UANN Website
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Gear up for next year with the new 2014-2015 Playbook!
Take a sneak peek at the 2014-2015 Playbook which features 10 plays developed with input from students, educators and other experts.
Funding Opportunity:
If you missed the most recent deadline for funding there is still another opportunity to apply this year before the deadline, November 5, 2014. Up to $4,000 per year is available to qualifying K-12 schools enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60 to kick start healthy changes. To get started, you will choose one Healthy Eating Play and one Physical Activity Play from the 2014-2015 Playbook. The School Wellness Investigation will help you determine the Plays that work best for your school.
Fuel Up to Play 60
Play of the Month:
Your Play for this month is to keep your family active and making healthy eating choices by participating in the PALA+ challenge.
Invigorate Your Water!-Fruits & Veggies More Matters

Water. We all need it. Many people won't deny the fact that plain water is the best beverage to drink. However, they say they don't like the taste of water-it's too bland and tasteless-and instead, resort to beverages with added sweeteners that offer little to no nutritional value. During the dry summer months it is especially important to get enough water. So here are 8 ways to flavor your water & add nutrition! Enjoy!
6 Ways to Swap Your Snack!
Summer is here and that means many kids are spending more time at camp, by the pool, and on the sports field. Active kids need healthy foods to power their bodies to climb, swim, and run. Read on to find out 6 healthy ways to swap your snack!
Recent Nutrition and Physical Activity News:
Drink Up with a Splash of Style-Let's Move! Kelly Miterko, 6/25/14.
Today, the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) announced that multiple leaders from the fashion industry have joined its Drink Up initiative, an effort that encourages Americans across the country to drink more water, more often. Read more.
Let's Move Child Care Celebrates 3rd Anniversary: Super Fun, Super Fit!-Let's Move! Pamela B. Bryant, 6/30/14.
During this 3rd anniversary of Let's Move! Child Care (LMCC), we recognize the outstanding efforts of the thousands of providers who have committed to working towards the initiative's best best practices for healthy nutrition, physical activity, breastfeeding support, and screen time. Read more.
Eat Well to be Well: Making cents at the, Cheryl Mussatto, 6/30/2014.
Ouch! Have you been to the grocery store lately and felt the "pinch" of rising food prices? Up and down the grocery aisles, prices are soaring for basic staple foods such as meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. Read more.
Healthy picnic fare is on the, Kim Westcott, 6/24/2014.
Summer is the time for enjoying the outdoors. Hot sunny days make it the perfect time of year to have a picnic, but don't forget about nutrition when packing your picnic basket. Read more.
Archived Webinars from Farm to School-Finding, Buying and Serving Local Foods Webinar Series. From January through June 2014, the USDA Farm to School Program hosted two webinars each month to showcase the variety of ways school districts can purchase local foods. Click here for the archived recordings and corresponding resources for each of the webinars. Upcoming Trainings - July 28th: Central Region in Payson, AZ
- August 12th: Douglas, AZ
- Maricopa training: TBA
Additional Resources Food Day 2014 is less than 4 months away! All over the country organizers are planning festivals, lectures, taste-tests, film screenings, and other activities to celebrate real, just food. There is plenty of time to start organizing your own Food Day event. Visit the Food Day Resource page to access fantastic materials that you can use at your Food Day event. Attention RC's - We are still providing/ offering trainings! Please feel free to contact Jen Martinez to schedule your summer or back to school training!
- Please submit your Dairy Council material requests to Jen Martinez at
- The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Training conducted by Arizona Department of Education is now complete. The last training took place on June 30th. Since the majority of the schools that were awarded this grant are eligible to participate in SNAP-Ed; we hope that all SNAP-Ed attendees were able to re-connect with their respected qualifying sites that are also participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
- Please send in contacts for your schools that are involved in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Please send this information to Jen Martinez! Thanks to Cristina Guterman for already submitting this information!
The 4th Annual Summer Conference This Summer Conference lead the the CHAPS team is now full! If you have anyone from your unit attending, have him/her share their experience with your staff! Also, be sure to look out for the training team who will be present! |