The HML Post
Welcome to the January 20th, edition of the HML POST

More about the Horace Mann League of the USA at  HML website.

The HML Annual Meeting/Luncheon is on Friday, February 14, 2014, at the Omni Hotel in Nashville - in conjunction with the AASA Nation Conference. More is in the mail to you.
Check out HML's Cornerstone on "FLIPBOARD."   (The public schools are the "Cornerstone" of our democracy.)


The politics of online learning  by Richard D. Kahlenberg  in AFT Higher Ed. 
Proponents of online education-from Stanford University President John Hennessey to Hoover Institution researcher Terry Moe-speak of it hitting education with the force of a "tsunami." Presumably, they are referring to some kind of "good" tsunami, the type that produces creative destruction from which we all eventually benefit. But if implemented poorly by politicians who are looking to educate students on the cheap-always a distinct possibility-we will all suffer, poor and working-class kids particularly. 


Maryland schools need $100 million for online Common Core tests  by Valarie Strauss in the Washington Post. 
A new report from Maryland's Education Department to the legislature says that the vast majority of schools in many of the state's counties are not technologically prepared to give new online Common Core-aligned standardized tests and that at least $100 million will have to be spent by 2015 to get ready. 



The Definition Of The Flipped Classroom  by TeachThought Staff on 

As one of the most popular trends in education in recent memory, you've undoubtedly heard of the flipped classroom. But what is it about a classroom that's been flipped that makes it unique? A flipped classroom is one where students are introduced to content at home, and practice working through it at school.

In this blended learning approach, face-to-face interaction is mixed with independent study via technology. Students watch pre-recorded videos at home, then come to school to do the homework armed with questions and at least some background knowledge.




Twelve Embarrassing Years of NCLB and RTTT: Time for Arne to Blame USDOE  by Mercedes Schneider  on the deutsch29 blog. 

Ever notice that the "problem" with American education appears to be everywhere except with the US Department of Education (USDOE)? I find this rather remarkable given that American education has been subjected to twelve years of a combination of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Race to the Top (RTTT).

Seems like it is time for US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to finally admit that federally-touted (coerced?) reforms are a flop.








What Andragogy means and which are Knowles' 5 assumptions of Adult Learners? Are you familiar with Knowles' 4 Principles Of Andragogy? At the following post at the link above you will find several highly recommended resources on Malcolm Knowles' Adult Learning Theory.  





At this time of year, the test scores of high school stu�dents from around the world are released. U.S. stu�dent per�for�mance on the Pro�gram of Inter�na�tion�al Stu�dent Assess�ment (PISA) math, read�ing and sci�ence tests are com�pared to their peers from 55 coun�tries. And every year we hear how our kids scored at the "aver�age" level, seeming�ly falling fur�ther behind a half-dozen or more coun�tries. 





Gates Foundation Threatens to Pull $40M Grant from Pittsburgh Schools  by Rick Cohen in the non Profit Quarterly.

Money talks. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has plenty of money to promote what it thinks and says is important. A $40 million grant by the Gates Foundation to the Pittsburgh Public Schools is in jeopardy because the foundation is upset with the lack of an agreement between the school district and the teachers' union over a core element of the grant.  



Homeschooling in America gives insights to perhaps the most fascinating and aberrant movement of the past half-century in U.S. educational history. Murphy informs and engages both the newcomer and veteran regarding research-based information on the modern homeschooling movement.  








Other related articles on the HML Cornerstone Flip Board

Teach For America Spinoff Helps Alumni Gain Influence  

Teaching and Learning Over Testing

Catholic School Teacher Fired For Same-Sex Marriage 

State School Accountability "Report Card" Database


See these and other related articles in the "Cornerstone" Internet magazine.



Reprinted with permission.
About Us
The Horace Mann League of the USA is an honorary society that promotes the ideals of Horace Mann by advocating for public education as the cornerstone of our democracy.


President: Joe Hairston, President, Vision Unlimited, Reisterstown, MD
President-elect: Gary Marx, President, Center for Public Outreach, VA
Vice President: Charles Fowler, Executive Director, Suburban School Superintendents
1st Past President: Mark Edwards, Supt., Mooresville Graded Schools, NC
2nd Past President: Julie Underwood, Dean, Sch. of Ed. U. of WI, Madison, WI
3rd Past President: George Garcia, (ret.) Supt., Boulder Valley Schools, CO
4th Past President: Steve Rasmussen, Supt., Issaquah School District, WA


Martha Bruckner, Supt., Council Bluffs Community Schools, IA
Evelyn Blose-Holman, (ret.) Superintendent, Bay Shore Schools, NY
Carol Choye, Instructor, Bank Street College, NY
Brent Clark, Exec. Dir., Illinois Assoc. of School Admin. IL
Linda Darling Hammond, Professor of Education, Stanford U. CA
Charles Fowler, Exec. Dir., Suburban School Superintendents, NH
James Harvey, Exec. Dir., Superintendents Roundtable, WA
William Hite, Supt., Philadelphia City Public Schools, PA
Christine Johns, Superintendent, Sterling Heights, Michigan 
Eric King, Superintendent, (Ret.) Muncie Public Schools, IN
Steven Ladd, Superintendent, Elk Grove Unified School District, Elk Grove, CA 
Barry Lynn, Exec. Dir., Americans United, Washington, DC
Stan Olson, Superintendent, (Ret.) Boise Public Schools, ID


Executive Director:
Jack McKay, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 
560 Rainier Lane, Port Ludlow, WA 98365 (360) 821 9877
To become a member of the HML, click here to download an application.