675 Days until NAD Pastors Convention
August 26, 2013

 I've been asking that question the last few years and have found a wide variety of opinions and, not unexpectedly, some grating points of organizational conflict. For example, pastors may be ordained/commissioned after fulfilling the expectations of one conference but would miss the mark for another conference (Some conferences follow the NAD policy of requiring a pastor to have an M. Div, while other conferences are simply hiring someone with a passion for evangelism).  


The multiplicity of expectations is quite confusing when it comes to coordinating class offerings of the various undergraduate theology programs with the requirements of seminaries. Some students are overwhelmed by seminary because their undergrad program did not give them the needed foundation. Others are bored when they find the seminary classes almost identical to their undergrad classes.  


Congregations are the biggest losers in this chaotic environment because they really don't know what to expect from a pastor. I think we can do better.


Although I don't think we can or should have cookie cutter pastors, I do believe that if we could all agree on some core pastoral qualities we could have greater clarity in the entire pastoral journey. The call to ministry for young people could be crystal clear. Colleges and universities would know how to equip students and could adjust their curriculum accordingly. Ordination/commissioning committee requirements could becomegemmell standardized and public knowledge. Most of all, congregations and communities could be better served because they would know that they were getting a pastor with certain essential qualities.


What are the core qualities of the pastor? Since only 44 pastors filled out the survey monkey questionnaire so far your input may be missing.  Click this link to share your opinions on the essential qualities of a pastor. 

--Dave Gemmell
PSI Provides Church Fundraising Assistance
4 Women Pastors Ordained
DMin Enrollment
Events & news: Ordination Papers
Lilya Wagner  
by Dr. Lilya Wagner, CFRE
PSI serves North America Division's (NAD institutions as a consulting service and is both a one-stop shop and a gateway to services.  Collaboration with collegial organization is one way that PSI can maximize its service to pastors and their organizations-their churches, schools, community service projects, and related projects.  The PSI website, www.philanthropicservice.com has on-line resources such as an extensive annotated bibliography, podcasts, articles of current interest, commentaries on what is happening on the philanthropic scene, how-to advice, and announcements.
Specific assistance for capital campaigns for pastors, churches, schools:
�         A fundraising handbook, Successful Fundraising, was developed specifically for pastors and churches, as well as their organizations such as schools.  It can be purchased from AdventSource.org but comes with an offer of assistance from PSI, ranging from a phone call to actual site visit.  Chapters are added as requested and needed.
�         PSI assists with campaign planning, or review of existing plans.
�         PSI helps an organization develop its case for support and identify potential donors.
�         PSI does training on site-board, building committee, other relevant committees, and the church in general.
�         PSI helps with materials preparation, such as reviewing fundraising materials, from letters to proposals.
�         PSI has many informational and instructive materials that can be shared, such as how to write an appeal letter, how to create a gift range chart, and how to understand readiness for a campaign.
�         PSI can assist in researching funders-foundations, some business, and government.  It can guide in identifying individual donors.
�         PSI is available to answer questions and give guidance on an on-going basis.
�         On occasion the capacity building grant available from PSI allows extras a church or school may not afford, such as a database or a local trainer to speak to a committee or board.
�         WHAT PSI CANNOT DO is conduct a feasibility study-but it can advise on how to assess feasibility and information on this is also available in Successful Fundraising.
�         PSI CANNOT actually raise funds with or for you-but neither does any consulting firm which is credible.  Rarely will a consultant actually raise funds.
�         PSI can help YOU carry out a responsible, well-planned, carefully implemented campaign; it cannot do it for you.  PSI cannot be your "conscience" and make sure you and your team are staying on track.  We can, however, help you plan on how to set benchmarks and develop a timeline.
�         PSI can help you determine if you need a consultant and provide you with prospects for such services.  A chapter in Successful Fundraising provides guidelines how to make this major financial decision wisely.
PSI is happy to help you conduct a responsible campaign.  We are at your service!


4 Women Pastors Ordained
Story by Heidi Shoemaker

"Today we gather to recognize the call of God on four of our own: Linda Farley, Lori Farr, Sandra Pappenfus and Carmen Seibold," said Raj Attiken, Ohio Conference president. After 20 years of advocating for the ordination of women, Ohio Conference leaders officiated their first ordination celebration for women last Sabbath at the Worthington church. The action came as a result of overwhelming support from delegates at last year's Columbia Union constituency session. 

Read More

"This article was first published on August 21, 2013 at the Columbia Union Conference website and is reprinted with permission." 



Andrews University Mall
Doctor of Ministry to launch new cohorts in 2014!  
Especially for those in organizational leadership: The Doctor of Ministry program has scheduled the formation of a new cohort that will focus their studies on the issues faced by those in administrative leadership roles.

Pre-intensive assignments will begin now (syllabi to be released next week to those on the interest list), with the first intensives meeting in Orlando, Florida January 8-14.

The application deadline is November 22, but don't wait until then-start your application process now so you can be well prepared! If you or someone you know is interested in this area of ministry, contact the Doctor of Ministry office for more information, or to request an application: [email protected], or call 1-269-471-3544 (toll-free is 888-717-6244).
Other concentrations launching new cohorts in 2014 (follow the links to access brochures):
Discipleship and Biblical Spirituality
Family Ministry
Pastoral Ministry (Spanish-brochure not yet available, link is to web page; starts in September 2014)
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
If you have an MDiv degree or ministry-preparation graduate degree, a GPA of at least 3.0, and at least three years' professional ministry experience, you may qualify for admission to the DMin program. The tuition is subsidized and very affordable. You will find a wealth of information about the program at www.doctorofministry.com, or contact: [email protected]; 1-269-471-3544. 


The General Conference Ordination Study Committee July 2013 research papers are now available for download from the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research. Authors include Esther Knott, David Trim, Gerard Damsteegt, Nicholas Miller, John Reeve, Jiri Moskala, Carl Cosaert, Edwin Reynolds, Ingo Sorke, Paul Ratsara, Daniel Bediako, Laurel Damsteegt, Stephen Bohr, Jerry Moon, Carmen Perez, Richard Davidson, Teresa Reeve, Denis Fortin, and Darius Jankiewicz.    The January 2013 papers are also available from ASTR.

Previous resource links:   

Best Practices for Adventist Ministry is published by NAD Ministerial. Opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NAD Ministerial. Publisher: Ivan Williams;  Managing Editor:  Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2013 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418