International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge
June 2014 Newsletter

Happy Summer!  The thought of this coming year is exciting to me. It simply feels like a good year...the energy just feels ready for positive change.  I've had several people express worry about all the upheaval in the world. But there are two ways to look at that upheaval...the doom and gloom the sky Is falling in possibility .....or...finally people are no longer willing to live in an unjust, unfair world and they are speaking up about it. I choose to think the later.  And that thought is where I will focus my energy. I will think that just like summer finally being is real peace.  Join me in that thought if you would...let's give that idea power and create that reality.    


Thanks for your interest in the International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge.  We have one of our major events coming up soon.....Stansted-in-FloridaTM. It would be great if you could join us this year.


Office: (407) 673 - 9776
IFSK Director

Marilyn Desk

Our Mission:

To promote the Religion, Science and Philosophy
of Spiritualism in an environment where Seekers can explore and develop freely and safely.
InThisIssueIn This Issue
There are a lot of great things coming this year, and more things being added all the time. There are special events for everyone, and there are local development classes where anyone can come and learn. See the articles below for more information...
Join Our Mailing List!

8th Annual Stansted-in-FloridaTM

July 17 - 20, 2014  


We will again hold this annual event at Marywood Retreat and Conference Center in St. Johns, Florida. It is such a lovely place, so peaceful and relaxing. British Medium Eamonn Downey, Tutor at the Arthur Findlay College in England, and I will be the Tutors. As always the event is patterned after and will follow the same format as classes regularly taught at the College.  Except Stansted-in-FloridaTM  is minus the jet lag and plane fair! Topics for this year include Trance, Healing, and Mediumship Development.

This event is a chance to be around like minded people, to talk about our beliefs with people who think like us...that is such a freedom. Friendships form over the years and it's lovely to see people as they greet each other and catch up on life since the last Stansted-in-FloridaTM. It would be great if you could join us this year.

JanetteMarshallJanette Marshall in Florida

Tutor at the world-famous

Coming to Florida

September 2014!
The Villages


Church Service



Thursday, Sept. 18th

(7:00 - 8:30 p.m.)


Unity of the Villages

10935 SE 177th Place

Suite 504

Summerfield, 34491



Psychic Art Demonstration ($25)

Tuesday, Sept. 23rd
(7:30 - 9:00 p.m.)
Location TBD



Workshop: The Power of Spirit Communication ($65)
Sunday, Sept. 28th
(1:30 - 5:30 p.m.)
Center for Mind, Body, Spirit Connection
6832 Hanging Moss Rd.
 Orlando, 32807


Workshop: Self Mastery Within Mediumship ($100)


Saturday, Sept. 20th

(10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)


The Noble School

1572 Penman Road

Suites #2 & #3

Jacksonville Beach, 32250



Psychic Art Demonstration ($25)


 Friday, Sept. 26th

(7:30 - 9:00 p.m.)


Unity of Gainesville

8801 NW 39th Ave

Gainesville, 32606


The Villages


Psychic Art Demonstration ($25)



Monday, Sept. 29th

(7:00 - 8:30 p.m.)


Unity of the Villages

10935 SE 177th Place

Suite 504

Summerfield, 34491

Workshop: Defining Healing Mediumship ($65)
Sunday, Sept. 21st
(1:00 - 5:00 p.m.)
Location TBD


Workshop: The Mastery of Mediumship ($100)


 Saturday, Sept. 27th

(10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)


Unity of Gainesville

8801 NW 39th Ave

Gainesville, 32606


The Villages


Workshop: The Mind, 

Body and Spirit of the Medium ($65)


 Tuesday, Sept. 30th

(10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.)


Unity of the Villages

10935 SE 177th Place

Suite 504

Summerfield, 34491

All classes limited to about 20 attendees. Pre-booking advised to insure your spot for the class. If paid on-line using PayPal there will be an additional fee added.


Private Readings available by appointment in each city. Choice of reading styles available. ($95)

SuggestedReadingSuggested Reading

Life's Operating Manual

by Tom Shadyac

The book I want to recommend this time is a very current book. It was just released the end of 2013. The title is Life's Operating Manual by Tom Shadyac.  For those of you who can't place the author, he was the producer of several well known movies: Liar Liar: Ace Ventura: Patch Adams: Bruce Almighty: Evan Almighty. He is also the producer of the documentary I AM.  In his own opinion he wonders why anyone would want to take advice about life from him since after all he's just a movie producer. But I heard him interviewed about the book and he seemed so sincere, so I read it. I really liked it.


Each chapter of the book includes a short writing. Then "Truth" and "Fear" debate the accuracy and relevancy of the thoughts expressed on each subject. Since the book is titled Life's Operating Manual of course each subject deals with some aspect of to make it better for to save the world from itself. As "Truth and "Fear" debate, "Truth" simply makes the most logical points.... makes "Truth's" choice reasonable.  Since this is the year I believe positive change is just around the corner...this book has ideas that could help make that change.  It finishes with simply stating all there is love.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if that was all there was.....Love. 


This book can be obtained in all your normal book outlets and I think well worth the time.  

Happy reading!

IWasThinkingI Was Thinking...
 ...about Nelson Mandela

I, like many others around the world, watched all the doings as Nelson Mandela passed to Spirit and was laid to rest in his home town. Watched as a unique and special person passed from one life to the next.  Besides the history of his life, two things really caught my attention.  


One of those things was the fact that someone from his family stayed with him and talked to his "body" telling him what to expect and what would be happening next. This idea actually fits in quite well with my belief in the afterlife.  Mr. Mandela may have been confused as he made the transition because he had been ill for so long. Even though many feel that passing to Spirit should result in an immediate knowingness of everything,  I've found that not to be true.  Many times in private readings with people, their loved ones have expressed just the opposite. Sometimes even telling them they needed care and an adjustment period upon passing. Apologizing for not contacting them sooner. Just as a young healthy person who passes suddenly and unexpectedly may not realize they have died, a very ill person may not realize that only their physical body was ill and now that they have passed from that physical body they are no longer ill.  Sometimes an adjustment period is needed.


The second thing that really caught my attention was realizing how Mr. Mandela likely actually made the transition from militant to peacemaker. I believe it wasn't just the years he spent in prison, but what he did with those years.  The news reporters talked about how while in prison he used the time to study his political adversaries. Seems logical to me that what may have started out to be a study of the opposition to better fight them, turned into better understanding them as people.  I believe that as he studied them, he came to realize that both sides wanted the same things from life....peace and happiness. After that kind of revelation, coming out of prison and compromising didn't seem such an unusual idea....compromise because of understanding would produce the best results...and the longest lasting results. 


So I shall always appreciate Mr. Mandela but for my own reasons. I appreciate his family tradition of helping the Spirit make its transition. And I will always look to him as the Way Shower of what understanding can do for the World.  


I wish for me and the

IFSKInternational Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge
IFSK College Campus
It's been my dream for several years now to build and run the American version of the Arthur Findlay College here in Florida. In America yes there are places to learn about Spiritualism and other metaphysical things but not like the College. The Arthur Findlay College is so special. It has a personality all its own. Besides the classrooms, there is a bookstore, a dining room, a bar...yes a bar...a chapel and rooms for about 100 people to stay on site. It is the country estate donated by Arthur Findlay and is just so English in its appearance..The grounds are beautiful and there is a horse pasture on 2 sides of the College property. The dining room staff comment on how many apples are used each week....well...what can I say...the horses really enjoy them...  Anyway, that's my dream for Florida.

The ultimate Stansted-in-FloridaTM...
year round!

The American version
of the Arthur Findlay College
right here in Florida!
I have in the past thought how foolish it was of me to think I could build the American version of the Arthur Findlay College by myself but I've stopped that now.  It wouldn't just be me. It would be everyone who thought this was a worthwhile project, everyone who would like to attend a college like this in America, or who would simply want it to exist for future generations. The International Foundation for Spiritual Knowledge is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit charity.  If you would like to help see this dream come true you can send a tax deductible contribution to PO Box  940482, Maitland, FL 32794-0482. You can also go to my website and make a donation by using Pay Pal.  If you contribute by check please make the check payable to "IFSK Building Fund".  If you decide to help ...thank you in advance.

OngoingDevelopmentClassesOngoing Development Classes
Home Development Circles are an opportunity to develop your personal Psychic / Medium / Spiritual skills in a supportive environment with other "like-minded people". They usually meet only once per month and are designed to be a part of your life...not your whole life. These types of skills need to be "grown into... absorbed... processed" until they feel right for you.


Each class includes a meditation, a topic or lesson, and then finishes with each person actually doing an exercise to develop their personal skills. The classes are designed to build one's working knowledge and skill level over time. Classes are for those who have been having "things" happen in their life that they would like to understand and control, and for people who are not sure they have any skills but would like to try to develop them. They are for you if you want to use them professionally or if you want to use them only in your everyday life to enhance the journey. Besides personal development, these classes are an opportunity to be around like-minded people where one is free to discuss topics and beliefs normally not discussed in your everyday world.


Please let me know if you plan on attending a class at least one day before. If you are attending for the first time, plan to arrive about 30 minutes early so we can chat. Each class is $25 per person per class and can be paid either by check or cash at the class.


Yes...these are skills you can learn and use every day!!!


Below are the class dates and times in each area that I teach:

The Villages New Groups!
New classes will form in October 2014


*New dates



Will Meet at:

Unity of The Villages

10935 SE 177th Pl.
Summerfield, FL 34491
Class size limited 
to 15 per group;
please call to be part
 of the new groups.
(407) 247-7823
[Closed Group] 
Saturday Morning
(10:30am - 1:00pm)

July  12th

Aug. 9th

Sept. 13th

Meets at:
Unity of Gainesville
8801 NW 39th Avenue 
Gainesville, FL 32606
Saturday Afternoon
(2:00pm - 4:30pm)


July  12th

Aug. 9th
Sept. 13th

Meets at:
Unity of Gainesville
8801 NW 39th Avenue 
Gainesville, FL 32606
(7::00pm - 9:30pm)


July 1st

Aug. 5th

Sept. 2nd



Meets at:
Class meets in a private home.
Please call
(407) 247-7823 
for location and directions.
Wednesday Evening
(7:00pm - 9:30pm)


June 25th

July 30th

Aug. 27th



Meets at:
Class meets in a
private home.
Please call
(407) 247-7823 
for location and directions.

Thursday Afternoon
(1:00pm - 3:30pm)


June 26th

July 31st

Aug. 28th



Meets at:
Office of Brian Dean,
Caring Palms Massage and Reiki
301-B 10th Ave. North, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250. 

Thursday Evening
(7:00pm - 9:30pm)


June 26th

July 31st

Aug. 28th



Meets at:
The Noble School,
1572 Penman Road, Suites # 2 & # 3,
Jacksonville Beach, 32250.

 Monday Evening
(7:00pm - 9:30pm)


July  14th

Aug. 11th

Sept. 15th


Meets at:
Center for Mind Body Spirit Connection
6832 Hanging Moss Rd.
Orlando, FL 32807

Thursday Evening
(7:00pm - 9:30pm)



July 10th

Aug. 7th


Meets at:
Class meets in a
private home.
Please call
(407) 247-7823
for location and directions.

Friday Morning
(11:30am - 1:30pm)


Friday Evening
(7:00pm - 9:30pm)


July 11th

Aug. 8th



Meets at:
Class meets in a
private home.
Please call
(407) 247-7823
for location and directions.
The Villages
[Closed Group]
Tues. Morning
(11:00am - 1:30pm)



June 27th

July 29th

Aug. 19th





Meets at:
Class meets in a
private home.
Please call
(407) 247-7823
for location and directions.
The Villages
[Closed Groups]
Tues. Groups
(11:00am - 1:30pm)
(3:00pm - 5:30pm)(6:30pm - 9:00pm)

Wed. Groups(11:00am - 1:30pm)
(3:00pm - 5:30pm)


July 8th & 9th

Aug. 12th & 13th

Sept. 9th & 10t

Meets at: 
Unity of The Villages
10935 SE 177th Pl.
Summerfield, FL 34491

Hope to see you soon...