more information about the training CD go to or call 407-719-4490.

In This Issue
InMinistry Center
Resource-Ministering Hope
News & Notes

Young people at JCI in Miami, FL wanted to know, "how do I know if God is calling me to full time ministry?"

At the 1 Project in Seattle, WA

At the Bermuda Conference 

Pastors & Teachers Meeting 


At the NAD Health Summit in Orlando, FL 

A Point to Make
"We must preach our message - All of it."
C. D. Brooks

March 17-20
In God's Image Conference, 
Cape Town, South Africa

March 18
NO Webinar This Month
March 31
Career Fair Day
Theological Seminary, Andrews University
Berrien Springs, MI

April 21-24
Wespoint for Evangelism
Phoenix, AZ
Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418