Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian Church     
Pastor Tim Janiszewski - "Listening to Jesus: Week Three"



Messages of Grace

(Past Recorded Sermons) 

This Sunday
January 31, 2016

Sermon Title:
But No"

Matthew 4:1-11

Picture of Pastor Tim
January 28, 2016
Dear MLEPC Members and Friends:
We turn to our third week of listening to Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew. Our goal is to hear from Christ as we read and reflect upon the first gospel between now and Easter Sunday (March 27). I encourage us to take time each day this week to read the passage indicated, to reflect, and then to pray as directed. By the power and presence of the Spirit, may you sense Christ at work in your life this week.
Monday--Read Matthew 7:1-14
  • Read vv 1-6 as a single unit. What does Jesus tell us about (1) not judging, (2) judging ourselves first, and   (3) making judgments when necessary? Does it take wisdom to know when and how to judge?
  • According to Jesus (vv 7-11), does God actually like you to make requests in prayer? With what human relationship does Jesus compare the Father's attitude toward you?
  • Verse 12 contains the "Golden Rule." It often is quoted as prudential wisdom by non-Christians. How does it apply to a uniquely Christian way of treating other people?
  • Prayer--In verse 7, we find the acronym ASK--Ask, Seek, Knock. Take some time in prayer to ASK of your Father.
Tuesday--Read Matthew 7:15-29
  • In vv. 15-20, we find Christ's warning against false teachers. He instructs to look at their lives, not just listen to their words. Ask God to help our Christian teachers both to "talk the talk" and to "walk the walk" in Christ.
  • In vv 20-21, Jesus expands the principle to all followers. Not only do Christians make a true confession (v 21), they must know Jesus personally (v 23). Do you know Jesus in a personal relationship? And do you confess Him faithfully?
  • This series is entitled, "Listening to Jesus." How do vv 24-27 amplify the absolute importance of this theme?
  • Prayer--With the crowd in vv 28-29, marvel at Jesus' great teaching in Matthew 5 through 7. Review the Sermon on the Mount as you pray.
Wednesday--Read Matthew 8:1-17
  • In vv 1-4, we find the record of a healing. Do we believe that Jesus through the Spirit still heals? Why or why not?
  • What is impressive about the centurion's approach to Jesus?
  • Though a Gentile, what does Jesus say about his faith? How does this encourage your faith as a Gentile believer?
  • Jesus heals many in order to fulfill Isaiah 53:4 (v 17). Go to the Old Testament and read Isaiah, chapter 53.
  • Prayer--Based on Isaiah 53, thank Jesus for being your suffering servant and the Lamb who takes away your sins.
Thursday--Read Matthew 8:18-34
  • In verses 18-22, Jesus almost appears to discourage from following Him. He really urges counting the cost. Is it possible for us today to make it seem too easy to follow Christ? How?
  • "What sort of man is this...?" (v 27) the disciples ask. What is it about Jesus that amazes them? What amazed you?
  • Why do you think Jesus sends the demons into the herd of pigs? How does it indicate His authority over evil?
  • The townspeople have opportunity either to embrace or reject Jesus (v 34). Which do they do? Why?
Friday--Read Matthew 9:1-17
  • In vv 1-7, why are the religious leaders upset with Jesus for forgiving the sins of the paralyzed man?
  • How does Jesus then confirm His power and authority to forgive the sins of the man? What about forgiving yours?
  • In vv 9-13, we find Jesus calling Matthew, the writer of this gospel. He is a tax collector working for the hated Romans. What does this indicate about whom Jesus is willing to call to come follow Him? What is Jesus' agenda for sinners (v 12)?
  • Jesus indicates that there are times to celebrate and times to be sober and serious in our walk with Him. Which are you currently experiencing? Why?
  • Pray--For God to help us embrace sinners as Jesus accepted them, and as Jesus accepts us.
Saturday--Read Matthew 9:18-38
  • Jesus heals a ruler's daughter, a woman and two blind men (vv 18-31). How is faith shown by the ruler, the woman, and the blind men? Where do you need to look in faith to Jesus?
  • What is Jesus' attitude toward lost people (vv 35-38)? What does He want you to do about it?
  • Prayer--Memorize Matthew 9:37b-38, take time to pray it, and then look to live it.
Sunday--Sermon Passage: Matthew 7:1-6
Pastor Tim


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