Womens Fund of Western Mass
Elizabeth Barajas-Roman

Announcing Our New CEO!
Meet Elizabeth Barajas-Rom�n

Read Elizabeth's bio

Appointed August 4, 2014

The Women's Fund of Western Massachusetts (WFWM) has named Elizabeth Barajas-Rom�n as the foundation's new Chief Executive Officer.

Elizabeth brings a background in impactful philanthropy, data-driven strategy design, fundraising through philanthropic partnerships, and creating coalitions and mobilizing partners.

“I am thrilled to be leading this dynamic public foundation at such an important time,” said Barajas-Rom�n. “Women are at the center of every issue impacting families today: health care, equal pay and economic security, safety and freedom from violence – a Women’s Fund is able to highlight these issues, aggregate resources, and collaborate with existing community organizations to develop impactful, sustainable, solutions.”

"We are very excited to have Elizabeth as the new head of the Women's Fund." said Michelle Theroux, chair of WFWM Board of Directors. "Her experience, nationally as well as local, provides a unique perspective for the Fund as we continue to grow and bring attention to the issues surrounding women, girls, and our community."

The Women's Fund of Western Massachusetts advances social change philanthropy to create economic and social equality for women and girls in Western Massachusetts through grantmaking and strategic initiatives. Since 1997, the WFWM has awarded over $2 million in grants to more than 101 programs in the four counties of Western Massachusetts. The WFWM is building its capacity to be the "go to" organization for all issues related to improving the lives of women and girls. Most recently the foundation did this this by creating the Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact (LIPPI), which has equipped 140 women from across the four western counties to become civic leaders in their communities, to impact policy on the local, state, and national levels, and to seek and retain elected positions.