March 4, 2013 


Next week starting, Monday, March 11, 2013, Ministerial Directors in the North American Division will gather in Berrien Springs, Michigan at the Adventist Frontier Mission Center for a NAD Ministerial Summit.  


The annual career fair will kick off the "Summit" beginning on Monday at the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University.  Tuesday's Advisory will focus on pastor and church assessments, continuing education, pastoral maturation-from the call to retirement, and the 2015 NAD Ministerial Convention.  On Wednesday we will take a trip to the Adventist Heritage Village in Battle Creek, Michigan.  The trip will be hosted by the General Conference Director of the Ellen White estate, Jim Nix. Finally, on Thursday, the ministerial directors boot camp will be a training session targeted for ministerial directors serving with less than three years of ministerial service.   

NAD Ministerial Best Practices
 Webinar Schedule for Pastors
NAD Ministerial invites pastors to join us for the "Best Practices Webinars" every 3rd Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. e.s.t. This month on March, 19, 2013.  Pastors will be able to participate and ask questions with each presenter through an online delivery.  Please share this with your pastors and feel free to contact us with any questions you have.

This month's presentation will be on
March 19, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. e.s.t.  Delbert Johnson, Director of NAD
Retirement, will address, "Preparing Clergy for Retirement."  In a time when retirement and uncertainty go hand in hand.  Preparation and planning for retirement becomes most significant right now for the future.  According to the NAD Retirment department, retirements will occur rapidly over the next 9 years, and because of the age demographics in the North American Division, 50% of all ordained/commisisoned ministers in the NAD will be eligible for full time retirement. Del Johnson will present a timely, relevant, and pointed webinar that will address helpful tips and insights regarding retirement, along with your concerns.  He will also answer your questions regarding this subject. 

Next month's webinar presentation will take place on 
April 16, 2013 at 1:30 pm e.s.t.  Arthur Blinci, Vice President
-Chief Risk Management Officer for Adventist Risk Management, will present "Managing the Risks Between Pulpit and Pew." 
In this litigious age, pastors deal with many challenges surrounding people, places, and things. Being aware of relational landmines and legal pitfalls is half the battle as you lead your congregations.  Each year the Seventh day Adventist Church spends millions of dollars on employee issues.  Arthur Blinci will provide pastors with a better understanding of the risks they face on a daily basis and provide them with resources that will assist in their ministry.
CALLED, A Digital Magazine for Adventist Clergy to Launch Soon
The launch of NAD Ministerial Department's new digital magazine for Adventist clergy is in the final stages of development according to Dave Gemmell, Associate Director of NAD Ministerial. The magazine is currently being tested on iPad, Android, Kindle Fire and interactive pdf platforms. As soon as it passes those hurdles it will be submitted as an app and await approval from app stores. Once the apps are approved readers of Best Practices for Adventist Ministry will be alerted so they can download the app and magazine at no charge.  

The first quarter 2013 edition features seven articles on the role of women clergy in the NAD. Wanted, More Female Pastors shares the NAD leadership's desire to increase the number of women in pastoral leadership in the NAD. Women of Influence traces the history of women clergy in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Judges, Seminary Deans & Deacons highlights some of the women who played a spiritual leadership role in the Bible. Finding Relevance in Ancient Writings gives some principles of interpreting the scriptures. Let the Women Keep Silent deals with some of the texts that appear to some to limit the role of women in spiritual leadership. Ellen White on Female Leadership takes a look at the teachings of the female co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist church on the role of women in spiritual leadership. Exceptional Pastors opens a window to see how women clergy are already making a difference in the NAD. 
The Southern Union Ministerium

Ministry is better when we're connected.


January 2013, the Southern Union held its Ministerium. It's a convention for pastors and families from the eight conferences that compose our union. The theme was:

Connecting. To God. To family. To each other.

It took Pr. Dennis Ross and Jackie along with the conference ministerial directors three years to prepare for the event, for close to 1,600 people. As I reflected on the event after its conclusion, one phrase described our objective:

Ministry is better, when we're connected.


Here are 4 principles we learned:


Ministry is better when we are united.

Unity multiplies impact. That is one key lesson we wanted leaders to understand. We need each other. We can grow as we learn from each other. One of the most beautiful moments in the Ministerium was communion, where there were no conferences, no small or large churches, no titles or degrees, just pastors, washing each other's feet. Ministry works better when instead of building silos we build his kingdom. In order to finish the work God has entrusted to us we need everybody. Traditional and contemporary, men and women, youth and adults, 1st and 2nd generation, accredited colleges and self-supporting ministries, lay members and paid denominational employees. We are one church. When we attack each other it creates confusion in our youth, discouragement in our members, and delay in our progress. Among the 1,600 pastors and families, we had a wide diversity. African American. Anglo. Hispanic. Korean. Russian. Africa. West Indies. Europe. It looked a lot like heaven. It's interesting to note that when Jesus selected his disciples, he did not chose 12 carpenters from Nazareth.


Ministry is better when we strive for excellence.

Excellence honors God and inspires people. Someone has said that good is the enemy of great. One of the greatest dangers in our lives can be summarized in two words: Routine. Average. At the Ministerium pastors were encouraged to never settle for good, when best is available. Great attention to detail from the organizing group, sought to model the principle of excellence.

Ministry is better when we're challenged.

The speakers not only inspired us, but also challenged us. One of the most powerful messages was given by Pr. Alejandro Bullon. His title was catchy: Pastors can also be saved. He related a story about a young boy that wanted to work in a chocolate factory. The first day of work, his boss told him he had one assignment. To eat chocolate all day. Every ten minutes the boss would come to check on the boy to make sure he was eating chocolate. After one day, even while working in the chocolate factory, the boy never touched the chocolate again. Pr. Bullon told us that the "greatest temptation for pastors that work for God, is to neglect personal communion with the God they work for". We don't want to end up like the people that built the ark, and then drowned in the flood. We were challenged, stretched, and encouraged at the same time.


Ministry is better when we are connected to God.

As a kid, I loved flying kites. Living in Puerto Rico, a tropical paradise, we were almost never short on wind. Once in a while, however, there was a windless day.   On those days, if you still wanted to fly a kite you could, only it was much harder. First you needed to go to a big field. Then, get a running start. Follow that with run, run, and then run some more. Needless to say, kite flying soon became a bothersome chore, instead of a pleasant endeavor. Same thing happens in church. When you are running around, doing things in your own strengths, eventually you will wonder where did all the "pleasure" of serving the Lord go. Kites fly with almost no effort when there is wind present. Is there wind in your church? In order to fly a kite we need wind. In order to pastor a church we need to stay connected. To God. To family. To each other.


Access the presentations at the Southern Union Ministerium by the link below:  The password once online is: LEAD13 

In This Issue
CALLED: A Digital Magazine
The Southern Union Ministerium
News & Notes
The Theology of Ordination-Biblical Research Committee of the North American Division.
In response to the request made at the 2010 Seventh-day Adventist General Conference Session in Atlanta, each division of the world church was asked to commission a biblical research committee to study the theology of ordination and its implications for church practices. To find out about the study process, the committee, and how to contact them.

The Newstart Global-
Empowering Health Evangelism Worldwide NEWSTART Global is designed to educate, inspire, and equip local churches, as well as schools and health organizations around the world to conduct health evangelism simply and effectively.
We have quite a few changes on our Ministerial Directors team.  We will have photos and descriptions of all those who have joined and transitioned from our ministerial team in next month's newsletter.
Here are the changes we are aware in our conferences.

Georgia-Cumberland Conference
Harold Cunningham,
Vice President for Pastoral Ministries & Evangelism will transition form Ministerial sometime later this year. 

Allegheny East Conference
Marcellus Robinson is now the Vice President for Administration.
Stephen Richardson is the new Ministerial Director.

Southeastern Conference
Brent Walden is the new Ministerial Director. He is serving in the place of Milton Sterling (deceased).

Central States Conference
Gil Webb is transitioning from Ministerial to become the new Vice President for Administration in the Mid-America Union.

Kansas-Nebraska Conference
John Sweigart is also the new Vice President for Administration.

Montana Conference 
Barry Taylor is the new Ministerial Director.

Follow our new "Best Practices Newsletter" on our own Ministerial Directors facebook page.     

The Latest on Facebook


Please share with us what's happening in your conference or Union. We would love to share what you doing with other Ministerial Directors in our Division.

A Point to Make
Conflict cannot survive without your participation.
by Wayne Dyer


March 11-14
Ministerial Directors Summit
Berrien Springs, MI

March 13-16
NAD Health Summit
Flushing, NY

March 19
Best Practices Webinar
"Preparing Clergy for Retirement" with Delbert Johnson, NAD Retirement Director
1:30 pm e.s.t.

March 31-April 3
Long Beach, CA

April 16
Best Practices Webinar
"Managing the Risks Between Pulpit and Pew" with Arthur Blinci, VP-Chief Risk Management Officer for Adventist Risk Management
1:30 pm e.s.t.

April 21-24
Baltimore, MD

Best Practices for Ministerial Directors is published by NAD Ministerial. Editor: Ivan Williams. Managing Editor: Dave Gemmell. Copyright 2012 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists. v(301) 680-6418