Notes from David
Spring is here with a vengeance. Let me explain . . . You may recall that we have about 200 oak trees on the property here at Bat Cave Road. Every one of those oaks is in full flower, the air is filled with yellow pollen and my allergies are going crazy. Three days ago the oak pollen count was 2,780 and today it is just shy of 10,000 parts per cubic meter. Yikes! I researched and it could actually go quite a bit higher. If it does, I might have to escape. I have coughed my head off for two days until my ribs ache. It is still 10 days before I leave for Australia; oh my, oh my! Today I have been sipping on a full bottle of Regal Liquid Manna. I am also soaking a wash cloth with the Regal and holding it to my eyes, nose and mouth so that I can breathe through the cloth and get Regal vapor into my lungs. It is helping, and for now I have stopped coughing. Praise the Lord! Somewhere around here I have a vaporizer and, if I can find it, I will run it right beside my bed tonight. Fred Neal likes to say, "Oxygen is the healing fluid for all situations!" I believe that, but sometimes it is a challenge to get the Liquid Manna to where you need it, like the lungs . . . but I am working on it. Tonight, we are announcing a new Global Light project that we hope will please you. But first, a little background. A while back, a very long-term Global Light Member / Reseller suggested that it would be very helpful for her to expand her product knowledge if we would periodically feature just one product and do an in-depth report on that product . . . something separate and different from the regular Newsletter. The more we thought about that, the better we liked the idea. Now, to be sure, Tori has plenty on her plate "pulling a rabbit out of the hat" every single week of the year to put together the regular Newsletter. The idea that Libby and I came up with was to ask my son, Dave, Jr., to write Product Focus articles for us . . . maybe every other week or perhaps twice a month. We will see how it works out. We think that Dave is an excellent writer and as this project rolls out, we think you will agree. In his life before Global Light Network, Dave was deeply involved in marketing technology to some the largest companies and government agencies in the country. He has written countless proposals and product articles in his other life. Here is the format that we have in mind. Dave will write a two- or three-paragraph summary about the product we are featuring. If it is not a product that resonates with you, just pass it on by. However, if you would like to learn more, there will be a link to a longer, in-depth article in .pdf format, but not too long. If you still want to read more, Dave will link you into the information site, In the .pdf article, Dave will insert a Promotional Code that you can use to get a Special discount on that product for a limited time. The Product Focus email will go out on Monday nights and the Promotional Code will be effective until the end of the following Sunday. So, here is the summary of the project. On Monday night you will receive a very short email from Dave Dartez, Jr. about a product. If that interests you, click the link to read more; and then if you are so excited about that product that you just cannot stand it, grab the Promotional Code and go to the Shopping Cart and buy some right away at a great discount. (Grins) In a more serious vein, some of our products are not easy to understand and assimilate how best to use them and we hope these articles will help with the education process. After these articles appear, they will be set up in an archive so that they can be easily retrieved for future reference. The first Product Focus email will go out next Monday. Watch for it and let us know what you think. Tonight Tori features an article about magnesium by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND. It is an outstanding article . . . perhaps more like a rant! She is ranting about the gross mis-information about magnesium coming from mainstream medicine and she is taking no prisoners. As you read the article, you just want to say, "You go, girl!" Dr. Dean has become the foremost advocate for magnesium around the world. She is a courageous woman and extremely well informed about magnesium in all forms. We are proud to have introduced her to transdermal magnesium quite a few years ago. You will want to read this one . . . she tells it straight. I have to just say one thing about the gardens -- OMG! Everything is doing sooo well! We transplanted 32 tomato plants from the greenhouse into the big garden, and only one plant didn't survive. We lost three squash plants after transplanting and everything else is thriving. What a year this is going to be. I must say that everything flourishing in the greenhouse, the big garden and the orchard is a dream come true for me. I was probably only six when I first voiced a dream of having a nursery with a greenhouse and lots of flowers. I wasn't into veggies at the time. (Grins) At that time, during WWII, we were living with my grandmother and she had a fabulous green thumb. I still have a few plants handed down from her . . . sixty years later. What an inspiration. My coughing is starting to get the best of me, and I will have to close early tonight. Libby and I want to say a great big thank you for the response to our St. Patrick's Day special . . . it was overwhelming. The orders came flooding in, and we were easily able to handle that monster bill that was staring us in the face. We are so Blessed by your participation and support. Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Blessings, David |
March Specials
Miracle II & Liquid Manna
Liquid Manna - 25% discount! This includes the Liquid Royal and Regal, Manna Regal+50% Pads and the Manna Regal+50% Eye Mask. Oxygenate your body; facilitate pain relief and internal and topical healing with these products.
Miracle II prices remain steady for this month which amounts to a 17% discount off the new pricing that went into effect March 1st and will be raised in our Shopping Cart April 1st.
More information:
Magnesium is NOT Dangerous
This type of missive is both na�ve and political. It comes straight from the heart of Codex Alimentarius, the standardization of food and dietary supplements. Codex has designated supplements as drugs and is regulating them based on how they interfere with drugs. In other words, if a nutrient makes a drug look bad, then ban the nutrient.
So magnesium will get hit hard because it makes most drugs look bad because it does a better job than they do.
The article warns that "If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use magnesium without first talking to your health care provider." Excuse me, but how in the name of all that is holy can a doctor who never studied magnesium in medical school possibly give you an intelligent response?
If you go to that link and read the article and do a 180 degree rotation on your thinking, you will see what I've been telling you for years. I've mentioned all these drugs in The Magnesium Miracle as INTERFERING with magnesium absorption!
When you read the types of magnesium they mention, it's mostly about antacids and laxatives and not about the use of magnesium as a therapeutic intervention for angina, blood pressure and heart palpitations. Doctors don't even consider magnesium for those conditions. Yet people who read this article will assume that they are talking about therapeutic magnesium.
The antibiotics listed are mostly fluoride molecules that block magnesium. They say magnesium can cause side effects if taken with a calcium channel blocker. But magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker, so you may not need the drug. They do say that diuretics can deplete magnesium and that "doctors may consider recommending magnesium supplements." To me that sounds wishy washy. They should leave no doubt and say that doctors must prescribe magnesium supplements when prescribing diuretics.
About diabetic medication, they warn against taking magnesium but do say "Ultimately, magnesium may prove to allow for reduction in the dosage of those medications." WHY NOT SAY THAT STRAIGHT OUT? TAKE MAGNESIUM AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THESE DRUGS.
Yes, I guess I'm a bit FLIPPED OUT about such insanity. Please know that magnesium is a safe supplement and there are many resources available to understand how to use it wisely for your health.
I have a wellness consulting phone practice so I don't "treat" cancer. So I'm happy for the opportunity to do a webinar in a cancer detox series with naturopath, Dr. Judy Seeger, who has been practicing for 20 years.
As Dr. Seeger says:
Detoxing is a very important part of the healing process when you have cancer. This is especially true if you've had chemo, radiation, or surgery.
Detox is simply a MUST DO on your checklist!
Detoxing can:
- Speed your healing process
- Enhance your immune system which helps fight cancer cells
- Boost your energy levels
- Make room for more nutrients to be absorbed
- Help your liver function better so it can eliminate those toxins faster
- Get your blood cleansed to improve circulation
While the webinar with Drs. Dean and Seeger has ended, you may be able to get a replay for a limited time here. Products we can recommend for cancerous and other life situations include: Tiaga Extract, Herbal Tonic, Liquid Manna, Living Clay, Magnesium, Organa Mineral Drink and our Whole Food supplements. Order Tiaga ExtractHerbal TonicTiaga Extract / Herbal Tonic 90-day ComboLiquid MannaLiving ClayOrgana Mineral DrinkAustralia / New Zealand
Your Cells May be Starving of Oxygen
This information is excerpted from Dr. Al Sears' recent House Call newsletter. He is introducing his Power Fit program and we will link to that at the end; however, we wanted to share his oxygen info with you. We love it when a contemporary, cutting-edge medical professional disseminates data that support our theories and protocols.Cleanse Your Body of Toxins, Heavy Metals . . . Even Cancer!
You may NEVER know your cells are being starved of oxygen. You simply feel the effects like headaches, chronic pain, constant fatigue, lack of focus and memory loss. Over time, those dying cells lay the foundation for heart failure, dementia and cancer. MORE oxygen refreshes your mind, repairs your aging brain, purifies your blood and powers up your tired heart. It even destroys cancer cells on contact. Get more oxygen into your cells and you can wash away toxic heavy metals, flush out the buildup of chemicals, pesticides and oxidized fats, revive stressed-out glands and breathe NEW LIFE into old, dying cells. Disease Cannot Exist in a Fully-Oxygenized BodyWhen you expose bacteria, viruses and cancer cells to oxygen, they die; and when your blood is well oxygenated, you're able to fight off toxins, invaders and the buildup of toxic waste. You can even prevent and wipe out cancer with MORE oxygen. The Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that a low-oxygen environment is the true cause of ALL cancers. And he's not the only doctor to make the connection: - Dr. Harry Goldblatt quoted from the Journal of Experimental Medicine, "Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous." - Dr. Arthur C. Guyton M.D., author of The Textbook on Medical Physiology, "All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level." - Dr. Stephen Levine, renowned molecular biologist and geneticist and author of Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness. "Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease." As you'll see, your lungs get smaller and weaker with age, but it's not just your shrinking lungs that deprive you of oxygen. Toxins, heavy metals, vegetable oils, over-stressed thyroid and adrenal glands . . . even modern fitness advice like aerobics and cardio cut down the amount of oxygen to your cells. - Dr. Al Sears site and Power Fit .pdf document Dr. Sears' is coming from the old paradigm that you can only get oxygen into your cells through your lungs. With Liquid Manna, we have moved beyond that concept into a higher paradigm. Exercise is important to the body for many reasons, but Liquid Manna will oxygenate your cells by drinking the premium spring water highly-charged with Fred's proprietary energizing process -- there is nothing like it on the market. If you'd like to know more about Liquid Manna and the various products made with Liquid Manna, go here: Order
Australia / New ZealandOrder |
Fast Food Nutrition . . . Not!
| If this is the type of diet you ingest, you seriously need to be detoxifying and supplementing.
Want to know what's really in your McMuffin? Detoxify with Living Clay daily. Give your body what it needs to function with Moringa, Sweet Wheat or Barley Blessings along with Organa Mineral Drink. Taking some of these regularly will help you wean yourself off of a fast food addiction. Cleansing Tea would be highly beneficial to your digestive tract and liver.
You may well be magnesium deficient so there's another consideration. Oh, and the soy lecithin is probably causing a hormonal imbalance so you might want to also consider Flax Hull Lignans to balance your hormones. The Lignans will also enhance your immune system that is being compromised by this type of food.
Read about any and all of these recommendations:
Support Your Pet's Well-Being with Moringa
For many of us, our pets are a part of the family, and we want the best for them . . . not to mention that veterinarian bills are ridiculously high. As with a human body, our animals' bodies' depend on the smooth functioning of all the cells and organs which are only possible with good nutrition. When our animals fall ill, extra nutrients can sometimes make all the difference.
Unfortunately pet food contains all manner of nasty ingredients, from the remains of diseased animals to harmful chemicals and lots of fillers. Unless you are feeding your pets a high-quality human-grade food, they may not really be getting the nutrition you think they are. Pet foods are made by the same corporations that don't want to label the dangerous ingredients of human food. Kudos if you make your own raw food for your animals, but are you sure that even then they are getting all the nutrients needed?
Like humans, animals need proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and water; each of these plays a vital role in our pet's health. Proteins are the main element of body tissues like muscles, blood, skin, organs, hair and nails. Quality carbohydrates provide energy for the body's tissues. Fats absorb, store and transport vitamins and moisturize skin and coat. Vitamins assist in maintaining metabolism of the animals. Minerals are necessary to develop healthy skin, hair, and proper skeletal support and development. Moringa leaves offer a tremendous source of bio-available vitamins and minerals which are the partners of enzymes and co-enzymes. Vitamins activate enzymes and without vitamins, enzymes could not carry out their work. The list of minerals in Moringa leaves is abundant and a few of the main minerals include calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese and zinc . . . all necessary for proper functioning of the body. Since there is often a deficiency of these ingredients in pet food, the body's detoxification capacity will be insufficiently activated and health will suffer.
Other common unhealthy ingredients are chemical preservatives which may affect the health of pets. Moringa itself is a natural preservative and a detoxifier.
If you are concerned about your fur babies' health, a little bit of Moringa on a regular basis will be the ticket.
Other beneficial supplements are Liquid Manna in the water (Prill / Cosmic water is beneficial); Living Clay, Sweet Wheat, Tiaga Extract, Miracle II and Organa Mineral Drink. If your pet tends to be hyperactive, TUSSS will calm and relax.
Moringa Powder and Extract
Liquid Manna, Prill Beads and Comic Energy Stones
Living Clay
Sweet Wheat
Tiaga Extract
Miracle II
Organa Mineral Drink
Australia / New Zealand
Liquid Manna, Prill Beads and Comic Energy Stones Living Clay Sweet Wheat Tiaga Extract Miracle II |
Feedback |
Jo'eni's Liquid Manna Stories
Rising Oxygen Levels: I have a great story about Royal Liquid Manna and its powerful healing properties. In the last few years I have been through some serious health crises, and prior to my last surgery I had my son bring my bottle of Royal to the hospital, knowing it would help me heal after my surgery.
After the surgery I was having trouble maintaining a healthy oxygen level, and my low oxygen alert was repeatedly signaling. After repeated alerts about my oxygen level, I asked the nurse to hand me my bottle of Royal Liquid Manna.
The moment I pulled the bottle close to my body, the alarms went silent and we could watch my oxygen level climb. I didn't drink it . . . all I did was hold it, and the difference in my oxygen level was remarkable. This got the nurse's attention and she was totally amazed. I performed this 'trick' for a few doctors and nurses. It was interesting to see the various responses. I now drink a gallon a day of oxygenated water and really would hate to have to go without it!
Jo'eni's Initial Experience with Regal Liquid Manna
I laid a Manna Wand on my chest between my breasts and three bottles of Regal Liquid Manna in the bed. One of the bottles of Regal was positioned directly on top of my pancreas which controls my insulin. My intent was to see if these products would help me with the high sugar levels and the other issues in my chest; the results with my glucose readings were somewhat unexpected.
When I awoke and took my first glucose reading, it was 107 which is absolutely perfect. Then I had two more perfect readings of 101. This has never happened before and I don't believe it's a coincidence!
Update from Jo'eni . . .
Blood Sugar: I have continued sleeping with the Manna Wand and am now using 2 Regal and 1 Royal each night. (I've replaced the 3rd Regal with the Royal as I intend to drink it.) Overall, I have noticed that my glucose readings have been approximately cut in half -- even lower when I first awaken. For instance, this morning my first two readings were normal -- I didn't need to take any insulin. (If I don't sleep with the Liquid Manna products, my levels start rising again, so I know this is what is making the difference.)
I believe the positioning of the bottles of Regal and Royal which are placed close to my pancreas (and sometimes the Manna Wand) have been helpful with this positive change.
By the way, my doctor called the other day to give me the results of my 6-month blood test (the kind that gives you blood sugar level averages -- I can't remember what it's called). He was amazed that this test is the best I've had in 4 years. It came back normal! Last time I had the test in April or May, levels were very high. He couldn't believe that my levels had changed so much in such a short time.
Pain: I have several chest issues that cause excruciating pain. I cannot tolerate the side effects of pain meds, so I have lived with the pain. I was to have a series of three nerve blocks in my chest. I had two where in one sitting they would give me 11 shots of steroids which made me horribly sick and had too many side effects. I opted out of the 3rd one. I do, however, feel that the two nerve blocks I received helped with the pain somewhat.
After I had a quadruple bypass, my sternum and ribs did not meet properly in the middle. My ribs would cross over each other and overlap. Sometimes a rib will get caught on my collarbone. That was / is very painful. A year after the bypass, they went in and installed titanium sternum / rib talons to connect both sides and to keep them from moving. For some reason, they only did that to the lower sternum and ribs, so I still have the same thing going on in my upper chest with the accompanying pain.
Sleeping with Royal Liquid Manna helped with this pain, but using the Manna Wand at night on my chest seems to have had the biggest impact on pain relief. (Initially I was sleeping with the Royal but now I'm using the Manna Wand, 2 Regals and 1 Royal with the Wand usually on my chest.)
I also had a horrible pain on the right side of my chest. An x-ray revealed a small black spot in the area of the pain. Since sleeping with the Manna products, the pain has gone! I don't know if the black spot is still there as I haven't had another x-ray.
Sleep Apnea: I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I believe sleeping with the Royal Liquid Manna helped alleviate this situation, but after using the Manna Wand during the night, there is no sign whatsoever and I don't believe it is an issue anymore. I breathe better since using these products at night.
COPD: I had also been showing signs of COPD when I was x-rayed and was thinking of buying the Triple Bi-Fold Manna Pad to wear during the day. I must say, though that in the mornings after sleeping with the Manna Wand, 2 Regal and 1 Royal, I have had no problems breathing.
For Your Discernment
Your Sleep Issues May be Due to Hormonal Imbalance
Dr. Erin Lommen explains how sleep issues are tied with hormone imbalance as we age. She explains how the two are related and what you can do to get back on track. She also explains how appetite and obesity are woven into the sleep issue as well. She also mentions that so-common condition -- stress. Remember that we offer two excellent adrenal support supplements. Flax Hull Lignans help balance hormones.
Homeopathy Plus is Threatened by the ACCC
Australian company Homeopathy Plus is in federal court to defend their rights. Read here and see how you can offer support.
Monsanto is Genocide Petition
A new Monsanto Protection Act gives Monsanto authority over the government. Read and sign here. Only Americans can sign. Natural News is also reporting on this debate in congress. Whole Foods (Trader Joe's and others) Vow to Label GMO's by 2018
Whole Foods in Great Britain already require labeling and now in the US they vow to do the same by 2018. Dr. Mercola is hailing Whole Foods as a hero; however, it seems with the negative press this company has received lately, they may not have much of a choice from a public relations standpoint. We hope their motivation is because it's the right thing to do. Read Dr. Mercola's article. As Martha Steward would say, 'it's a good thing.' |
Lighten Up
Places of Note
Here is an interesting array of places around the world. Beautiful Time Lapse Photography
View here. Garden Glory
As viewed through a lens from the BBC. Incredible Balancing Act
View here. Devoted Church Attendee Here's a heart warmer . . . 12 year-old German Shepherd, Tommy, hasn't missed a daily mass in the two months since his mistress died and he followed her coffin to the church.
When the bells of the Santa Maria Assunta church begin to toll each afternoon in San Donaci near Brindisi, Tommy sets off from the village to get himself a front row seat next to the altar.
Tommy has returned daily, sitting quietly throughout masses, baptisms and funerals, according to local priest, Donato Panna, who now wouldn't do without him.
His owner, who was known as "Maria tu lu campu" -- "Maria of the Fields" -- had lived alone with Tommy and three other rescue dogs who used to follow her faithfully on her daily rounds and now have been adopted by the village.
Product Info Resources
We support our Members to the best of our ability with product information in several ways.
Product Knowledge Site
Almost every product we offer has an informational page at: This site is periodically updated with pertinent information from this newsletter.
Fr-ee CD's
See the list of fr-ee CD's in the right-hand column. They are found in the Books/CD's section of our shopping carts. If you're not ordering product yet, send us an email (US: or Australia/New Zealand: with the name of the product CD in the subject line and be sure to include your current mailing address. We are happy to dispatch these to you promptly. We periodically add new CD's to the list.
Books that relevant to many of our products offered for purchase but are not readily identifiable on the shopping cart page. Use this list to find what you want:
Adrenal Fatigue: The 21 Century Stress Syndrome / Dr. James Wilson = JW or AF book
Flaxseed Lignan: The Power Of SDG in Promoting Health / Charles Weisman
Hoxsey Therapy: When Natural Cures for Cancer Become Illegal / Harry Hoxsey = HHBook
The Magnesium Miracle / Dr. Carolyn Dean = Book - Dean
Nature's Own Miracle Cure: Calcium Bentonite Clay / Perry A~ = Living Clay book
Oxygen: Nature's Most Important Supplement / Stephen Krauss
Transdermal Magnesium Therapy / Mark Sircus = Book - Sircus
The Wheatgrass Book / Ann Wigmore
When Healing Becomes a Crime / Kenny Ausubel = KABook
Joyce is always happy to help you find / order a book if you call her at 1-888-236-2108.
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To safely forward this newsletter, do not use the Forward button on your Internet browser. Instead, there is a Forward Email link at the bottom of this letter. Please use that to ensure no one unwittingly unsubscribes you.
About GLN
We at Global Light Network are pleased to present our exciting array of products and services. Our products are primarily offered through our website, and our products and services can be engaged through our toll-free number: (US): 1-888-236-2108.
As our customer, we will serve you in your quest for cutting-edge products for better health and wellness. Our motto is WELLNESS THROUGH AWARENESS. We have hundreds of unsolicited, verified testimonials, however, there are too many to supply on our site. We welcome your inquiries. Please do not hesitate to call us if we can answer any of your questions.
US Fax: 210-651-0509
US and Canada Orders and Information US Toll-free 1-888-236-2108
Outside US and Canada Orders and Information 210-767-2189
Sometimes we incur a very high volume of calls. If you encounter a voicemail box, we will return your call if you leave us a clear message with your name and telephone number.
US Mailing Address Global Light Network 23505 Bat Cave Road San Antonio, TX 78266
Melbourne, Australia OFFICE / DEPOT Business Hours: Monday - Friday / 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Toll-Free: 1300-860-049 Phone: 03-9576-3110 / 03-9576-3232 Fax: 03-9576-0060 |
This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only. Nothing in this email is intended to diagnose or treat, nor is it intended to be a substitute for professional health care advice.
International Distributors
Australia, New Zealand and Asia
Phone: 1300-860-049 or 03-9576-3110
Fax: 03-9576-0060
The Netherlands
True Spirit
United Kingdom Oxyvita Limited (Magnesium Products Only) 17 Finchley Road Basement OfficesSwiss Cottage London NW3 6HY Phone: + 44 (0) 207 483 1991
Canada Natural Calm Canada(Magnesium Oil & Gel)5 Idleswift DrThornhill, Ontario L4J 1K6 Phone: 905-762-8910 Website: |