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August 2016

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How Massage Therapy Can Relieve Knee Pain

Many sufferers of knee pain resort to costly and dangerous surgery to remedy their condition. Before taking that route, you should be aware that a knee pain massage therapist can provide relief both safely and effectively, with many added benefits you can only get from massage.

What Causes Knee Pain?

There are many causes of knee pain as well as types of knee pain. The degree of pain can vary from very minor to major. The pain may gradually increase, or it may worsen at night. In addition to pain, there is also often swelling and sometimes stiffness of the joint as well. The cause of the pain often determines the exact type of pain you may experience. Injuries from jolts or overuse, mechanical issues elsewhere in your body, and conditions such as arthritis can all cause knee pain. Along with back pain, knee pain is one of the most common types of discomfort that people experience.

Injuries can damage the cartilage, bone, tendons, ligaments, or bursae (fluid-filled sac) of the knee. These injuries can stem from accidents like falls or car accidents. They may also be sports-related, especially in contact sports, or they may be the result of overuse such as with athletes or others who must do a lot of standing while doing their job. Some of the most common knee injuries people experience are:
  • torn meniscus
  • ACL injury
  • patellar tendonitis
  • knee bursitis
All of these injuries are directly associated with the knee. They can vary in severity and recovery time will also vary.

Mechanical problems that cause knee pain are often the result of injuries that did not directly affect the knee. Because our bodies are a complex system and the parts all work together, an injury in another part of the body can indirectly result in the knee or knees suffering. Our knees are one of the most important and most often used joints. They play a very major role in our mobility in general. Some mechanical problems that may result in knee pain are:
  • a foot or hip injury
  • Iliotibial band syndrome
Foot, hip, and even pelvic injuries can result in unnecessary strain on the knee. This can cause pain, and it can even eventually lead to a knee injury itself.

Arthritis is one of the most common causes of knee pain. Many people are unaware that there are a wide variety of types of arthritis, and each type results in a different type of pain. Types of arthritis often associated with knee pain include:
  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • pseudogout
  • gout
  • septic arthritis
Massage Therapy for Knee Pain

Massage therapy for knee pain can provide relief no matter the type of knee pain you are experiencing. If you have pain stemming from an injury, massage therapy can speed recovery and make you more comfortable as you move down the road of healing. If you had to have knee surgery, you might also benefit from post surgery massage to accelerate healing, reduce pain and prevent loss of your range of motion. If you have a chronic condition that causes knee pain, you don't need to turn to medications with potentially dangerous side-effects that only provide temporary relief. In some cases, surgery is costly, risky and often unnecessary.

Regular massage sessions have proven effective in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments and pain - knee pain is no exception. Massage works to trigger the release of helpful neurochemicals in the brain. One of these neurochemicals, Serotonin, is one of the body's natural ways to reduce pain as well as relieve stress. You will leave your massage session feeling relaxed, as well as pain-free. Again, the pain-relief is also much longer lasting than the relief provided by medications. Many pain medications serve only to treat the pain, and they fail to actually promote healing, which is another benefit of choosing massage.

A professional massage therapist will determine the best massage therapy for knee pain based on your needs. Massage can also help with inflammation and swelling associated with a knee injury, and even helps to increase your range of motion if you have suffered any loss of mobility.

Contact Me Today!

A knee pain massage therapist can provide amazing solutions for your knee pain. If you have any type of knee pain, regardless of the cause, please contact me today for a consultation. You can get started with your first session right away and begin experiencing the benefits.

Yours In Good Health,
Eugene Wood
NYC Massage | 917-952-8052 | info@nyc-massage.com | http://www.nyc-massage.com
2050 Wantagh Ave. Wantagh, NY 11793