The HML Post 
Welcome to the October 13th edition of the HML POST


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The Plot Against Public Education by Bob Herbert in the Politico Magazine

Bill Gates had an idea. He was passionate about it, absolutely sure he had a winner. His idea? America's high schools were too big.

When a multibillionaire gets an idea, just about everybody leans in to listen. And when that idea has to do with matters of important public policy and the billionaire is willing to back it up with hard cash, public officials tend to reach for the money with one hand and their marching orders with the other. Gates backed his small-schools initiative with enormous amounts of cash. So, without a great deal of thought, one school district after another signed on to the notion that large public high schools should be broken up and new, smaller schools should be created.


PISA has come up with an ingenious solution to the problem of how to measure student achievement across national school systems with different curricula. Instead of measuring how well students learn what they are taught in each system, it measures a set of economically useful skills that no one teaches.

Both PISA and NCLB, I argue, are cases of how we are shrinking the aims of education. One approach focuses on mastery of skills that are relevant but not taught and the other on mastery of content that is taught but not relevant. Neither seems a sensible basis for understanding the quality of schooling or for making educational policy.



This report, based on a survey of a nationally representative sample of school districts in Common Core-adopting states, examines school districts' efforts to implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).  The report addresses district leaders' views on the rigor of the CCSS and their impact on learning and instruction, progress on and challenges in implementing the standards, outreach efforts to inform various stakeholders about the CCSS, district collaboration with other entities on various implementation activities, and the types and helpfulness of CCSS-related assistance from the state education agency. 


  In protest against Common Core   by Kelly House of the Oregonian 

A month after asking the state to delay using Common Core-aligned state test results to grade schools, the Portland School Board appears ready to back that effort up with a refusal to set yearly achievement targets in three subjects linked to the new test.   The board is set to vote next week upon the district's proposed yearly goals for student achievement - which conspicuously don't include targets for third grade reading, fifth-grade math and eighth-grade math.


School superintendents standing by Common Core State Standards  by Lyndsey Layton  in the Washington Post blog 

A majority of school officials responsible for implementing the Common Core State Standards say the new national academic benchmarks are more rigorous than their previous state standards and will improve the skills of students, according to a new national survey released Wednesday.

But most of those same school leaders said it is a major challenge to find the funding they need to implement the standards properly and said there is not enough time to cement changes related to the Common Core before new tests are used to evaluate students, teachers and schools.


There have been no cases decided by the justices with a school district or local school officials as parties over those five years, compared with an average of about 11 public school cases every five years going back to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.)  Still, there remain other types of cases affecting education, and the court's new term includes these cases to watch:

Ohio v. Clark (Case No. 13-1352) About teachers being agents of law enforcement when prosecutors seek to use statements made by children to them.
Elonis v. United States (No. 13-983)-The justices will consider threats made on social media.

Young v. United Parcel Service Inc. (No. 12-1226)-This case examines alleged pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.

Perez v. Mortgage Bankers Association (No. 13-1041)-An underlying dispute about whether mortgage loan officers are entitled to overtime pay under the federal fair-labor standards law

What's wrong with the Vergara ruling  by Carl Cohn  on the EdSource blog

"This superintendent implicitly acknowledged what isn't often known by the general public: Teachers at suburban school districts like the one in Palos Verdes have to do far less for their students to get high test scores than those at urban school districts like mine.

I was reminded of that conversation after the recent ruling in the Vergara lawsuit that declared several key laws governing teacher employment unconstitutional under California law. What's wrong with the ruling is that it reinforces a completely false narrative in which incompetent teachers are portrayed as the central problem facing urban schools."


Word-for-Word Job Interview Answers to Use To Get Hired  by Bob Firestone 

Job Interviews are tricky. They're going to be asking you for specific examples. They're going to be asking you for details; including names of people, dates, and outcomes ...

They'll ask you about lengthy projects you've been involved in - how your role evolved, how you handled deadlines, how you handled pressures and difficult personalities. They're going to be testing you.  View sample questions and examples of possible responses.


Accountability: Antecedents, Power, and Processes   
by Heinz-Dieter MeyerDaniel Tr�hlerDavid F. Labaree & Ethan L. Hutt  in the Teachers College Record
The purpose of this special issue is to provide context and perspective on these momentous shifts. The papers point to historic antecedents, highlight core ideas, and identify changes in the balance of power between domestic and global policy makers.   During the past decade "accountability" has emerged as the master rationale for education reform. Given its ubiquity and central role in current policy and practice, it is almost possible to forget that even 15 years ago the term was hardly ever used and accountability, in today's sense, was virtually a nonissue. That is surprising given the certainty with which advocates claim accountability as the needle's eye through which the camel of public education reform must pass.

Shocking Report Explodes 5 Myths About American Education 
recent international report demolishes several deeply held myths about our educational system. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report, which compares the educational systems of over 30 developed nations, provides data that proves that, when it comes to education, we're so far from being number one that the entire idea of American exceptionalism should be called into question. Rather than thumping our chests, we should be going to school on how other developed nations, especially those in Europe, invest in education. However, we have little chance of learning until we break through the mythology that blinds us to our decline.

New study says allegations of cheating in Atlanta Public Schools "just the tip of the iceberg."  This week in Atlanta, the trial of a dozen former educators and administrators charged with conspiring to manipulate test scores in Atlanta's public schools got underway in Fulton County Superior Court. Characterized by the prosecuting district attorney, Fani Willis, as "a widespread, cleverly disguised conspiracy to illegally inflate test scores and create a false impression of academic success for many students in the Atlanta Public Schools system," the case could earn its defendants as many as 35 years behind bars, should they be found guilty of the charges against them.

The Most Read Article from last week's HML Post
Fraud, financial mismanagement, lousy results: 

In a real "bargaining process," those who bear the consequences of the deal have some say-so on the terms, the deal-makers have to represent themselves honestly (or the deal is off and the negotiating ends), and there are measures in place to ensure everyone involved is held accountable after the deal has been struck.   But that's not what's happening in the great charter industry rollout transpiring across the country. Rather than a negotiation over terms, charters are being imposed on communities - either by legislative fiat or well-engineered public policy campaigns. Many charter school operators keep their practices hidden or have been found to be blatantly corrupt. And no one seems to be doing anything to ensure real accountability for these rapidly expanding school operations.


Fake It Till You Make It  by Amy Cuddy on YouTube (an original TED Talk)


Your body language shapes who you are.  Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how "power posing" -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident -- can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

Note to HML Members:  The HML Post is membership benefit, however you can share future HML Post editions with a colleague.  (We hope that your colleague will find the information worthwhile and join the League.)   Before sending the email address of the colleague, check to make sure that he or she is agreeable to receiving the HML Post each week.  Send the name and email to  Thanks.


The Greatest Discovery print 
Greatest Discovery
 The 11 * 18 inch print is available for individual or bulk purchase.  Individual prints are $4.00.  Discount with orders of 50 or more.  
For additional information about this or other prints, please check here.





A Gift:  On the Art of Teaching   by Horace Mann

In 1840 Mann wrote On the Art of Teaching. Some of HML members present On the Art of Teaching to new teachers as part of their orientation program.  On the inside cover, some write a personal welcome message to the recipient.  Other HML members present the book to school board members and parental organizations as a token of appreciation for becoming involved in their schools.  The book cover can be designed with the organization's name.  For more information, contact the HML (Jack McKay)



The Horace Mann League website (click here) contains information about the League's projects, activities, past events, galleries, publications, and much more.
 The HML Notes -Spring 2014 Edition, click here to download
All of the past issues of the HML Posts are available for review and search purposes.
Finally, 6 (Flipboard online) magazines that may be of interest to you.
Jack's Fishing Expedition in British Columbia - short video



Reprinted with permission.



About Us
The Horace Mann League of the USA is an honorary society that promotes the ideals of Horace Mann by advocating for public education as the cornerstone of our democracy.


President: Gary Marx, President, Center for Public Outreach, Vienna, VA
President-elect: Charles Fowler, Exec. Director, Suburban School Admin. Exter, HN
Vice President: Christine  Johns-Haines, Superintendent, Utica Community Schools, MI
1st Past President: Joe Hairston, President, Vision Unlimited, Reisterstown, MD
2nd Past President: Mark Edwards, Superintendent, Mooresville Graded Schools, NC

Laurie Barron, Supt. of Schools, Evergreen School District, Kalispell , MT
Martha Bruckner, Supt., Council Bluffs Community Schools, IA
Evelyn Blose-Holman, (ret.) Superintendent, Bay Shore Schools, NY
Carol Choye, Instructor, Bank Street College, NY
Brent Clark, Exec. Dir., Illinois Assoc. of School Admin. IL
Linda Darling Hammond, Professor of Education, Stanford U. CA
James Harvey, Exec. Dir., Superintendents Roundtable, WA
Eric King, Superintendent, (Ret.) Muncie Public Schools, IN
Steven Ladd, Superintendent, Elk Grove Unified School District, Elk Grove, CA 
Barry Lynn, Exec. Dir., Americans United, Washington, DC
Kevin Maxwell, CEO, Prince George's County Schools, Upper Marlboro, MD
Stan Olson, Director, Silverback Learning, Boise, ID
Steven Webb, Supt. of Schools, Vancouver School District, WA


Executive Director:
Jack McKay, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 
560 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 (360) 821 9877
To become a member of the HML, click here to download an application.